
Monday, January 12, 2015

Audiobook Review: Magic Strikes by Ilona Andrews

Series: Kate Daniels #3
Narrator: Renée Raudman
10 hrs. 50 min.
Publisher: Tantor Media
Published: 8/6/09
Source: Library/Hoopla
When magic strikes and Atlanta goes to pieces, it’s a job for Kate Daniels…

Drafted into working for the Order of Merciful Aid, mercenary Kate Daniels has more paranormal problems than she knows what to do with these days. And in Atlanta, where magic comes and goes like the tide, that’s saying a lot. 
But when Kate's werewolf friend Derek is discovered nearly dead, she must confront her greatest challenge yet. As her investigation leads her to the Midnight Games—an invitation only, no holds barred, ultimate preternatural fighting tournament—she and Curran, the Lord of the Beasts, uncover a dark plot that may forever alter the face of Atlanta's shapeshifting community…
My thoughts:
Um... can I say "WOW!" Yea, I totally get what the fuss is about. This book totally captured me and I didn't want to put it down. I also have liked Curran but in this one... again... I see what the fuss is about. He isn't as present in this one bodily but yet was there for every step all of the characters took. I also LOVED the way he is expressing himself to Kate. I had to laugh and smile a few times especially in the epilogue. ;D

We also get more of the thread that is running through Kate's life. We got hints of an overall arc concerning her blood but it is revealed in this book. I guess I should clarify... not everything is revealed but this is really where that mystery arc starts. I cannot wait to find out more.

I give this audio 5 stars. I'm totally captivated and I will continue to do these books on audio. I really enjoy Renée's narration. I don't often like it when women narrated men but in this case I find she does an exceptional job and I cannot hear anyone else as Kate. I hope she does all the books in this series. I recommend this series for those that enjoy UF and a kick arse heroine. Yea, the men in the books aren't to shabby either. LOL ;)


  1. Now you understand!! Renée Raudman + Ilona Andrews = awesomesauce! Welcome to the Kate Daniels fan club. :) But, don't stop now because this series gets so much better!

    Carmel @ Rabid Reads

    1. I knew it got better with the second book but holy cow! :D Total fan. Not stopping! :D

  2. YAY!!!! This one and book 4 are my favorites of the series (thus far anyway, I still need to read the next book or books, I can't remember what number we're on right now). So glad you're loving Kate and Curran!

    1. I so enjoyed the 4th as well. I've been a busy listener. ;)

  3. Each book gets better and it's one of the few series that I love every character (even when I hate them lol).

    Karen @ For What It's Worth

    1. It sure seems that way! Yea, I love to hate some characters too! LOL

  4. Haha! YEP! Book 3 is when it hit me, too. And OMG... it just gets better and better - no lie! And Renee Raudman does a superb job! Glad you liked!

  5. This series is way too long for me to ever consider starting (anything over 3 books gives me a heart attack) but i'm loving the fact that you're enjoying it Melissa :)

    1. I'm so glad it is long. There are series that I don't want to ever end! :)

  6. Woots! Yay! I'm so glad they've hooked you and you're feeling the swoony-ness. lol I'm getting ready to re-read them as audios and can't wait :D

  7. I am feeling so left out, everyone is reading this series, and I have sworn to tackle it, I even have the first audiobook loaded up but I am in a rut.

  8. Oh that's good to hear! With everyone reading this series it has me itching to try it. I have the first book but I think I might try it on audio. :)

  9. Heard so much about this one, can't wait to give it a read.

  10. I am laughing because wants I hit this audio I listened to them all in December..and my first thoughts when writing my reviews were Wow just Wow. I am not waiting for a new release. My reviews post over Jan/Feb/March

  11. I think this one was my favorite out of the bunch. :) Glad you are enjoying the books, and Curran. ;D

  12. I haven't tried the audio of this series but heard they're awesome so I'm glad you enjoyed that much! I love love this series.

  13. Omg, Melissa, I recently finished the 4th book and .... yeah ... holy crap is it good. Curran gets better and better for me.

  14. Renee Raudman's narration isn't my favorite, but Magic Strikes is my top one or two favorite books ever. It's got a perfect balance of romance (but not sex, sigh), action and interesting secondary characters who get some actual page time.

  15. I definitely Magic Strikes is where everything meshes together perfectly and the next two books are also just amazing. So glad to see you're loving this series and enjoying the audiobooks--I'll need to give them a try for my re-reads. Fantastic review, dear! :)

  16. YAY! I'm so glad that you couldn't put this book down. I think this book is where things become a bit clearer and the series hits its stride. Book 5 is my favorite.

  17. Yeah, glad you are liking this so much Melissa. I am in love with this series as well.

  18. Just another series to add to the TBR pile. Though I am so glad you are reviewing the audio books. I have more time to listen to those than I do to sit down to read these days. I love it that the narrator fits the book so well. I can feel your enthusiasm for this series!! I will make sure to put it on my audio must listen list!!

  19. Yay! I'm glad you enjoyed it Melissa! I love Renee's work particularly with this series. I know what you mean, her male voices are great, and her interpretation of Curran is all A's :)
    Great job!


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