
Friday, July 4, 2014

Better Homes and Hauntings by Molly Harper

Publisher: Pocket Books
Available Now
Source: NetGalley and publisher for review
When Nina Linden is hired to landscape a private island off the New England coast, she sees it as her chance to rebuild her failing business after being cheated by her unscrupulous ex. She never expects that her new client, software mogul Deacon Whitney, would see more in her than just a talented gardener. Deacon has paid top dollar to the crews he’s hired to renovate the desolate Whitney estate—he had to, because the bumps, thumps, and unexplained sightings of ghostly figures in nineteenth-century dress are driving workers away faster than he can say “Boo.” 
But Nina shows no signs of being scared away, even as she experiences some unnerving apparitions herself. And as the two of them work closely together to restore the mansion’s faded glory, Deacon realizes that he’s found someone who doesn’t seem to like his fortune more than himself—while Nina may have finally found the one man she can trust with her bruised and battered heart. 
But something on the island doesn’t believe in true love…and if Nina and Deacon can’t figure out how to put these angry spirits to rest, their own love doesn’t stand a ghost of a chance.
My thoughts:
This was a cute contemporary ghostie romance. The characters were very likable and you really did cheer for them all to get their HEA. Well, let me say that not ALL the characters were likable but the ones who you weren't supposed to root for do get their karma comeuppance. :)

It does take a bit to really get to know the characters in this story. Still, I have to say that I did like the main characters from the start. As we get more characters introduced to us, I admit that I thought I would be put off by some of them like Dottie and Cindy but you also find how easy it was to get to like them. These are girls that would be fun to hang around. The ghosties were a bit more off putting with the possession and scaring but still there was a mystery to solve as to why they were haunting. While I figured that part out easily, it was still fun to see it played out. You also get your HEA in the end and it is more of a sitcom HEA. I didn't mind and it still made me smile.

I give this book 3 1/2 stars. If you want something just fun with some light romance I recommend this book. It would make for a good summer read.


  1. I have enjoyed some of her books :) Nice

  2. I love Molly Harper's writing! Unfortunately, I didn't have the time to squeeze this one in before I left on vacay, but I'm hoping to tackle it soon in audio. Lovely review!

  3. I have this on my Kindle and while I'd like a bit more than a mere sitcom read, I'm definitely not complaining at a light summer read. Great review, Melissa!(:

  4. I'm glad to see you enjoyed it Melissa! I usually love hers but just couldn't get into this one so set it aside for a spell. Will probably go back eventually and give it another pass :)

    1. It did take a while to really get to the meat of the story.

  5. Even if it takes a bit to get to know the characters they do seem easy to like.

    1. Yes, I did like all the "good" characters. The evil ones were... well, evil! :)

  6. I'm glad you enjoyed this one, Melissa! I have yet to read anything by this author, but it sounds cute, despite the cover. Great review!

    1. She does look a bit maniacal with that trowel, right? LOL

  7. I have this for audio review and I am looking forward to it

  8. Loving the title. I'm in the mood for a fun read and this sounds perfect.

  9. it's been a while since I read a book by this author. But I liked her vampire series, so I should try this one. I was so sure it was part of a series but well at last it's ok to start with it.

  10. I haven't read any Harper yet, and I don't think I want to start with this one. I heard a lot of really good things about her, but this one . . . yeah, I think I'll wait until I'm a die-hard converted fan. I don't want to read a lesser book and right her off completely, you know? Great review, Melissa!

  11. Sometimes a sitcom HEA is just what you need, so will keep an eye out for this one! Love the title!

    Terri @ Alexia's Books and Such...

  12. I'm not a huge fan of ghost type stories but I do love Harper's books so I'll definitely pick this one up at some point.

    Karen @ For What It's Worth

  13. Sounds like a fun read. I do want to read more by Molly; I love her.

  14. Despite being on the boring side for me (at least the beginning), I did like the characters. Dotty and Cindy included. I really liked the friendships the girls and guys all formed with each other. Glad you liked it!

  15. I had been really looking forward to this one but so far the reviews just aren't really saying that it's REALLY good and some were bored (Christy) and didn't find it very funny. I want humor, for sure! So I don't know, I might skip this after all.

  16. Awesome review! Love that it had a HEA. Sometimes I just need one.

  17. This author sounds like she does some fun cute reads. :) Thank you.


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