
Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Strange Country by Deborah Coates review and Trilogy Giveaway!

Series: Wide Open #3
Publisher: Tor Books
Available Now
Source: From publisher for review
After facing Death himself and banishing a reaper bent on the destruction of Sheriff's deputy Boyd Davies, Hallie Michaels had hoped things would finally settle down; that she and Boyd would find more time to spend together, and that the ghosts she attracts would stay in the cemeteries where they belong. 
But on a wintry night in mid-December, a woman is murdered with a high-powered rifle. Not long after, another of West Prairie City’s citizens is killed in exactly the same way, drawing the attention of state investigators. But the connection between the victims is not easily uncovered. 
Meanwhile, Hallie finds a note tied to post outside her home. "What do you fear most?" it asks, accompanied by a set of map coordinates. Over the next few days she receives an anonymous phone call, and a letter left for Hallie at the local ag supply. All pose the same question and offer the same set of coordinates. The mystery deepens, and Hallie must solve it before the body count rises again, inStrange Country by Deborah Coates.
My thoughts:
I've read the other 2 books in the trilogy and I was so happy when I got this one for review. I've enjoyed the other books and I needed the conclusion that would wrap up everything. I did get that in this installment.

My favorite aspects of this trilogy are the paranormal aspects. The author is very descriptive which will enthrall some and for others it will slow the book down. When the paranormal aspects are in play, you will praise the author for bringing it so visually to you. For the more "mudane" aspects, it is up to your tastes really. I do tend to like more descriptive language as long as it doesn't bog too much down and although I felt it slowed things down considerably here, I still found myself flying through the pages.

This book is also less paranormal than the last book. The paranormal aspects seem to be inserted with the mystery surrounding the small community. While the solution was paranormal in nature, it also seemed to fit within a contemporary theme. In other words, it was paranormal and yet taking the paranormal out, it would fit in a contemporary murder mystery.

I give this book 4 stars. I feel it was a good ending to the trilogy. I even gave the first 2 to my mother (who likes mysteries) and she enjoyed these as well. I recommend it to those that like something different and for those that like paranormal mixed with their mystery.

Tor is allowing me to give away the whole trilogy! If you want to know what I thought about the other books just click HERE. The giveaway is open to those with US/CAN snail mail addys. The books will be shipped by Tor.
To enter, just fill out the rafflecopter form below:
a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. I do like my paranormal mixed with my mystery, and I'm almost positive that I have the first book in this series. Will definitely be checking out now that I don't have to wait for the conclusion.<-----I hates the waiting ;) Great review, Melissa!

    Jessica @ Rabid Reads

  2. Ooh, a good ending to a trilogy? That alone piques my interest, especially after a run of crappy trilogy-enders. And, even though I'm not in love with the cover, I'm intrigued by the whole series.

    1. I know what you mean. Although the last book usually is my least fave usually in any kind of series.

  3. I second Mary's comment! The fact that this is a solid ending to the trilogy is enough to make me want to read all the books. So many endings lately have been disappointing, so it's exciting to find an end that works well!

  4. I truly loved this due to the creepy cover art and I am seriously interested in reading it! Thanks form sharing and I SOOOOO want to win!

  5. I is awesome to be able to win the whole trilogy. If it was just the 3rd one, which I enjoyed your review, it would have been hard to buy the first two :) Thanks for the giveaway!

  6. Oh I think you would enjoy the mystery part of these books!

  7. What you read all three books in order? I love a good paranormal mystery and I would love to check this series out. Fantastic giveaway!

  8. I don't really remember hearing about this series but I'm curious about the paranormal aspects. Thanks for bringing it to my attention!

  9. I like descriptive books that are paranormal and I love the cover of this book.

  10. Why haven't I read this trilogy? So many elements you described from the paranormal to the descriptions are so my thing!

  11. I think this sounds like an amazing series and I can't believe I hadn't run across it before now.

  12. Oh man, these sound good. And wow, that is one gorgeous cover!

  13. Oooo. This sounds like a very good trilogy! Thank you. :D

  14. I've read the first 2 books from the library. I am anxiously awaiting Strange Country, the first two books were awesome! I'd love to have this set for my keeper shelf. Thanks for the chance.

  15. Oo I've not tried her before. They sound pretty good! I'll have to see if my library has the first :)

  16. this series sounds awesome! Thanks for sharing :)

  17. I've enjoyed the mystery / paranormal combo in the past, and this trilogy sounds like it'd be right up my alley. I like that there's only 3 installments too. Great review!

  18. I haven't heard of this series but I'm glad it ended on a high note for you.

    Karen @ For What It's Worth

  19. If it's anything like the Graveyard Queen series, then I'm totally in! I enjoy a great paranormal mystery read especially when it ends on a strong note.

  20. I like paranormal best when there's a good mystery, so I think I would love this. I'm so glad to hear you enjoyed the ending! Lovely review and thanks for the giveaway!

  21. I love paranormal & I love cozy mysteries so putting the two together - works for me! Now, I'll just have to solve the mystery of where to put a new bookcase for my growing TBR pile!! LOL!

  22. when I read the synopsis I knew that I would love them and now with your review I'm sure of it. I need to try them one day!

  23. A bit tired of the paranormal at the minute but this paranormal-mystery combo intrigues me. Great review, thanks for the recommendation.

  24. I really do have to read this trilogy, Melissa! I always loved paranormal mystery genre, and I think I'd enjoy this series. :)

  25. Even a year ago I'm not sure I would have been interested in reading this series, but between this review and my changing tastes, I may have to give it a go.

  26. I enjoy both paranormal and mystery. This sounds good!

  27. Great review!! I love Paranormal reads and am intrigued how the last book dulled that element and yet pulled off a great ending :) Win or not I will be looking into these books!


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