
Friday, June 13, 2014

Blog Tour: The Given (Celestial Blues #3) by Vicky Pettersson with Giveaway!

Harper Voyager is thrilled to publish the final novel in New York Times bestselling author Vicki Pettersson’s acclaimed Celestial Blues series. Readers have been eagerly awaiting this dramatic conclusion, and THE GIVEN (Harper Voyager Trade Paperback Original; May, 2014; 9780062066206; $14.99), delivers on Pettersson’s renowned creative hallmarks: innovative world building and darkly sexy supernatural intrigue.

Series: Celestial Blues #3
Publisher: Harper Voyager
Published: 5/27/14
Source: From edelweiss and publisher for review
THE GIVEN resumes the thrilling saga of fallen angel/private eye Griffin Shaw, and the spirited, rockabilly reporter Kit Craig as they battle long odds in Sin City. Incredibly imaginative, THE GIVEN spotlights Vegas’s Rat Pack glory days, its flinty present-day turmoil, and the immortal realm of the Everlast, where Centurions (mortals turned angels) and Pure angels co-exist on the celestial plane. What results is a perfect mix of classic noir mystery, urban fantasy, and paranormal romance—and just the right amount of crime scene grit and drama to intrigue readers until the very last page.

After learning that his wife survived the attack that killed him fifty years earlier, angel/PI Griffin Shaw is determined to find Evie—no matter the cost. But his obsession has come at a price. Grif has been forced to give up his strong, burgeoning love for reporter Katherine “Kit” Craig – the woman who made life worth living again – while dedicating himself to finding a woman he may no longer know.

Yet when Kit is attacked for a second time, it’s clear that there are forces in both the mortal and heavenly realm determined to protect secrets long buried in the past. In order to survive his second go-round on the Surface, Grif must convince Kit to reunite with him professionally and help uncover decades of deceit from dangerous enemies both old and new. Yet a prophecy also looms, threatening to upend Grif’s every sacrifice, testing his limits as an angel, his dedication to Evie … and his love for Kit. Gritty scenes and heartfelt emotion propel the dramatic finale to the Celestial Blues trilogy, finally giving readers the answer to the one deadly question that they’ve been dying to know: Who killed Griffin Shaw?
My thoughts:
This was probably my favorite book in the whole series. That is odd for me to say since usually the ending book is often my least favorite. In this book we finally get the conclusion to Grif's quest and get those answers we have been seeking since the first book. The book's flow was even and there was no competing mystery to solve.

There are several twists and turns that happen with Grif's mystery. You find that it is even more twisty than even Grif could guess. Several of the twists were not surprises to me, but some of the details were. I was happy for those details since they gave weight to the twists within the story. The end had our HEA that we crave and it was satisfying. This is the book I was waiting for in the series.

I give this book 4 stars and I recommend this one to those that like PI mysteries mixed with the paranormal. It is perfect ending for a series.

Vicki Pettersson is the New York Times bestselling author of the Signs of the Zodiac novels, a six-book urban fantasy series set in her hometown of Las Vegas. Though she'll always consider that glittering dustbowl home, she now divides her time between Vegas and Dallas, where she's learning to like good Tex-Mex (easy) and the Dallas Cowboys (easier than you'd think). THE GIVEN is the third novel in her supernatural noir trilogy, Celestial Blues.

 Blog Tour Giveaway!
The winner will win the first book in this series to get started! Not only does it fit my blog, but I bet the series will fit your bookcase. ;) The giveaway is US only and is sponsored and held by the blog tour. I am not directly involved in the giveaway.
Fill out the rafflecopter form below to enter:
a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. This was my favourite book in the series too Melissa. Talk about an ending! I can't wait to see what Pettersson has in store for readers next.

    1. I agree! This was my fave too. I really enjoyed this one.

  2. I haven't read any of the books in this series but YAY for an HEA at the end. I feel like those have been few and far between lately so it makes me happy when I find a series that actually ends well! Must try these books:)

    1. This does end very well. It was my fave of the series. :)

  3. Oh, I'm glad you liked this one! I think you weren't impressed with the second one so much (if I am remembering correctly).
    I am so glad the finale was such a success for you!

    1. The second one was okay, but this is the one that I really wanted throughout the series. It was a success! :)

  4. I really enjoyed the first two and am looking forward to reading this one! Yay for it being the best of the three -- I was hoping we'd get a fantastic ending out of it.

    1. Oh you will really love this one if you liked the other 2! :D

  5. I have been wanting to read this series for awhile now and every review I have read so far for this last book has been glowing. I think now would be a good time to pick this series up since I can speed read through them all.

  6. I didn't realize that this was part of a series, but very glad I read it! Fell in love with Grif & Kit, and loved the ending! Now I need to go back and read the first two books. Yea, I tend to read series in the wrong order. lol

    Terri @ Alexia's Books and Such...

  7. I'm glad this one was your fave, I confess that I haven't tried the series yet but I'm so curious about it! I think I could love it.

  8. Very nice review Melissa, I have this series on my wishlist. Glad you really enjoyed the ending! Very important to a series.

  9. I've just come from another site taking part in this tour so it was great to also read your thoughts on what sounds like a great series. Interesting that it was your favourite book, it sounds to me as if this trilogy had more mileage in it than the three books.

  10. I'm glad you liked the end. I've been so disappointed by series conclusions lately.

    I love the covers too.

    Karen @ For What It's Worth

  11. You know what ... I'm going to start the first one. Very soon. I'm so happy that it's only a trilogy.

  12. I haven't heard of this one before but i' pretty intrigued in this series now! I like how theres a private investigator in the story. Very cool!

  13. I have got to give these a read. I have the first two already. Glad it went out on such a high note! Love when the last book is a strong one :)


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