
Wednesday, June 18, 2014

A Barricade in Hell by Jaime Lee Moyer with Giveaway!

Series: Delia Martin #2
Publisher: Tor Books
Available Now
Source: From publisher for review
Delia Martin has been gifted (or some would say cursed) with the ability to peer across to the other side. Since childhood, her constant companions have been ghosts. She used her powers and the help of those ghosts to defeat a twisted serial killer terrorizing her beloved San Francisco. Now it's 1917—the threshold of a modern age—and Delia lives a peaceful life with Police Captain Gabe Ryan. 
That peace shatters when a strange young girl starts haunting their lives and threatens Gabe. Delia tries to discover what this ghost wants as she becomes entangled in the mystery surrounding a charismatic evangelist who preaches pacifism and an end to war. But as young people begin to disappear, and audiences display a loyalty and fervor not attributable to simple persuasion, that message of peace reveals a hidden dark side.

As Delia discovers the truth, she faces a choice—take a terrible risk to save her city, or chance losing everything?
My thoughts:
I enjoyed the first book, Delia's Shadow, and I think that this book surpasses the first. While you could probably skip the first and dive into this book, I wouldn't suggest it. The first introduces you to these characters and besides you would miss a pretty great story. So, in this case, I would suggest that you read them in order.

The same kind of twisty ghost mystery is the plot of this book as well. We catch up with Delia a short time after the last book ended. We easily discover what has happened in her life and that discovery helps to bring us back into this world with Delia. The mystery also keeps Dora, their psychic friend and Delia's mentor, quite involved in this story. I was pleased as I wanted to know more about her after the first book. We don't really get much in the way of her friends closely involved, but we get a new side character in Mr. Sung as well as Delia's new kitten, Mai. Yes, I'm counting the kitten as a character because I have a feeling she will become more involved as the series goes on.

I don't want to reveal too much as it is a mystery and I need to let it reveal itself. If you haven't read this series I highly suggest you put this on your list. I give this second book 4 1/2 stars. I am looking forward to the next installment of Delia Martin!

I enjoyed this book so much I thought I'd pass one on to you! This is such a good series and I do think you will enjoy it. Since I'm footing the shipping, it is US only.
To enter just fill out the rafflecopter form below:
a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. I need to read book 1 , the library has it

  2. Nineteen Seventeen was a pivotal year. Social mores were starting to change, music was changing also. My grandmother (the old stick in the mud) was 16 years old. I've always been interested in that time period.

    I'm also a big fan of ghost stories, so this book is really tweaking my interest. I'd love to win it for my home library.

    1. LOL! I bet g'ma had a lot of stories. :) I think you would enjoy this one.

  3. There is NOTHING wrong with counting a kitten as a character. I think I'm going to have to add this series to my TBR.

  4. The girl on the cover is super creepy!

    Include the kitten! I just recently gave a shout out to a cat in one of my reviews :-)

    Karen @ For What It's Worth

  5. Somehow I've missed out on this series but I've seen several bloggers whom I tend to share tastes with mentioning it. I've got to check it out now. Thanks for the review Melissa!

    1. This is such a good historical mystery ghostie series! :D

  6. I love it when a second book is even better than the first!

  7. I've been wanting to read the first book, and since I'd love to read the whole series, Barricade in Hell is on my wish list too. Both books sound fantastic.

  8. I would like to read it because Diana Pharoah Francis recommended it.

  9. Ooh I remember reading about the first book and wanting to check it out. I still need to get a copy, but I entered the giveaway because this series sounds great. Thanks for sharing!

  10. Really great review. I loved the first book in the series and have been eager to read this one.

  11. Ooo nice. I am totally loving that cover in an odd way. Thanks for the heads up on starting with the first. I'm bad about doing that these days so appreciate the warning :)

  12. thanks for the great review! THis sounds awesome :) thanks for sharing!

  13. I loved book 1 and I can"t wait to read this one as well! I'm glad it was good! And it's my name! so rare to find it in books.

  14. It sounds like a great story set in one of my favorite cities, San Fran. Thanks.

  15. YAY so glad to hear you liked the sequel so much! All my favorite bloggers seem to love this series so I obviously need to get on it. I need to stop procrastinating and catch up! Lovely review!

  16. WOO HOO! I just passed this one along to my mother in law who loved the first one, so I'm glad to see it got such a high rating from you. I definitely need to read it for myself:)

  17. I can't wait to start this series. Both books so far have sounded amazing and gotten great reviews. Twisty ghost mysteries aren't usually my thing, but I'm going to make an exception for this one.

  18. Is this steampunk? Or just PNF? Sounds good. Thanks for the giveaway!

  19. Oh you've got me interested in this one! i'll have to pick up the first book soon!

  20. I remember you enjoying the first one. And this one is better? Awesome! :D Thank you!

  21. Squee, I love it too and thought it was well done Melissa, my review posts tomorrow!

  22. Such an interesting cover! And the whole ghosty mystery thing has me intrigued. Great review, Melissa!

  23. Eeek I have the 1st book and this one, but haven't read them yet. I think I'll read Delia's Shadow soon. Everyone seems to love this series.

  24. I really want to read this series! I love the time period and ghost and mystery aspects. I need to get the first book!


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