
Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Top Off Tuesday: One Sweet Ride

"Every once in awhile there are covers that just make you say Oh My! Sometimes it is good, sometimes it is bad, and sometimes it is head scratching. The point of Top Off Tuesday is to show you the ones with their Tops Off! Seriously y’all hunting out Top Off Tuesday covers is one of my favorite pastimes and you should join the fun!" ~from the Geeky Blogger

I have been enjoying this meme on Felicia's The Geeky Blogger's blog and have finally found some time to join in. The other players are Amanda from On a Book Bender, Christi from Smitten with Reading. Button made by Missie at The Unread Reader

My submission:

One Sweet Ride
by Jaci Burton
Gray Preston was born into money, but he’s built his racing empire on hard work and muscle. And now that Gray has millions of fans, his senator father sends one of his aides, Evelyn Hill, to elicit Gray’s help in garnering votes for the upcoming national election. Gray wants nothing to do with his estranged father’s campaign, but Evelyn can be pretty persuasive. She’s willing to learn about racing, and maybe even get a little dirty. 
Evelyn’s number-one goal is politics, which makes working with Gray difficult, because his only passion is fast cars. As she and Gray spend time together, he teaches her about the sport he loves, and she learns a lot about the man behind the wheel. The more she learns, the more she wants him. But any desire that threatens to derail the carefully laid plans for her future is a dangerous one. 
With the passion Gray and Evelyn share running hotter than either imagined, one of them is going to have to compromise, or else run the risk of losing more than their hearts.
Everyone kept telling me that one of my past covers looked like a Jaci novel. Well, I had to peruse her novels (I knew what they looked like, but I needed a reminder... LOL) so I thought I'd put one as a ToT. I need to collect these covers books. :)


  1. Jaci Burton's books ALWAYS have the best covers! ;) I tried one out and while it was good, it didn't blow my mind, but the cover is always worth a good stare, haha!

    1. I've heard the same, but I sometimes like to veg with books like that. Must get this in print. LOL

  2. Hmm, not my cup of tea I don't think. Unlike Evelyn I bet he isn't prepared to get a little dirty ..... at least not in those pristine white shorts.

  3. He certainly does look like one sweet ride. Rowr.

  4. Yes. Just yes.. Jaci's covers for this series are all completely drool-worthy and this one is absolutely no exception. I would completely throw everything I know about self-defense out the window and get in a car with a stranger provided that stranger looked like this guy:)

    1. Stranger danger! Hm... Jenny, I thought you were shy... ;D

  5. "Well, I had to peruse her novels" - such a good blogger, sacrificing your time for us in this way :-)

  6. Yum, her covers are always good. I tried a Holiday book of hers but felt left out since it was part of a series but I want to try a first book of one.

  7. He is a fine specimen of the book cover men! But I am bothered by the fact that I can't figure out what he is wearing. I know such a minor concern, but I can't make sense of the picture. Help?

  8. I love this author's covers. I really want to read one of her books sometime. That is definitely drool worthy!

  9. Wow, now that is a sexy cover! I agree, I need to collect her covers, er, books too. :-)

  10. It's a new one for me but I lke the synopsis, it can be good.

  11. I seriously need to read this authors books. I love all of her covers cause man they are HOTT!

  12. Oh, was there a story with that cover? Sorry, I was distracted. lol.


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