
Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Tell Me Something Tuesday: Self-Advice

Tell Me Something Tuesday, a meme started by CambriaHebert, but now hosted on Rainy Day Ramblings. It is a chance to get to know your fellow bloggers by sharing fun stuff, discussions and more. Grab the question and post your answer on your blog and link up at Rainy Day Ramblings! Have fun!

This weeks question:
What advice do you wish you could go back and give yourself when you were starting your blog?

Honestly, I don't have much that I would have told myself. Most things would have to be found out at the proper time. Like I would have not believed that I would be turning down books I want to read because I would have too many to review. I wouldn't have believed that it really would have taken the time it takes to set things up and keep up with the schedule. Some things you just have to find out through experience.

I might have warned myself about NetGalley and Edelweiss and how dangerous those sites are... still, I doubt I would have listened... ;)

Still, at least one thing... hm...

I guess it would be prepare myself for the great community and bloggers there is out there. I doth my cap off to all of you reading this and I thank you for coming to my strange little blog with my badly done reviews. :) Also, I guess I would tell myself to be prepared for all the books you never knew you wanted because of all those bloggers. You all are quite evil... but in a good way. ;D

So any advice you would impart?


  1. I have to agree - I don't think I'd have believed myself if I had said that I'd be turning down review requests because of scheduling. It's just something you learn over time, just like the dangers of NG and Edelweiss...I don't think I'd have believed they were dangers until I had some more experience blogging under my belt. Wonderful post, Melissa!(:

    1. LOL! At least I wasn't alone in my disbelief of myself through time. :D

  2. I really don't know! Maybe to not be afraid about putting yourself out there. Let your personality shine through from the very beginning and don't try to be a "formal" reviewer (I'm so not formal anymore. You've probably noticed.).

    1. I don't think I was ever formal, but I know I worried about it more. :)

  3. Not sure I'd offer myself any advice other than the warning to avoid agreeing to read so many books sent for review to the detriment of my personal TBR mountain.

    1. I still have that problem! I never listen to myself apparently. LOL

  4. Dudette, my reading list has grew 100x fold after blogging and I've discovered many new authors that I love through blogging too.

    1. I know! I can't believe how many I now have on my wishlist and tbr!

  5. Another blog name ;) And...well, honestly I would have done it all the same

    1. Me too. I wouldn't have used an old blogger addy I had set up and set one up just for it. LOL

  6. Your reviews aren't badly done Melissa! You have a very conversational style which I love; your reviews are easy to read and you always get your thoughts across so well. I tend to take random metaphorical tangents and ramble on too much so I'm sure most people just skim my reviews and then look at the rating:)

    I agree on figuring things out as you go along. I likely wouldn't have listened to or believed my advice to myself either!

    1. Well, I know my grammar isn't (ain't... hehe) the greatest. However, are you serious about your reviews? I and many here would tell you to stop it because we love your metaphorical insights! I love your reviews!

  7. Grand advice. Netgalley and Edelweiss is evil lol I barely still have time left for what I want to read, but I have been better. Been requesting less.

    1. I know! I pair down my pile and then I happen to spy a book and then NoooOOOoooOOOO... my pile is bad again. LOL

  8. I think I'm with you, you kind of just have to experience it. It's too hard to really take the advice and be cautious on how much you accept for review and stuff. The only way it's possible to turn them down is when you feel like you are literally drowning in books! I don't even visit netgalley anymore unless there's a specific book and I won't let myself browse at all. It's way too dangerous!

  9. I'm still in awe of all the bloggers out there and some amazing authors. And all the support in general. If I knew I would've started blogging sooner. :)

  10. I don't mind learning as I go but I do think I would have told myself not to accept so many review books. I had the hardest time saying no to struggling authors at first and then either hated the books or didn't have time to review.

    I've had highly and lows and struggles but like you said - it's all part of the process. I'm ok with that.

  11. Ooh yes! I would definitely warn myself that reading all the fabulous blogs I check out daily would be hazardous to my reading free time. I get SO many recommendations for books that otherwise would have gone way beneath my radar. But I'm definitely grateful for it, and for the community. And pfft, "my strange little blog with my badly done reviews"? I think you meant to say "my fabulous blog with my kickass reviews." Obviously a typo. :-)

  12. Hehe..I love your warnings. I avoid NetGalley and Edelweiss and only go there if I am looking for a specific title.

  13. LOL I agree with you with Netgalley and they're still so dangerous! Even when we know

  14. My advice don't be so hard on yourself. In the beginning, I pushed myself to read like crazy. I just wish I could of slow down and enjoy more of the blogging experience instead of trying to catch up with everyone else.

  15. That's a hard one. I think we all had a great start and things have turned out good for us. :)

  16. I took someone else's advice and made my blog specifically for one thing. I have since changed it, and changed the title of my blog. But I wish I wouldn't have painted myself into a corner so early on by saying exactly what my blog was for.


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