
Friday, February 7, 2014

Scarlet (Scarlet #1) by A. C. Gaughen

Series: Scarlet #1
Publisher: Walker Childrens
Available Now
Source: TBR pile
Many readers know the tale of Robin Hood, but they will be swept away by this new version full of action, secrets, and romance.

Posing as one of Robin Hood’s thieves to avoid the wrath of the evil Thief Taker Lord Gisbourne, Scarlet has kept her identity secret from all of Nottinghamshire. Only the Hood and his band know the truth: the agile thief posing as a whip of a boy is actually a fearless young woman with a secret past. Helping the people of Nottingham outwit the corrupt Sheriff of Nottingham could cost Scarlet her life as Gisbourne closes in. 
It’s only her fierce loyalty to Robin—whose quick smiles and sharp temper have the rare power to unsettle her—that keeps Scarlet going and makes this fight worth dying for.
My thoughts:
 After having so many great reviews from bloggers I trust I knew I had to get this retelling of Robin Hood told from the female perspective. Knowing that Scarlet was Will Scarlet reborn from the ashes of Marian made me more intrigued. I was not disappointed. I really enjoyed this retelling where a female is the main character and is intelligent, kick ass and interesting.

I know there are a lot of criticisms of the language in the book. Scarlet talks like a commoner so it makes sense. For those of you who are bothered by a dialect of poor grammar, then be assured that once you get into the story, it seems to flow. It didn't seem to bother me more than a couple of pages. Perhaps reading highlander books helped me to flow into it much quicker. :)

I give this book 4 1/2 stars. If you enjoy retellings especially where the female takes on a whole new persona and kicks ass then I say go get this book. I got it when it was on sale and I'm happy I did since I'm about to read the next one for review. Yes, it is in my hot little hands right now. AND yes, I'm reading in order. *passes out the smelling salts*


  1. I generally avoid retellings, seeing as I haven't found a single one that actually works for me, but something like this, with strong feminist undertones, fun and a tiny bit subversive... yeah, that sounds right up my alley.
    Lovely review, Mel!

    1. Well, I do love retellings but you might like this one. I would love to know what you think. :)

  2. I do like retellings. Some of them. But this one was definitely worth a read. Highly enjoyable and I loved Scarlet!

  3. YES MELISSA!!! I'm so glad you gave this one a try! I agree her dialect is a little disconcerting at first, but after a few chapters I didn't even notice it anymore. I just adored Scarlet in this book, but I fell even more in love with her in Lady Thief. I can't wait for your thoughts on it!

    1. I agree! Some people hate the dialect, but I didn't mind it more than a couple of pages. I want to reread this one. :)

  4. *takes the smelling salts* Can't believe you read it in order! :-) I'm so glad you enjoyed this, I always love retellings with kickass characters, and I'm glad the dialect didn't bother you. Fantastic review!

    1. *fans Lauren* You okay? ;) I knew that I would have to read these in order. So glad that I did!!

  5. Yes, I cannot wait to read this, it sounds wonderful from the worldbuilding to the characters.

  6. I'm glad you enjoyed this one, Melissa! I wasn't a fan of it for some reason, but I do love the tale of Robin Hood. :)

  7. I read Will in Scarlet last year, my first Robin Hood retelling and I really enjoyed it. I know this one has gotten a lot of positive reviews and look at you reading in order! I'll definitely be reading it, I feel the need as I see Lady Thief looming on the horizon.

  8. I like it, the legend is old so who knows

  9. Oh a retale of Robin Hood? I saw this book a lot but didn't pay attention I confess but I think I should have. And it's great that the language is okwhen you understand the story because I can understand the problem there. Well thanks for the review. Now I also want to read it lol

  10. I'm glad you enjoyed this too! I read it SO long ago, I had forgotten about the dialect stuff. But I do remember that I had really liked it!

  11. I need to read this one badly, all my blogger friends had been raving about it which honestly scares me... cause sometimes I get over excited and it falls flat lol. I didn't know about the dialect , interesting.

  12. Damn! Damn! Damn! I keep forgetting to read this book lol I have it but I never seem to get to it.

  13. I too have heard good things of this one. So glad to hear you enjoyed it so highly. :)

  14. You know I enjoy re-tallings and I had know that this book was one I would have read it a long time ago! Thanks for sharing your review!


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