
Friday, January 10, 2014

Unhinged (Splintered #2) by A.G. Howard

Series: Splintered #2
Published: 1/7/13
Publisher: Amulet
Source: NetGalley and the Publisher for review.
Alyssa Gardner has been down the rabbit hole and faced the bandersnatch. She saved the life of Jeb, the guy she loves, and escaped the machinations of the disturbingly seductive Morpheus and the vindictive Queen Red. Now all she has to do is graduate high school and make it through prom so she can attend the prestigious art school in London she's always dreamed of. 
That would be easier without her mother, freshly released from an asylum, acting overly protective and suspicious. And it would be much simpler if the mysterious Morpheus didn’t show up for school one day to tempt her with another dangerous quest in the dark, challenging Wonderland—where she (partly) belongs. 
As prom and graduation creep closer, Alyssa juggles Morpheus’s unsettling presence in her real world with trying to tell Jeb the truth about a past he’s forgotten. Glimpses of Wonderland start to bleed through her art and into her world in very disturbing ways, and Morpheus warns that Queen Red won’t be far behind. 
If Alyssa stays in the human realm, she could endanger Jeb, her parents, and everyone she loves. But if she steps through the rabbit hole again, she'll face a deadly battle that could cost more than just her head.
My thoughts:
 Read and loved the first book, Splintered. I have to say that this is the first YA series where a triangle actually works. I think it works because there are 2 distinct sides of Alyssa and so each guy compliments that side well.

My biggest problem with this book is Alyssa. Oh she frustrated me for most of the book with her attitude toward Morpheus. Yes, he is exasperating, but everything he does is more like coyote of legend. He tricks her to get out of her own way and help her on her journey. He also seems more self sacrificing even when he is being selfish. It is an interesting combination and the reason he is my favorite complex character. At least Alyssa does learn from her mistakes in the end.

I do warn you of the ending. It is cliffie-ish. It does stop at a logical place, but still so much is left to be done. Seriously can't we have a 800+ pg book? I mean the Harry Potter series proved that kids can do that and so can older kids known as adults who enjoy this series. Gimmie all of the story! *sniff* Okay, off my soapbox. :)

I give this book 4 1/2 stars. Despite my frustrations with Alyssa, I found myself really enjoying my time here. This is, so far, my fave retelling of Alice in Wonderland.


  1. OH no cliffie!!!! They are just too evil

    1. Well... it is a sorta-cliffie. Not really one, but not, not one either. LOL Yes, I make up strange sentences like that... :)

  2. MUST READ THIS SERIES MELISSA! Morpheus sounds fascinating and I just can't wait to meet him. I have a feeling I'll be rooting for him in the romance department. Too bad Alyssa's a touch frustrating in this one, but I'm glad she snaps out of it a bit by the end!

    1. You SO need to read this series. I know you would LOVE it!

  3. Sounds like a great retelling, and shoudl check it out.

  4. Oh how I hate cliffhangers and love triangles but you have me tempted to give it a go.

    And that cover....Even if I don't read it - I want to put it on display.

    1. The triangle works here, and there is a solution that makes sense in this book too. :D

  5. I got Splintered because I love the cover. And I love the cover of this one so I really hope I love Splintered! Hopefully I can start the series really soon. I'm so excited to meet these characters!

    1. Oh I hope you get into these. I really think you would love it!

  6. I want so much to try this series! I would love to try the covers are interesting and the stories sound really great.

  7. YAY! So excited to read this book myself. I loved the first book.

  8. I'm not a fan of Alice in Wonderland, hence the reason I have yet to pick these up, but I do love their covers. I'm not sure if I'd feel the same way as you regarding the love triangle and the protagonist is definitely someone I'd feel frustrated with, but I'm thrilled you were able to work through those to enjoy the story. Great review, Melissa - looks like I'll have to give this series a try!

    1. You might like the retellings and you will understand why I say it works here once you start reading them. It really works in this book (well, I mean you'll get why I say that anyway... ) She did frustrate me but not so much to take me out of the story.

  9. I loved the first book, and I am most anxious to continue this journey. It is too bad that Alyssa is annoying but glad that everything else is solid. Yes, I so agree about cliffies. WHY?

    1. Should we whine together? *dramatic pose* WHYYYYYYYYY? ;)

  10. You might like the retellings. I seem to enjoy those more.

  11. A cliffy, a triangle and the character annoys you but this ranked a 4 1/2 WOW..this must be really good and ya know sometimes I enjoy characters that make me crazy as much as those I adore...LOL These are on my wishlist I am just waiting to see how the ax falls on the final book. I know I am a cheating..but I read 307 books last year so something has to give...hehehe

  12. I liked the first one because it was so done and magically written but...I just don't know. So many of those things you mentioned are on my No-no list! So, maybe?

  13. I love a.g Howard's writing. I could just read a 800pg novel only for her writing. I agree with you that Allysa was annoying at moments . Tnx for the review

  14. I disliked Alyssa in the first book, but I honestly disliked Jeb even more. In fact, Morpheus is the only one I actually liked, so seeing him treated badly would not sit well with me at all. Plus a cliffhanger... yeah, no.
    I'm glad you're enjoying the series, though!

  15. I am getting ready to read this one! I totally agree that the triangle works well in this one. It isn't exactly evil versus good, more dark and light?? not sure that's even right. But I love Morpheus! Jeb however definitely clearly has my heart. I'm a sucker for the boy next door. Ugh, I hate cliffies! But your review has me dying to get to it!! Great review!


  16. Haha I totally agree with you, I'll take an 800 page book over a cliffie packed series any day! :-) Glad you still enjoyed this, even if Alyssa annoyed you at times. Fab review!


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