
Tuesday, December 24, 2013

The Spider (Elemental Assassin #10) by Jennifer Estep

Series: Elemental Assassin #10
Publisher: Pocket Books
Available TODAY!
Source: from Edelweiss and publisher for review
How did I end up in a career where I always have blood on my hands? Well, let me tell you a story about an assassin who thought she could do no wrong...

Ten years ago. A blistering hot August night. I remember like it was yesterday. The night I, Gin Blanco, truly became the Spider. Killing people is what I do best, especially now that I've honed my Ice and Stone magic. But back then, I had yet to learn one very important rule: arrogance will get you, every single time.

This particular job seemed simple: murder a crooked building contractor with ties to ruthless Fire elemental Mab Monroe. My mentor, Fletcher Lane, had some misgivings, but I was certain that I had the situation under control... right up until I exposed my weaknesses to a merciless opponent who exploited every single one of them. There's a reason assassins aren't supposed to feel anything. Luckily, a knife to the heart can fix that problem, especially when I'm the one wielding it...
My thoughts:
If you have followed this blog for long, you know I love this series. In fact, I've read it in order (don't faint)! So happy to get to read #10. This is one that you could probably read a bit out of order, but not too early in the series. Only because it would spoil a few revelations in Gin's life. Hm... na, read them in order, you'll enjoy it more. :)

In this story we get a bit of Gin's background, when she was still learning and becoming "The Spider". You knew that there would be hard lessons to learn or she wouldn't have been as skilled as she is and as smart. In this one we get a naive young adult Gin still learning how to be patient, how to read people. You see her falling for the wrong guy and you are yelling at her to take heed to what her loved ones were saying to her. Even in her happiness, you do not feel it because you just know it will end in tragedy... or someone's blood. This isn't a huge spoiler since you know it from about the moment Fletcher starts getting the vibe that something is off. He had it from the beginning.

What was also enjoyable is seeing how many people important to her life now passed through when she was so young. Also, I must warn you.... as with all other Gin books, do not read this one on an empty stomach. All these books revolve around good food and this one is no different. You will want her to come cook for you even if you are putting yourself on the line by doing it. Just check out those food descriptions! :D

I give this book a 4 1/2. I really enjoyed my time with the young spider and wouldn't mind more stories like this! This series is recommended to those that enjoy UF and a bloody good time.

Bloggy note:
Want to try out something a bit different from Jennifer Estep? Notice that a lot of the great fashions come from Fiona Fine (who is that?) Well, you can find out who that is and get a great fun collection of books. Her Bigtime series of superheros is now on sale for $.99! The e-bundle includes all Bigtime books/stories to date, which is 4 full-length books -- Karma Girl, Hot Momma, Jinx,  Nightingale, and A Karma Girl Christmas. The price should be good until the end of Jan.

Go to your fave ebook seller to get the bundle:


  1. one day I'll have to read book 2 in this series!

  2. I'm ALWAYS hungry while reading her books. Even if I've just eaten. Love how cooking is such an integral part of Gin.

    1. I know! I think it is an evil plot to make us all slow so the Spider doesn't have to work so hard. :D

  3. YEAH MELISSA! I couldn't agree more, I just loved this story even if I yelled myself hoarse trying to get her to see what everyone else could see so clearly. And I'm with you, I want to hire Gin to come cook for me on a permanent basis....YUM.

    1. LOL! I'm so happy I not the only one who yells at characters in books. ;) Shall we hire her? For cooking only!!! :)

  4. I really need to pick up a book by this author already! I hear never-ending praise for her novels, so I'll be making it a goal to read her books in 2014. Great review, Melissa!

    1. Oh you can download the Bigtime series. You might enjoy those too. :)

  5. I do need to try one of these in audio. I must! :)

  6. Ok, so need to start this series is 14 and you read them in order....crickeys! Happy Holidays and thanks for the heads up about the box set :)

  7. I'm so afraid to read this series. Just watching the tweets from everyone else who does gives me a heart attack lol

  8. Thanks for the heads up on the good deal! I haven't read this series yet, but I have read some of her YA series and really enjoy them!

  9. Book 10?!?! Yeah, I so need to get on the ball and read this series. Lovely review :)

  10. I am so embarrassingly behind on this series, which is ridiculous because all my favorite bloggers LOVE it, so I know I'm going to as well. I'm so impressed (and rather shocked) that you've read these in order! Thanks for your thoughtful review, and for the heads up on the deal! There is no way I can resist that. :-)


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