
Wednesday, October 9, 2013

AimeeKay Review: Ashes (Ashes Trilogy #1) by Ilsa J. Bick

Series: Ashes Trilogy #1
Available now
Publisher: Egmont USA
Source: From Media Masters Publicity for Review
It could happen tomorrow... 
An electromagnetic pulse flashes across the sky, destroying every electronic device, wiping out every computerized system, and killing billions. 
Alex hiked into the woods to say good-bye to her dead parents and her personal demons. Now desperate to find out what happened after the pulse crushes her to the ground, Alex meets up with Tom—a young soldier—and Ellie, a girl whose grandfather was killed by the EMP. 
For this improvised family and the others who are spared, it’s now a question of who can be trusted and who is no longer human.
Author Ilsa J. Bick crafts a terrifying and thrilling post-apocalyptic novel about a world that could become ours at any moment, where those left standing must learn what it means not just to survive, but to live amidst the devastation.
AimeeKay's Thoughts:
Wow. Just wow. This book was awesome!

Ashes drew me in from the beginning. I’ve been hearing awesome things about this trilogy for a while now, so I knew there had to be something there. Bick has a way of weaving mysteries into her story that just make the pages fly by. Plus right when one seems to be answered a whole bunch more pop up. Usually this annoys me, but I was so drawn into the story that I just had to find out what would happen next. I finished this book in less than a day, that’s how much I didn’t want to put it down.

I love the characters. Alex is one of the best characters I’ve run into in a long time. She is smart, funny and independent, but at the same time she is human too. All the characters, except for Alex, remain a mystery on one level or another, since the book is told from Alex’s perspective. But that didn’t stop me from getting attached to them. I can’t wait to start reading Shadows, the next book in the trilogy, to find out what happens to them.

The story is really interesting. I was drawn into trying to figure out what caused the world to go crazy in the first place and trying to figure out how some people made it out, while others either died or got ‘brain zapped’. A lot is revealed about the hows and whys as the story progresses, which is good because I got to see if some of my theories were right or not. Not everything is answered though, and, as I said before, more questions almost immediately popped up for the ones that were answered.

The novel does have its share of gore and violence, so I wouldn’t recommend it for the younger crowd. Fortunately it doesn’t revolve around the blood and guts so don’t dismiss it simply because of that.

Definitely pick this one up if you’re like me and have an apocalypse addiction. Even if you aren’t as badly addicted as I am pick it up simply because it is a great story. Seeing into Alex’s head and how she relates to everything…. Yeah, I know I normally shy away from first person POVs, but this one was well written and Alex is awesome.

The ending did leave me hanging, not because of unanswered questions, but because it is a cliffie, and a steep one at that. I probably would have held it against it more if I didn’t have the rest of the trilogy sitting next to me. *shrug* Although considering how much I enjoyed the book, maybe not. I’m off to start the second book now…hopefully it won’t disappoint!


  1. I heard so many great things about the books, I hope you'll like the others that much.

  2. There are I think 2 more books in this series. GAH! I'm so behind on series its not even funny. One of these days I'm going to need to play catch up. Nice review.

    1. Thanks, if it helps this one is a trilogy, so there are only 3 books, not 30. :)

  3. How gory would you say this one is really? Have you read Anna Dressed in Blood? I read that one and was okay with it, but any more blood and guts than that and I'll be in trouble. Or in a fetal ball in the corner. Whichever. Aside from that, I love the sound of Alex and I've heard so many great things about this series, so I do want to give it a try! Lovely review AimeeKay

    1. Eh....trying to think of something well known to compare it to. Haven't read Anna Dressed in Blood so not sure. There is gore though, but really the story is so worth it.

  4. I had a friend that raved and raved about this book, so I recently picked it up. I'm slightly concerned with the gore, but sometimes I'm okay with that kind of thing. So I'm looking forward to giving this one a try!

    1. Definitely read it, it's so much more than the gore.

  5. The cliffie would have really got to me so I'm glad you had the others ready! Whew! I would have felt bad if you didn't. :D Oh I do like a good dystopian and this sounds fab! I really need to try this series. You have me wanting them. Need more time in the day as well for reading. LOL

    Thanks for reviewing!

    1. Thanks so much for getting them for me to review!

  6. Melissa this sounds like everything I love in a good dystopian or post-apocalyptic read. I would be helpless without all of my electronic gadgets though..LOL

    1. It is an awesome series. I couldn't live without my electronica either!

  7. I loved the first half of this book but then...the second half. It was like reading a whole 'nother book, to me. Not a bad book at all but I wanted more solo survival, I guess. Great characters, though!

    1. Not sure if you'd like the rest of the series or not then, since the second and third book aren't told solely from Alex's perspective. But I fell in complete obsession with the characters so it didn't really bother me.

  8. I really should check this out! I don't think I've heard much about it, to be honest, but your review has me thinking I'd enjoy it!

    1. Thank you!. I love this series. I think everybody should give it a shot.

  9. I read Black's "DRAW THE DARK" earlier this year and was absolutely blown away. I just bought Ashes I, and I'm so glad to see it featured on this blog. Looking forward to a delicious read.

    1. Bick! I meant BICK! (Good heavens, this is why I shouldn't be allowed near the computer without my morning coffee.....)

    2. I don't think you'll be disappointed. I haven't read Draw the Dark yet, but if you liked her work before I don't see why you wouldn't like this one.

  10. I've seen this book around. It sounds like an amazing read. So glad to see you enjoyed it. Thank you!

  11. Yeah the cliffie got to me in this one too! Still it is such a freaky amazing story. So glad you liked it! And that you don't have to wait around for the sequel. Wonderful review! :-)

  12. I definitely recommend picking up this series. It is so worth it.


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