
Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Top Off Tuesday: Lord of Devil Isle

I have been enjoying this meme on Felicia's The Geeky Blogger's blog and have finally found some time to join in. The other players are Amanda from On a Book Bender, Christi from Smitten with Reading. Button made by Missie at The Unread Reader

My submission:
Lord of Devil Isle
by Connie Mason and Mia Marlowe
Publisher: Ten Talents Press
Available Now
Captain Nicholas Scott was as randy a rogue as ever roamed the high seas. Yes, the master of the Susan Bell loved the ladies. But he'd never met one quite like the shipwrecked beauty he fished out of the shark-infested waters off Bermuda. Miss Eve Upshall had jumped into the stormy sea to rescue her two friends, and now all three mail-order brides were begging to be transported to the Carolinas. But despite eagerly awaiting grooms, the machinations of his arch rival, and the lady's own fierce objections, Nick had no intention of letting Eve go. The only place he would transport the little minx was to breathless ecstasy beneath the knowing touch of the...
Oh I got this one when it was a freebie. Don't know exactly what caught my eye... ;) Now you know why so many women made the trip across the seas. I'm sure all the sailors/pirates all looked exactly like this and it is totally historically accurate. 

DON'T tell me otherwise... I like my fantasy world. LOL


  1. And here was me convinced all pirates looked like Captain Jack sparrow.

  2. And now great-grandma and that whole taking a boat from Ireland all by herself at 15 makes a lot more sense.

  3. "randy as a rogue" AWESOME!! And a pirate to boot (heh--get it? Pirate? Booty? I crack myself up.). He certainly has that smoldering stare down, doesn't he?

    1. ROFL! I know what kind of pirate booty you are talking about. Just his boots, right? 0:)

  4. I need to move to Devil Isle! Seriously when is the next ship going that way? Do they just kidnap you or do you pay to get out there. I am good with either.

    1. Don't you have to go unwillingly for it to be a kidnapping??? LOL

    2. Well I won't tell them I am willing. I can act (no I really can't)

  5. lol. Randy as a rogue! How could that possibly go wrong?

  6. MELISSA! Half naked and wet men? You so know how to play the Top Off Tuesday game! *pets screen* I'm positive this is absolutely historically accurate as well. He probably smells awesome too, not at all like he hasn't bathed in weeks. I'm sure he's all leather and spice, isn't that a required smell for romance heroes? :)

  7. Oh, hey! I own this one. But... I have a different cover. I must say that I like this cover MUCH MORE! Yay for hygienic pirates!

    1. I saw the other cover and I agree... this one is better. :)

  8. Replies
    1. It is wet, he just swam to shore from his boat in those leather pants!!

  9. Ooh this guy kind of has a Taylor Kitsch vibe and I love it! Actually I can't look away....Top off Tuesday is bad for productivity, but so easy on the eyes. :-)

  10. Lordy my thoughts are pretty devilish right now!

  11. I have to say, my eyes went right to the skin tight leather pants. Ooo, nice. I'm a sucker for leather. ;)


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