
Friday, June 28, 2013

Exposed (Tracers #7) by Laura Griffin

7th in Tracers series
Publisher: Pocket Books
Available Now
Source: Publisher and Edelweiss for review
The seventh thrilling novel in the Tracers series from an author who “excels at detailing the mystery and the chase” (Publishers Weekly) features a forensic photographer and an FBI agent who form an uneasy partnership to find a vicious criminal.
With the click of her camera, Maddie Callahan inadvertently added herself to the hit list of a criminal mastermind the FBI’s been investigating for months. Agent Brian Beckmann is determined to protect the sexy photographer, but she may be his only lead. 
As a forensic photographer, Maddie is used to seeing violence up close, but she’s never before been a target. When a freelance photo shoot goes awry, she realizes she may have seen, and perhaps photographed, the kidnapping of a key witness in a federal probe. And although her camera was stolen, Maddie has something that could be even more valuable to investigators. With the help of her colleagues at the Tracers crime lab, Maddie uncovers DNA evidence that provides a desperately needed break in the case. 
Although Brian is reluctant to involve Maddie, she’s determined to help with the investigation and the two set out to track a vicious criminal known as The Doctor, whose far-reaching violence has led to multiple deaths. But as the task force gets closer to catching the deadly Doctor, Maddie is in more danger than ever...
My thoughts:
 Yes, this is #7 in the series, but all of the books in this series are also standalones. I have only read #3 (Unforgivable) and have another in my tbr. I knew from reading #3 I would be safe from reading out of order. All revolve around the CSI kind of mystery. One where there is lots of action, murder, and crime solving. That is what connects these stories, not characters.

In this book we have Maddie who is a CSI photographer and has become quite good at her job. She gets targeted by a group of kidnappers for something she "may" have seen. This draws in Brian who is trying desperately to solve this case and put the bad guys behind bars. The "kingpin" of the group he knows about but cannot get evidence to put him away. He is intrigued with Maggie's work ethic, her brain and her body (duh! lol). Only problem is she seems to be the one woman on the planet who simultaneously wants to be with him and wants to push him away. It drives him crazy but he is determined to not give up.

I did enjoy this story and I also loved the twists the book provided in solving the case. I did not find this as strong as  Unforgiveable, but I still enjoyed the story line. While I did understand why Maggie did a push/pull with Brian, I still did get frustrated with her myself. I would have liked a bit more epiphany that we could grasp in the end when she finally did decide what she wanted. Either that or less pushing away. Still, I did enjoy the fact that Brian refused to give up.

I give this book 4 stars. I recommend it to those that love romantic suspense with lots of action. Fans of CSI, NCIS and those type of crime shows would also love this series.


  1. Interested in anything to do with forensics, this sounds like my kind of book.

  2. Hey, I've read a couple in this series! They're pretty darned good. I do love a good romantic suspense novel. Maggie and Brian sound like an interesting couple, though the push/pull can get frustrating after a while.

    1. I'm not a fan of the push/pull, but I have enjoyed this series (and I want to read more of them!). :)

  3. I have read a few too. They are pretty good and great romance suspense :)

  4. The twists and romantic suspense sound great. I like the cover!

  5. So do the characters know each other at all, like they all work for the same CSI lab? Or are these characters all over the place and it's just the type of cases that makes this a series? I do like that each is a stand alone, particularly when there are this many books in a series because I'm typically too lazy to go back and start from the beginning:)

    1. It's the type of cases that makes the series. And this is the one if you want to read out of order. All standalones, no probs! LOL

  6. This does sound like something I would probably enjoy. I don't watch a lot of the CSI type shows, but I LOVE Criminal Minds...and I do randomly watch NCIS. That's great these all stand-alone well enough.


    1. I really like the NCIS shows. And yes, all standalones so no probs picking up any one of these books! :D

  7. Ha ha! There you go reading out of order again. You are my hero. I haven't read a good mystery thriller in awhile, this sounds like a good pick for a beach read, right?

  8. I read the first two books in this series years ago and really enjoyed them - I just haven't kept up to date with it.

  9. Oops! That comment above was me lol I was signed in to my hubby's email account.

  10. Sounds promising, I have to check the rest :)

  11. I love CSI based stories. CSI the TV series is so addicting. I think these books sound pretty cool and I always enjoy books that could be stand alones. That way I don't feel pressure to keep going. I think I'd like to read something of this sort. I may start from one of the early books though. I have issues where it takes the character forever for their epiphany to happen and then it's not wholly believable. Still, it sounds so very interesting.

    Also...I MISSED YOU! Have you been taking all the hot fictional men for yourself? This simply won't do. I will have to be more interactive in their lives so I can steal them from you. *hugs*

    1. p.s. did you see the next Hex Boy book is finally going to be out? It has a cover and everything. Looks lovely. :)

  12. I read the first two and loved them, then we moved and well ya know..i so need to start them back up..wonderful review and romantic suspense is one of my favorites!

  13. O a new look, I like it ! Thanks for the great review, and now I want to read one of those books :)

  14. Romantic suspense with lots of action is totally my thing these days and I love that all books can function as standalones, but I'm quite OCD about these things so I'll have to read them in order anyway.
    I'm totally curious and will check them out.

  15. Love these types of books. I like all the mystery and such going on in the plot. Nice review.


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