
Thursday, March 14, 2013

Throwback Thursday: A Breath of Eyre

Meme hosted by Melissa My World in Words and Pages. It's about books that are already on the shelves and are waiting to be read. Go to her website to join in!

My submission this week:

A Breath of Eyre
by Eve Marie Mont
In this stunning, imaginative novel, Eve Marie Mont transports her modern-day heroine into the life of Jane Eyre to create a mesmerizing story of love, longing, and finding your place in the world... Emma Townsend has always believed in stories-the ones she reads voraciously, and the ones she creates. Perhaps it's because she feels like an outsider at her exclusive prep school, or because her stepmother doesn't come close to filling the void left by her mother's death. And her only romantic prospect-apart from a crush on her English teacher-is Gray Newman, a long-time friend who just adds to Emma's confusion. But escape soon arrives in an old leather-bound copy of Jane Eyre...

Reading of Jane's isolation sparks a deep sense of kinship. Then fate takes things a leap further when a lightning storm catapults Emma right into Jane's body and her nineteenth-century world. As governess at Thornfield, Emma has a sense of belonging she's never known-and an attraction to the brooding Mr. Rochester. Now, moving between her two realities and uncovering secrets in both, Emma must decide whether her destiny lies in the pages of Jane's story, or in the unwritten chapters of her own...
Reading of Jane's isolation sparks a deep sense of kinship. Then fate takes things a leap further when a lightning storm catapults Emma right into Jane's body and her nineteenth-century world. As governess at Thornfield, Emma has a sense of belonging she's never known-and an attraction to the brooding Mr. Rochester. Now, moving between her two realities and uncovering secrets in both, Emma must decide whether her destiny lies in the pages of Jane's story, or in the unwritten chapters of her own...
Of course I loved Jane Eyre, so I have to read this one. Just need that time.
So, what are you wanting to read and is still stuck on your tbr?


  1. I have SO many books on my shelves (not as many as some people because it drives me crazy to have too many just sitting there, unread. Yes, I'm a bit OCD.). This one sounds really good! I like the historicals and the Jane Eyre feel of it all.

    1. Heh... I think that becomes the problem of all book bloggers. :) So, I know how you feel.

  2. I haven't read Jane Eyre! I know, I suck. I've only ever read Pride and Prejudice because it was required reading in school, and I always wonder if I would like some of the classics more now that I'm not being forced to read them. And I of course love retellings, fairy tale, classic or otherwise, so this sounds great:)

    1. Um... I haven't read P&P. :) I've seen the various adaptations but not read the book... so I suck! LOL I also love retellings. Why I had to get this one. :)

  3. Still have read this one. Even thought I love the classics I don't why I have read it. My mom would love to read this.

  4. Oh I love this cover! I haven't read Jane Eyre though but we can still be friends, right? I mean I do own a copy :)

    1. I suppose... ;) You have no idea how many classics I still need to read. :)

  5. What is wrong with me? I am not a fan of Pride and Prejudice or Jane Eyre? I have read plenty of classics and those two just never did it for me. Now the Scarlet Pimpernel is a must read!

  6. I love Jane Eyre :D So a book for me

  7. Hah, I have JUST NOW opened a gorgeous hardback that's been on my shelf for more than a year. I felt guilty every time I looked at it so tonight I decided: No more! It's I'll Be There by Holly Goldberg Sloan. :)

  8. I love time travel books and this one sounds fantastic!

  9. I kinda like the angle of that cover. :) Thanks for joining and sharing. :)

  10. I loved this one! There were actual reasons for her to travel back in time (concussions) and the correlations between her life and Jane's life made a lot of sense. I really loved this novel! The sequel with the same characters should be coming out soon. It's A Touch of Scarlet based on The Scarlet Letter another favorite of mine!


  11. I still have to read this book, I won it somewhere.

  12. I can't believe I haven't read this yet, I've heard nothing but praise from my blogger friends about it. AND I just realized it's on sale on Kindle. My impulse buy weekend begins here. :-)

  13. I'm so horrible about reading classics. I have read quite a few re-tellings but of course I can't compare them to the original.

    I've had Loss by Jackie Morse-Kessler on my shelf for over a year. The fourth and last book Breath just came out and I'm dying to read it but I'm making sure I read Loss first. Kill two birds (or in this case books) with one stone lol

  14. I have this book! I got it from Small, who passed her review copy on to me. Unfortunately, I'd read her review by the time it got to me and my mania for it had been dampened. Maybe you can host a read-a-long? Awesome. Let me know when it starts. ;P


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