
Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Highlander Most Wanted (The Montgomerys and Armstrongs #2) by Maya Banks

In Highlander Most Wanted, a reclusive woman content to live in the shadows shows a Highland warrior the true meaning of love.
Genevieve McInnes is locked behind the fortified walls of McHugh Keep, captive of a cruel laird who takes great pleasure in ruining her for any other man. Yet when Bowen Montgomery storms the gates on a mission of clan warfare, Genevieve finds that her spirit is bent but not broken. Still, her path toward freedom remains uncertain. Unable to bear the shame of returning to a family that believes her dead or to abandon others at the keep to an imposing new laird, Genevieve opts for the peaceful life of an abbess. But Bowen’s rugged sensuality stirs something deep inside her that longs to be awakened by his patient, gentle caress—something warm, wicked, and tempting.
Bowen seizes his enemy’s keep, unprepared for the brooding and reclusive woman who captures his heart. He’s enchanted by her fierce determination, her unusual beauty, and her quiet, unfailing strength. But wooing her will take more than a seasoned seducer’s skill. For loving Genevieve, he discovers, means giving her back the freedom that was stolen from her—even if it means losing her forever.
This is the second book in the Montgomerys and Armstrongs saga and no, I did not read the first. I blame Felicia of the Geeky Blogger since she has always told me about how good Maya Banks was so when I had a chance to pick up this book, I took it. :) You can read it as a stand alone and not be lost for a second. I also read this book in one day.

Genevieve has spent a year in hell. Abused in every manner possible by Ian McHugh. Ian is dead now and she sees her salvation in the Montgomerys and Armstrongs coming to take the keep and kill Ian's father. However, the father has fled and left Genevieve and others to defend for themselves. Bowen steps in as temporary laird and tries to set what was wronged to right. It's a hard test for Bowen especially since the McHughs are anything but trustworthy. Plus, the lass, Genevieve has him twisted and really doesn't know what to think about her.

I have to say that most of this book had me in tears. Genevieve had suffered so much abuse and hate and continued to suffer it after her "rescue". She was scarred inside and out. Every time someone showed her a huge amount of kindness I would tear. That kindness was also enhanced by the cruelty she suffered by the animosity from the McHughs even though she had done nothing to warrant such behavior. I can't believe that the author made me tear so much! Oh yea, there were times I wanted to kick Bowen in the arse for being a... well, arse.. but he totally won me over with his willingness to listen and weigh his judgement carefully even if he had to have his bouts of doubt and anger first. Made it a bit more genuine.

I give this book 4 1/2 stars. I really enjoyed the scarred female/ ultra hot male twist. This one was done well and it won't be my last one in the series. I so need to pick up that first one.
I received this eARC from Ballentine and NetGalley and no compensation for my review was given.

I'm also nominating this cover for:
I have been enjoying this meme on Felicia's The Geeky Blogger's blog and have finally found some time to join in. I'm trying to do this meme alternating between Tell Me Something Tuesday. The other players are Amanda from On a Book Bender, Christi fromSmitten with Reading. Button made by Missie at The Unread Reader

Even though you don't get the full chestal (it's a word!) area you still get a nice arm and a smexy pose! :D
Any kilts you are trying to look... uh.. I mean what is your ToT this week? ;D


  1. I KNOW!! Poor Genevieve! And those people were so mean to her, even though she didn't ever do anything to them!

    Plus, a kilt. I do love a man in a kilt.

    1. Yes... Bowen in a kilt. It's a good thing (I swear I've been channeling Martha lately... don't know why LOL).

  2. Replies
    1. The green does work... yea, that is what we are all looking at... ;)

  3. Oh great! I need to read more books like that!

  4. Yes that is one hot cover and sounds like a good book too

  5. I love this series :) Great cover choice!

  6. tartan sheets and buff naked man, the cover totally works :) I still have to catch up on this series, it's on the TBR... Book Savvy Babe

  7. I just finished this book yesterday Melissa and I was absolutely in tears as well! I wanted to beat every single person (except Taliesan) in McHugh Keep and scream at them for the way they treated Genevieve. I HAD ALL THE FEELS. Did you notice that she kept switching Brodie and Bowen's names though? It happened probably 4 or 5 times that I noticed, and I was reading a finished copy so that surprised me. Still, love this series and can't wait for Brodie and Taliesan!

    1. SO TRUE! Tali rocks the rest... suck arse... :P

      Totally had all the feels. Oh and yea, I did notice it a couple of times, but I kept mixing up the names, so I probably didn't notice as much as I should have. LOL I had to reread a couple of times just to make sure that happened. :) Surprised no one caught it before it went to print.

  8. Someone needs to move the girl...she's blocking my view. ;o) But what I can see of him, I like! smiles...

    1. I actually like the girl in this one. Makes him look smexier... but at the same time I agree with you. LOL

  9. I loved loved loved loved this book! Seriously it just made me super sad and then happy :) I can't wait for Tal's book!

    1. Yes, it's all your fault I skipped the first one and dove into this one. All your fault... thank you! LOL

    2. LOL Don't forget that she has another highland trilogy set 200 years before this one :) #JustSaying

  10. That mans has got some very nice arm muscles, among other things. Great choice.

  11. YUM to this cover! I've never read Maya Banks, and this seems like a great place to start. Though I think I'm going to tear up when I read about poor Genevieve.

  12. I haven't read Maya Banks yet but this sounds like a good series to start with! I'm going to look up the first book, there's a chance I already have it.

  13. Yowzaaa, *purr* Loving that man! Why is he kissing that woman?!? Hmm!


    Great review and awesome top off. ;D

  14. He does have a nice chest. Yes, Jenny and Felicia were raving about these books. I am glad you jumped in book one be damned. You rock my socks off you rebel. Don't worry I am the same way. I will jump in a read a book out of order too. I am not sure about the whole scarred and abused woman, hopefully the abuse isn' t too depressing. Sounds like she deserves hot chest dude!

  15. You are on an irish streak huh? Another book I need to add to my pile since I have a thing for men in sexy kilts. LOL!

  16. Felicia can be persuasive..LOL Is it highlander week? This looks good and I love when a book consumes you and you read it in a day. Wonderful review :)

  17. I have recently read my first Highlander by Maya Banks, and she sure is in a class apart. Best highlander I have read in a long time. So glad you loved this one.


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