
Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Tell Me Something Tuesday: Comfort Foods

Tell Me Something Tuesday, a meme started by CambriaHebert, but now hosted here on Rainy Day Ramblings. It is a chance to get to know your fellow bloggers by sharing fun stuff, discussions and more. Grab the question and post your answer on your blog and link up! Have fun!

What are your favorite Comfort Foods?

From Mike's Stinkin' Good Chile

I'll go with the one I've mentioned on the blog more than once. I have made this several times and it's the only thing I really cook (nope, I'm not a cook at all). You get it here in CO and NM. All other sauce is just imitation. 
From Mike's Stinkin' Good Chile

You can eat it as a stew with a side of tortilla, you can use it as a sauce (most often used this way) on your foods such as burritos, tamales, or anything you think needs a sauce. It's a staple here really. Oh and I put Mike's Stinking Green Chile here because you can get this stuff and it's the only store bought chile I've even liked. The canned stuff is horror. HORROR! Won't even mention that thing... *shudder* that comes in a can.


Mike Schelereth is a former Bronco football player who fell in love with the stuff and is now distributing it. I think it is a good way for those that have never had it to try it before making it. I suggest the medium pork Chile. I honestly haven't tried anything else. 

Hm... well I didn't mean to make it sound like a commercial for Mike's but it was better than me trying to figure out what I put in the chile. Only thing I don't use a recipe for.

Here is one recipe. It's different than mine, but close. If you don't like it too hot, you can skip the jalapeƱos and add dried red chiles to taste (I do that).
All Recipe for Pork Green Chilie

So, what is your comfort food?


  1. Unfortunately, I can't even buy half of those ingredients. I often have that problem when browsing through US recipes. Our food is just so different.
    My comfort food is usually something sweet, even though sugar makes me cranky and i should never ever eat it. While studying for my PhD exams, I usually eat non stop, it's more of a nervous habit. BUT I'd go with white hot chocolate with sprinkles when I want to relax.

    1. I'm not a huge sweet eater with the exceptions of a few things, but I'm curious about the hot white chocolate. :)

  2. My comfort food: cream cheese mixed with salsa (of the mild variety because I am a wimp) and wrapped in a tortilla :)

    No cooking required!

    1. I've had that, but only the mild version. I'm not sure I could do it hot. :)

  3. Sounds like an interesting meme and a great way to meet fellow bloggers. My comfort food would have to be vegetable casserole with dumplings -yummy.

  4. My comfort food, especially in the winter, is soup. I especially like roasted tomato or cheesy chicken tortilla soup. I really need to try this recipe, it sounds delicious! :-)

    1. Oh tomato soup with grilled cheese... YUM! Tortilla soup... YUM. Yep, that sounds delish!

  5. Girl, you are making me hungry over here. Mine is chocolate.
    Happy reading,
    Brandi @ Blkosiner’s Book Blog

  6. Damn the prompt for this week! Heidi's over there talking about soup and you're posting about this delicious looking chili and now I'm starving. I could go for burritos or enchiladas with that as a sauce. YUM.

  7. Yum yum, I will be over as soon as I can and eat some :)

  8. Ooo, sounds yummy! My comfort food is my home-made salmon lasagna - tasty and filling!

  9. Ooooo....comfort food...what's my comfort food. Hmm, I don't know. What do I eat when I want to feel better. That's a hard one. I don't think I have one. :(

    Thanks for sharing with us.

  10. Well, my fave comfort food is the original hamburger helper.

    I grew with a single mom, working three jobs and two little brothers. My mom constantly made this meal cause it was cheap and filling.

  11. Well my comfort food has changed a bit since I became mostly vegan. I do like vegan chili (thanks for the reminder that I should make this soon!) and any vegetable soup is usually good. I've also always LOVED spaghetti, but I have to say I made it so often that I now am a bit burnt out on it.


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