
Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Audio Review: Hexed by Kevin Hearne

Atticus O’Sullivan, last of the Druids, doesn’t care much for witches. Still, he’s about to make nice with the local coven by signing a mutually beneficial nonaggression treaty—when suddenly the witch population in modern-day Tempe, Arizona, quadruples overnight. And the new girls are not just bad, they’re badasses with a dark history on the German side of World War II. 
With a fallen angel feasting on local high school students, a horde of Bacchants blowing in from Vegas with their special brand of deadly decadence, and a dangerously sexy Celtic goddess of fire vying for his attention, Atticus is having trouble scheduling the witch hunt. But aided by his magical sword, his neighbor’s rocket-propelled grenade launcher, and his vampire attorney, Atticus is ready to sweep the town and show the witchy women they picked the wrong Druid to hex.

I read the first book but listened to the second. Felicia of the Geeky Blogger and Missie of the Unread Reader both praised the audio and so I had to try it. I was not disappointed.

Luke Daniels is the voice of Atticus. I can really picture his voice coming from the character perfectly. He also did a pretty good job at the female characterizations even though they obviously had a masculine quality (he couldn't change that but it still worked). His pronunciations of the various languages was superb and it helped me not flub it up in my head as I would have if I read it. For that alone I suggest trying at least one of these in the series on audio.

As with the other book Atticus is faced with some insurmountable odds but this time he doesn't know where the danger is coming from. As the mystery pulls together we start to wonder if we can start to trust others out side of our immediate circle, but like Atticus, I'm wary but willing to accept these others on a limited basis. I think that is a good plan since most magic users have a hidden personal agenda.

I also loved the secondary characters especially the widow and Oberon his faithful hound. They both had me laughing more than once. I love the widow and especially that dog! The vocal characterization of Oberon also puts a smile on his face. However, unlike Atticus I don't know if I'd want that kind of communication with my dog... especially when his vocabulary can outdo my own. Don't want to be put to shame by my own dog... ;)

I give this book 4 stars. It's a lot of fun and I really do recommend the audio.


  1. I really need to try Hounded! Maybe this year!

  2. OMG, I still haven't read the first book. I'm such a slow reader. Boohoo!

    PS: Happy new year!!

    1. I think you have the same prob as the rest of us bloggers... too many to read all at once! :)

  3. I really should but..I read the prequel novella and was not impressed

    1. Never judge a book by it's prequel. ;) I've loved books that I wasn't impressed by the prequel. Of course now I have to know what was in this one.

  4. Ahhh! I totally got to finish this series! I read the first book and love it.

  5. I've read the first book, but need to get caught up. I think I just might take the audio plunge.

  6. Melissa! I feel like I'm the only person in the world who hasn't experienced Atticus and Oberon yet. WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME?! Wait. Don't answer that, there's just too many things to list:) I have book one in this series, I'm going to make time for it soon. I AM!

    1. You, as a fellow puppy person, will LOVE Oberon! Seriously, love that dog! It will also make you scared that your dog is totally making fun of you behind your back. Hm....

  7. The hubs and I just listened to this on our holiday trip home in the car. I also read the first one, and I think the audio is so great on these. We're almost done with the third too!

    1. Oh I am really enjoying the audio. I like them so much I want the newer ones on audio too!

  8. I listened to the audio for this one and Books three and currently into the middle of four. I think Luke Daniels is an awesome narrator but I am not a fan of Oberon's voice the others are spot on. THe only probelm with listening to them is that so much is going on you have to make sure you are focused. Nevertheless, I adore this series. Happy New Year, Melissa! Love the new banner!

    1. I'm in the middle of 4 as well. I love Oberon's voice. LOL For me, it's just playful enough for me to laugh more. :)

  9. The widow cracked me up. She was such a spunky character. Oberon is of course of the best secondary characters out there. I really like this series but I wasn't fan of the latest release last year. Hopefully Hunted will bring it back to its original awesomeness. Happy New Year. Also love the new banner!

    1. LOVE the widow! I still need Trapped. Hope I'll like it too but worried now that you didn't like it as much.

  10. The audio IS great! I listened to Hounded on audio, and it was awesome. This is the next audiobook I'll be listening to, and I'm sure I'll enjoy it! :)

  11. I agree, the audio is great! I had audible for a little while and grabbed this one but for some reason my iphone at the time just wouldn't load both halves of the book. I ended up canceling audible since it wasn't working, but I had a whole half of this book to listen to and since I have read them I just listen for fun sometimes when I got on a walk and it's a blast!

  12. I am doing a series challenge and I just might do some of these books on audio. I don't really like audio books, but I'm going to have to do something because my time to read is getting shorter and shorter. I've got the first two or three of these in the series but I'll try the others on audio.
    I don't want my dog smarter than me either! But I think they are, I do everything for them and they get the big couch!


  13. I read this book in paperback format and love it! Maybe I ought to try books 4 to 6 in audio format :)

  14. Atticus and the secondary characters sound great. Glad you enjoyed.
    Happy reading,
    Brandi from Blkosiner’s Book Blog

  15. Yeah, glad you liked it! I love this series but audio is not for me.

  16. I haven't tried these on audio, but I heard they were great. I used to love the series, it was perfect up until the end of book 3, but then it went downhill for me and I sort of gave up on it after this last one. Still, I wouldn't trade those first three books for anything in the world, they are best of the best as far as urban fantasy goes
    great review!

  17. Atticus! I love him! And Oberon. I'm so glad you gave these books a try. I don't read much UF, but these are ones I adore.


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