
Thursday, December 20, 2012

Throwback Thursday!

Meme hosted by Melissa My World in Words and Pages. It's about books that are already on the shelves and are waiting to be read. Go to her website to join in!

This week's submission:

Patient Zero
by Jonathan Maberry
When you have to kill the same terrorist twice in one week there's either something wrong with your world or something wrong with your skills... and there's nothing wrong with Joe Ledger's skills. And that's both a good, and a bad thing. It's good because he's a Baltimore detective that has just been secretly recruited by the government to lead a new taskforce created to deal with the problems that Homeland Security can't handle. This rapid response group is called the Department of Military Sciences or the DMS for short. It's bad because his first mission is to help stop a group of terrorists from releasing a dreadful bio-weapon that can turn ordinary people into zombies. The fate of the world hangs in the balance....

I read his book Rot and Ruin (and I now want the rest of the series) and really enjoyed it. I've heard such great things about this book and I was able to snag a copy when it was free on Kindle. It's not free now, but the prequel: Countdown: A Joe Ledger Prequel Short Story to Patient Zero is free at your fave ebook store. :) I have that one too...

So, what is on your shelves (or ereader) waiting to be read?


  1. oh scary cover! I need to try a book by this author.

  2. I actually won this book, but I never got around to it. Perhaps I should fix that and soon. It was highly recommended to me by some of my most trusted friends.
    Maybe we can both read it soon and compare notes. :)

  3. LOVE the cover of this one - it's creepy and gritty and tells a story:) I've heard really great things about this series as well, but my aversion to zombies has kept me from trying it. Maybe one day I'll get over that Melissa!

  4. My friend Christy over at Loves Books is crazy about this series. SHe loves this author so I am sure it is going to be a good read. I need to tackle one of his books soon as well, Happy reading!

  5. Oh, I'm reading this one now! Patient Zero and I actually have a sad little relationship. I've been reading it off and on for like 6 months now, and I keep putting it down in order to finish other books or because of work and school. It's not that I don't like it (I'm actually only like 70 pages in), but somehow, it keeps getting pushed to the back burner! Poor little book! Anyways, it's my goal to finish this one over Christmas break! I've told myself I can't start another book until I do!

  6. I don't think this book, or any by this author, would be my thing. I hope you can read it soon!

  7. Ooo, that cover just looks yucky zombie to me. ;) Great pick this week!


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