
Friday, December 14, 2012

AimeeKay Review: Flee by Miranda Kavi

I can fly. 
I have to keep it a secret. 
Everything was fine, until I met him. 
I can’t stay away… 
Aurora Lockette has a supernatural ability she hides from the world. Gavyn Dhaval is a newly famous actor that shies away from the spotlight. When Aurora and Gavyn literally collide in a fender bender on her first day of law school, they are irresistibly drawn to each other. 
When Aurora’s secret is revealed, she has no choice but to abandon Gavyn to go into hiding to escape the media frenzy. A secret society of gifted humans contacts her to warn of dark forces that seek to destroy her and everyone she loves.
Aurora must try to understand who and what she is while she fights to protect herself and her loved ones from a hidden, sinister force

I’m on the fence with this one.

I liked the story. It was a good story. The world Kavi has created is interesting and I really would like to find out more about it. I liked the characters. They are interesting and I really wanted Aurora to find her happy ending. That says a lot since some books I’ve read I actually have rooted for the main characters to walk off cliffs so….um yeah.

The main reason I’m on the fence. The start of the book kinda annoyed me. Just the first page had me wondering/hoping it would get better. In the first sentence the main character says she can fly, but then just goes into the main character going to law school. The story really doesn’t go into her ability to fly until later in the book. I know that it should have drawn me in, but somehow it just didn’t.

Also I’m on the fence because I wish there had been more information given about Aurora and how she functioned earlier in life. I also would have enjoyed finding out more about the other people’s talents and how they worked etc.

I’m not sure if this is the first book in a series or not. It didn’t have a cliffie or anything. (Thank goodness) But it definitely could lead into an interesting new series. I don’t usually rate books with stars here but I would give it 3.5 if I did. Also I want to say that if I was given the chance to read more books in the series or by this author I definitely would. The issues that I had with the book could definitely have been my own personal ones and I don’t see why anyone else wouldn’t enjoy the book as well.

Probably won’t hear from you all again ‘til after the holidays. So Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Happy Holidays and Happy New Year! Wishing you all well this Winter Season! See Ya Next Year!



  1. Merry christmas to you! I don't know what to think about this books now I confess, I think I'll wait a little more to see if there will be a second one so I could know if I need to try it. thank you!

  2. I read Miranda Kavi's book this fall.. the name is escaping me...oh Rua. I liked it but it was just missing a little something... I can't put my finger on it perhaps the writing it just didn't wow me. Maybe you got the same feeling from this one.

  3. I saw this one EVERYWHERE for a bookblast or something and I think I saw it TOO much cause I don't really have an urge to read it. And with my TBR if it didn't WOW you then its probably not going on the TBR just yet. Maybe one day...

  4. Didn't sound too bad, but not fantabulous. Sometimes a read like that is nice to have when you just want to relax.

    Thanks so much for reviewing it!

  5. Well, this is just disappointing then. But Merry Christmas and a great 2013 to you as well!

  6. I understand being on the fence with this one. If you give the next one a try I hope you like it better. :) Thank you.

  7. Thanks everybody! Glad you enjoyed the review!

    Hope you all are having a great holiday season!


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