
Friday, November 2, 2012

Wrayth (Book of the Order #3) by Philippa Ballantine

In the Empire of Arkaym, the Order of Deacons protects and shelters the citizens from the attacks of the unliving. All are sworn to fight the evil forces of the geists—and to keep the world safe from the power of the Otherside…

Although she is one of the most powerful Deacons in the Order, Sorcha Faris is still unable to move or speak after her last battle. Even her partner, Merrick Chambers, cannot reach her through their shared Bond. Yet there are those who still fear Sorcha and the mystery of her hidden past.

Meanwhile, Merrick has been asked to investigate a new member of the Emperor’s Court. But when Sorcha is abducted by men seeking Raed Rossin, the shapeshifting rival to the throne, Merrick must choose where his loyalties lie.
This is the third book with Geist and Spectyr being the first and second books respectively. In this book it is a continuation from the second where we were left thirsting for more and wanting to know what will happen next. Yes, if you haven't figured out this series you must read in order.

You are not disappointed in learning what happens to our trio of Raed, Sorcha and Merrick. We also surprisingly get some background information on our main deacon and sensitive. I really enjoyed that and can see that playing a bigger role in the coming books. This also seems to be a crossover novel. One where you do get an adventure, but the information contained is of importance. Not only to answer the questions of the past but to lay ground for what is coming in the future.

I admit that in some ways the adventure seemed a bit disjointed, but I also feel that this was intentional. It was a time of chaos and dispair and that helped that feeling. Still it was almost too many things happening at once. So many conspiracies that it feels overwhelming but at the same time you do not get lost nor do you mistake one for another.

I give this book 4 stars. I recommend it to anyone reading this series. You must read this one as I feel the information within is important. There are also a couple of surprising twists at the end that make you hungry for more. For those interested, do start with the first. You won't be sorry. I am really enjoying my time in this world. I highly recommend it to those that love fantasy and a small bit of steampunk.
I received this book from the Penguin and no compensation for my review was given.


  1. Hm...I do want to give book 1 a try. No jumping books here! ;)

  2. Book 1 is staring at me accusingly from my TBR pile....

    1. ...and wagging it's finger! :) Hope you get to it and enjoy!

  3. Hmm, I need to give book one a read! I love the way you make it sound ;)

  4. I remember seeing a ton of good reviews for Geist, but I feel like that was forever ago. Was there a fairly substantial gap in between book 2 and this one? Love a book with twists at the end, though I normally like to have the next book on hand so I don't give myself an ulcer stressing over what happened:) Lovely review Melissa!

    1. It was more than a year so it was hard to wait. Now, you won't have to wait. I really think you'd enjoy this series.

  5. I always love the covers. I think I should try it one day.

  6. This is a series I've really been wanting to read! Unfortunately I'm a bit overwhelmed at the moment, but I'm definitely going to keep my eyes open for used copies of the first books. I think a bit of chaos in a fantasy is okay. It can get confusing, but as long as everything is figured out eventually I think I'm okay with it.


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