
Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Top of Tuesday!

I have been enjoying this meme on Felicia's The Geeky Blogger's blog and have finally found some time to join in. The other players are Amanda from On a Book Bender, Christi from Smitten with Reading. Button made by Missie at The Unread Reader

My submission this week:

Devil Without a Cause by Terri Garey
Idle hands are the devil's workshop. 
Temptation and seduction are the tricks of the Devil's trade, and when offered the chance to regain his wings by playing guardian angel, he's hell-bent on doing things his way... 
Faith McFarland is in need of a miracle. So desperate to save her sick child, she's willing to make a deal with the Devil: steal a ring worn by Finn Payne, the bad-boy rockstar who long ago sold his soul for rock 'n roll. Temptation and seduction become necessary evils, yet Faith's salvation means Finn's damnation...because the ring is all that stands between him and Hell. Falling in love was never part of the bargain, but now that they've tasted heaven in each other's arms, can they convince the Devil to give up his due?

Oh I know... too much coat, but still a nice view. ;) Still it's a fun book and I think those that read this one would like to play with Sammy the devil. :D I reviewed this one HERE. Oh and to make up for the coat covering I'll throw in the vid as well...


  1. Loving the Top Off Tuesday badge as for the book cover, urgh, not my kind of look at all.

  2. Sammy is mine! I know we have this conversation every time this series comes up but seriously mine :)

  3. I love this meme every week! Oh I think the coat is awesome and dude! That guy has some wicked abs, I will do laundry on them any day!

  4. Oh, I could do my washing on his stomach...and other things! :-)

  5. Well, hello there. *bats eyes to try and lead sexy shirtless fellow away from your harem* I don't mind the coat, I think it adds to the overall effect. And I can still see plenty of skin, so I say we're good. GOOD MELISSA!

  6. I really need to continue her other series to start this one.

  7. I started her other series and have enjoyed it but I need to finish still so I can read this one!

  8. Very nice addition, I love the dark look.

  9. *drools* OMG, hot daddy come to mama! I love this cover as well as the trailer. I will have to pick up this book :)

  10. The devil's in the the details, and I see a whole lot of detail in those ABS!


  11. Sam is HAWT! Great choice in cover & character. I just love those books!


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