
Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Nevermore (Maximum Ride #8) by James Patterson

One last chance...
For Max, Fang, Angel, Iggy, Nudge, and Gazzy.
Before it all ends. 
Are you ready for the final chapter? Are you ready for the ultimate flight? Because THIS IS IT. One last incredible, explosive adventure with an astonishing ending that no one could have seen coming.

The last book in the series and hopefully all the answers are finally given. Will Max finally save the world? Will the flock be together? Well, yes, those things are answered... well, the first is sort of answered, but the second question is fulfilled. As is who Max choses in the love triangle in which I was never a fan. Nope, not going to reveal those answers, but I will talk about the general plot.

I have to say this was back with the first book, but yet, still had those pesky plot holes that were never filled. In fact, although I thought this one was better edited than some of the most recent books in the series, there were still some minor problems. One was Akila. Um... she was a Malemute and not a Samoyed. Big difference in size an attitude (okay, I might be one of the few to know that right away, but still...). The others were the explanations that never quite took, the fact that their benefactor was never really vetted, and that some of the whys weren't explained. Yes, this one will give you some of those answers, but leave several of those that were created within this series just fluttering.

I also had problems with the big climatic ending. What were the bad guys motivation. Yes, we got... save the world from the humans, but then why were they trying to always destroy the flock? Were they the true terror? Was there more to it (I can't explain that one further w/o spoilage)? How would they know that? Who knew that? What did her mother know? Jeb (we get a partial answer, but not what I thought was a full one)? Ah way too many questions, too little answers.

I give this book 3 stars. While I think it was a pretty decent conclusion to the series despite my questions, and that was mostly because of the interaction of the flock. I still liked the way they interacted despite me thinking Fang was a jerk more than once. I would still recommend this book to MG readers who just want to be entertained and not think too much about what gets dropped and what makes sense. The action and adventure was fun.
I received this book from Little, Brown and no compensation for my review was given.


  1. I need to get my hands on this book already so I can finally finish this series! lol I'm team Fang all the way so I'm a little scared about reading it, but we'll see I guess lol I'm bummed to see there weren't as much resolution but thats typical now days lol Thanks for the review!

    1. Well, at least that part is answered for you. I'm not telling who. :D

  2. I love that you keyed right in on a mistake in the dog's breed:) I would be the same way! This series just never seemed to quite do it for you, it's gotten average ratings across the board and if questions are still not answered in the final book I would get most likely get irritated. Lovely review as always though Melissa!

    1. Well, I admit the mistake is more glaring because I have a malemute, but I know I would have spotted it anyway... LOL Other stuff I may miss, but that, not so much. I have fur in my brain! :D

  3. Yeah, probably not going to get into this series. I want too, but I don't like plots that are not filled. I need answers.

  4. Well crap on toast all those books and still plot holes and not enough answers...that is just lame. I already mentioned I am not a huge fan of Patterson so I can honestly say I will skip this series. You deserve some chocolate or a margarita or something for perservering to the end! You are a book goddess!

    1. I really did like the interaction of the kids. I also do think that MG readers will love this series. So, it wasn't really that bad for me. Plus, they were really quick reads. :) I'll still take the chocolate margarita tho... ;)

  5. Wow, 8 books, did you really read the all after each other?

  6. I LOVE this cover!!! I THINK I read the FIRST Maximum Ride book like years ago... But never finished the series!!! O_o

  7. Could the plot holes be for openings to do novellas or another book or something? Bummer that they are still there. Thanks for the thoughts on all these. :)

  8. Those kinds of mistakes are just so careless. I'd expect better from such a big name author. And it would be glaring to me as well. I have to agree with Jenny, this series has been average to below in every review. I don't think I'll try my kids on it. I think there are better series out there for them to read.



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