
Saturday, August 18, 2012

Capturing Angels by V.C. Andrews Excerpt and ebook Giveaway!

V.C. Andrews, queen of Gothic fiction for twenty-five years, explores a new genre in her women’s fiction debut—available exclusively as an eBook. A young mother struggles to keep her marriage together in the wake of her daughter’s kidnapping… and to keep hope of her return alive.
Grace is the doting mother of Mary, an angelic five-year-old who charms everyone around her. But in one tragic moment at a local shopping mall, Grace looks down to discover that Mary is no longer at her side…and can’t be found anywhere. She and her husband wait by the phone for a ransom demand that never comes. For months Grace believes that Mary is somewhere, alive and safe, waiting to come home to her—but as her family and friends give up hope, Grace’s marriage begins to crumble. Only one detective, Sam Abraham, shares her determination to find Mary…but could his motives be less than altruistic? 
As Sam and Mary work together to track Mary’s disappearance, they discover clues that this was more than a random kidnapping—and that Mary may have been special to more than just her mother…
Capturing Angels by V.C. Andrews

To win this ebook, just fill out the rafflecopter form below to enter. Good luck!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. I love V. C. Andrews. My favorites are the Melody series and My Sweet Adrina.

  2. I want to read this book because I love V.C Andrews. I credit the many series by V.C. Andrews that I read growing up for my great adoration of reading. I am so excited about this book release!

  3. The only book I remember is, didn't she write Flowers in the Attic. It's a movie right? I remember that book but nothing else. Thanks for the giveaway!

  4. Thanks for the fabulous giveaway! I haven't read any books by this author. Always meant to though.

  5. I remember Flowers in the Attic when it was a big sensation but I never did read it. Now I feel like I'm missing out. Please enter my name in this draw, thanks!

  6. VC Andrews is new to me, but i´d love to read this, def. going up on my TBR list =)

    best wishes, Linda

  7. I have read a VC Andrews books but can't remember the titles. She is a wonderful writer. Thanks for the giveaway.

  8. I have never read a VC Andrews book. I would like to read it because I am getting a tablet this week, and would love an interesting read.

  9. Minions!!! I sooo want minions! (sorry love the word!lol)
    My nephews each have one!

    Sorry still suffering from jet lag...

    Thanks for the giveaway!

  10. I read the Flowers in the Attic series many moons ago. I haven't really read anything else of her's. This sounds like a great book! I'm putting it on my to read list! Thanks for the giveaway!

  11. I haven't read any of her books yet. This one sounds intriguing.


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