
Thursday, June 28, 2012

The Succubus Gift (Telepathic Clans #1) by B. R. Kingsolver: Review by AimeeKay

The history of the Clans, called the Sidhe by the Irish, stretches back to antiquity. The Goddess blesses Her people with 25 Telepathic Gifts. In addition to Telepathy, the Gifts include command over Air and Fire, Telekinesis and Teleportation. In over 2,500 years, She has never bestowed more than 15 Gifts on a single person. 
Brenna Morgan was orphaned at eight when her parents were killed in a plane crash. Through one foster home after another, she carried the ornate, carved wooden box her mother had left with her, keeping it always a secret. Then one night she stumbles over a man who claims her as family. 
Brenna’s life isn’t the same after she discovers her unusual and mysterious heritage. In addition to being a telepath, Brenna learns she has the Succubus Gift.

That’s just the beginning of her problems. Someone is stalking her. Then there’s the tall, dangerous woman who shadows her and hints a Goddess has linked them. And what is she going to do with a handsome, charismatic, womanizing man she knows she should avoid?

Some days a girl just wants to pull the covers over her head and stay in bed -- with a willing young man of course.
Urban Fantasy with a dash of romance. The Succubus Gift is a completely different take on the succubus myth. Beautiful women and hot men in a world with a hidden telepathic subculture.

So I just finished The Succubus Gift. I wasn't too sure about this one in the beginning. The story just seemed really rushed in the beginning. But the story's pace seemed to even out and I really got into it.

Things I loved about this book:

Kingsolver did an amazing job at creating this world. I love the detail they put not only into the characters, but into the clans and the abilities as well. The author didn't just wave away how the telepathy and the different abilities worked. There is even a little addition at the end of the novel that names the talents and what they are supposed to do.
While I still had some unanswered questions at the end of the book, I think they were mainly unanswered because this is the first book in the series. Hopefully in the following books the questions I had and the loose ends will be resolved. But the questions weren't so hugely nagging that they took away from my enjoyment of the story itself. They felt like more teasers for the next novel, and I can't wait to get my hands on it!

I also loved the strong female characters. While the majority of them were dazzlingly beautiful, they were far from perfect inside. While they had issues with their flaws they didn't use them as an excuse to be wishy-washy and whiny. Also, while I have my suspicions about love triangles in the future books, Brenna is a succubus after all, I liked the way the writer handled Brenna's love life and the people involved in it.

Things I didn't love about this book:

As I said before the initial pacing at the start of the novel kind of annoyed me. I guess I've gotten used to more of a back story at the beginning of the novel. But by the end I had a pretty good idea of where Brenna was coming from, as well as some of the other characters. There were a few I would have liked to have learned more about, but again, I am blaming on not finding out all their information on the fact that it possibly will be revealed in the next book.

Honestly I should say things I didn't like, not didn't love, since by the end of the book I really was enthralled and my biggest peeve was that I didn't have the second book on hand to read. (And no it's not a cliffie!!! OMG! I was shocked too. Yes it is set up for the next novel but not a cliffie.)

If you're looking for a new author or series to pick up for the summer, I definitely recommend this one. I just found out the next book in the series, Succubus Unleashed, is being released REALLY SOON!!! YAY!!!

Thanks Melissa for letting me read this one!! 
'Til next time!

Bloggy note: Come back Friday for a blog post by the author and a giveaway!


  1. Hmm, the Succubus has always enthralled me. I've never understood who they were. And that's a lot of gifts to have and understand. But since you're reading the next one, anticipating the next one, it must have been good. I liked the way you did the review. You can not like the pacing but still love the story. I can hate the plot but love the characters and love the book. Weird the way it is!
    Great review!


  2. Thanks for reviewing this one. Your excitement for the story really has me curious!

  3. I wonder what happens there now...*wondering*
    So curious

    1. I know, I can't wait to read the next book!

  4. Based on the cover, I might not have picked this one up, but this review definitely has me reconsidering. Funny how we get used to having the back story explained right away, huh? Glad it came together though.

  5. Love the sound of the herione. I lvoe a strong female lead. As long as she can kick-butt! LOL

  6. I'm always a fan of books that have flawed but strong female characters. Out with perfection!

  7. Great review again, thank you! Did Melissa tell you I bought, read and liked the Gaby Stevens books? Blaming you for that ;)

    1. So glad you liked them! If you hadn't I would have felt terrible! (not too terrible, cause I really liked them. lol But still!)

  8. Love all the comment! Thank you!


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