
Friday, June 22, 2012

Married with Zombies Read a Long, Week 4

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This weeks questions come from Tina @Tina's Book Reviews

1. In chapter 16 David and Sarah are attacked by freezer zombies in chef attire. Despite its rotten food and disgusting kitchen, lets think about what it could of been before the attack, give me a picture of your dream kitchen or a pic of you cooking your favorite food in your own kitchen... or both!!!

Okay, first.. me cooking? So NOT in my dream kitchen (or anyone else who has to eat my food either). So, I found my dream kitchen with ALL the accessories needed:
(picture half naked man in an apron...)

2. In Chapter 16, David winds up killing those freezer zombies with a machette show me your best one....and yes it must be yours!!!! 

I don't have a machette, but I do have:
This is mounted high up and I'm short. So, actually since I can't get to it, it makes a lousy weapon. LOL Btw, this one was used in farming, fyi.

3. In Chapter 17 David and Sarah find themselves with some cult like people and wind up trapped. How would you escape? Ropes? me your best.

I was thinking something rope-like that I wouldn't have to rely on my "not" knot tying skills...
It's called a "long lead" and I think this one is 20 ft. long. It's used to train dogs away from you, but you still have a tether to them. You can tie easy knots for hand holds and I could loop the handle around something sturdy without having to rely on my knots. :)
(note: hedgehog toy not included)

4. In Chapter 19 David and Sarah find a surprise in the car they the midst of crazy its a nice welcome. Now whip me up your favorite one and can include recipes!! 

Okay there was 3 things and since you mention recipes... I'm guessing you mean the alcohol. Hm... recipes... Well, this one was my fave:

Flaming Dr. Pepper from Hell
1/2 shot of Amaretto
1/2 shot of 151 proof Rum
glass of beer

Light shot and then place into the beer. Let it mix a bit and then drink. It should taste like Dr. Pepper. :) (note: I've actually never made it... and... yes, I've drank it... *innocent look*)

5. In chapter 20, Sarah gets to kill a zombie with a cash register, bringing back memories of her worst retail job tell me whats the worst job you've had......if you can include pictures in your uniform I will die laughing.....or a picture of the place you worked will be good too... :).

I actually never had a job where I had to wear a uniform. I've had lots of retail jobs from selling fireworks to music to clothes. However, my worst job wasn't even paid. My father made me get up at 5 am *grumble* on my summer vacay and travel for 3 hours to go volunteer at a VA hospital several days a week. Plus, I had to work on the most antiquated phone system in existence. It was a lot like this (although a LOT bigger):
Not EVEN kidding... I don't think they ever upgraded since it was always threatened with being shut down (it was closed down a few years ago). Wires got crossed easily and I even got yelled at when I accidentally disconnected someone. *sniff* Not my fault they didn't know what modern tech was! LOL Yea... thanks dad... :P

Next Weeks questions are from: Missie @ The Unread Reader (last one!)


  1. Oh you are a tease---I am sure the dogs made you pay for the getting those leashes out without walking them. Tonks would have been all up in my grill about that :)

    1. They were quite disgusted with me... UNTIL... "TREAT!" All was forgiven after that. ;D

  2. HAHA- aww poor you, but at least you were helping out the vets.....thats cool! And um your kitchen, I just saw him at Ashleys...he's one busy chef!!!

    ps- again your dogs have me rolling!!!

    1. Would have been cool if it was closer to home and had update technology... LOL

      I'll have to go to Ashley's and take my chef back! ;)

  3. Ummmmmm. Is it weird that I want to do inappropriate things to your shirtless kitchen accessory?

    Also, your dogs are the cutest, I want to hug them:)

    1. Nope, I felt the same way... ;)

      Oh I'll tell the puppers to expect you!

  4. your dogs are always cracking me up with their sarcasm. love stopping by always. i saw flaming dr. pepper. my daughter loves DP, but she can't have that one. :)

  5. Hardly up on my technology, I've just spent the last hour trying to find out what my RSS URL is, it could have been me you accidentally disconnected.

    1. If you need help with that, let me know. Just don't sign up to the internet with an antique switchboard! :)

  6. Ha the dog captions...they will probably be disappointed when you stop taking their pictures every week. Oh now that is my kind of kitchen...he should lose that towel. The phone thing is too funny. I would love to see it in person. I can't believe they yelled at a volunteer. could you listen into people's conversations as well?

    1. It was sweet that people in the office were mad at the guy for yelling at me. It was my fault, after all. :) You could listen in, but I doubt there was any good gossip... it was a hospital after all. :)

  7. it might be surprising but I LOVE your dream kitchen lol.

  8. Oh Em Geeeee! I need that kitchen accessory right now. Can I order him on amazon? *wishful thinking*

    And, how I remember those college days when I used to chug back those Flaming Dr. Peppers! Those were the days.

    P.S. Ozzie doesn't appreciate my running around the house taking pictures for the stupid zombie thing either. LOL

  9. I am going to miss these animated pics of your dogs when this is done! I LOVE YOUR KITCHEN!!!

  10. I am really, really tempted by that flaming Dr. Pepper drink. Basically just because I love Dr. Pepper and I want to see if it actually does taste the same :-) Also, I love amaretto!

  11. Oooh, I love these readalongs since I get to find out all these juicy secrets about you! You're the only person I know who owns a scythe. I'm scared now...

  12. I so want to kiss that cook! LOL.

  13. Okay, I will take one of those in the kitchen, and with or without the apron. ;) And he can serve me all the flaming Dr Peppers. ;D Now, those things will literally knock you on your a$$. I use to do those all the time when I was younger. WOW! Yep, they are amazing as I love Dr. Pepper. tee hee hee.


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