
Saturday, April 7, 2012

West of Want Book Tour by Laura Kaye

Meet WEST OF WANT’s Characters & Get Ready to Win! 

In just a few days, I’m going to be hosting a huge Preview & Prizes Event at over 40 blogs to celebrate April 10, the original release date for Book 2 in my Hearts of the Anemoi series, West of Want. In the past few months, some really cool things happened: my publisher, Entangled Publishing, signed a huge deal with the nation’s biggest book distributor, which means for the first time ever, my books will be shelved in brick-and-mortar bookstores. And then, West of Want received a very nice pre-sales estimate by the booksellers and Barnes and Nobles bought it for all their stores nationwide (and it got bought for airports, too—squee!). The only bad news in this whole scenario was this: the release date got pushed back, by three LONG months! LOL So, I thought I’d celebrate the original release date with a preview of the book and a big contest, and give you a small taste to whet your appetite until the actual release date arrives.

Beginning on April 10, I’m going to be giving away hundreds of dollars in prizes and gift cards. So, to get you excited for that—and for exclusive, never-before-shared excerpts from the book itself—I thought I’d introduce you to the hero and heroine to give you a taste of things to come. And, take a look at these brand-spanking-new romance trading cards for West of Want, being shared for the first time here!

First, WEST OF WANT’s Blurb:

Betrayal is all he's ever known, but in her, he'll find a love strong enough to be trusted...

When Marcella Raines' twin brother dies, she honors his request to be buried at sea, never expecting the violent storm that swamps her boat. Though she's gravely injured--and still emotionally damaged from her recent divorce--Ella fights to survive.

Zephyros Martius is the Supreme God of the West Wind and Spring, but being the strongest Anemoi hasn't protected him from betrayal and loss. Worse, he's sure his brother Eurus is behind it. When Zeph's heartbreak whips up a storm that shipwrecks a human, his guilt forces him to save her.

Ella is drawn to the vulnerability Zeph hides beneath his otherworldly masculinity and ancient blue eyes. And her honesty, empathy, and unique, calming influence leave Zeph wanting...everything. When Eurus threatens Ella, she and Zeph struggle to let go of the past, defend their future, and embrace what they most want--a love that can be trusted.

"Laura Kaye’s captivating writing and vibrant world-building will have readers hooked on the gods of the Anemoi. WEST OF WANT is steamy, spellbinding, and a must-read for all romance fantasy fans." 

~Elisabeth Naughton, author of the Eternal Guardians series 


Ella’s first impression of Zeph: Zephyros was fierce masculinity personified. Ella couldn’t stop her brain from resurrecting the image of Zeph tearing off his shirt as he sat on the edge of her bed. As if the man’s broad shoulders and bulging biceps weren’t impressive enough. As if the ridged muscles of his abdomen didn’t just call out to be traced. She had absolutely never seen with her own eyes, on a real man, that incredible cut of muscle just above his hips. But, yeah, he had it, and then some.

Zeph’s Job: Supreme God of the West Wind and Spring, one of the four Cardinal Anemoi

3 Words that Describe Zeph: Loyal, Powerful, Tortured

3 Things he Loves about Heroine Ella Raines: Her acceptance, her belief in him, her passion


One of Zeph’s early impressions of Ella:

He was ancient. He was immortal. He was a god. Yet this slip of a mortal woman pulled the ground out from under him over and over again. And she didn’t even know he was there.

Or maybe she did?

Every time he convinced himself to go, she said or did something that intrigued him. Or, worse, concerned him, and he’d find himself negotiating for just a little more time. Her pleased reaction to his flowers, her lie to the doctor and nurses, her pain at seeing her own reflection, at having that young doctor poke and prod her ruined shoulder. He couldn’t leave. In truth, he didn’t want to.

Ella’s Job: Ella is between jobs, having recently come into an inheritance, but, a life-long sailor, she’s looking at volunteering full-time for the Chesapeake Bay Foundation

3 Words that Describe Ella: Survivor, Adventurous, Strong

3 Things she Loves about Hero Zephyros Martius: That he’s survived so many tragedies and is still so kind and loving, the man beneath the otherworldliness, his strength

Pre-order West of Want on Amazon | B&N

Thanks so much for reading! And can’t wait to share the book with you for real on July 10!

~Laura Kaye

Now, about that 
Here’s what you’ll be able to win if you join in the fun beginning 4/10: 
1 $100 Amazon or B&N gift card 
1 $75 Amazon or B&N gift card 
5 $15 Amazon or B&N gift cards 
Several sites are offering West of Want gift bags 
West of Want bookmarks and romance trading cards 

But in the meantime, there’s a contest here too! 

One commenter here will win a West of Want bookmark and a full set of Laura’s romance trading cards from all her books. Simply comment to enter to win and be sure to leave your email address. These prizes will be announced as part of the event festivities on April 10. Open to international. 
Giveaway ends on 4/9 midnight

Introducing the newest trading cards (part of the giveaway):
click to see larger picture

About Laura Kaye:

Voted Breakout Author of the Year in the 2011 GraveTells Readers’ Choice Awards, Laura is a bestselling and award-winning author paranormal and contemporary romance. Hearts in Darkness is the EPIC eBook Award Winner for Best Novella, Forever Freed won the NJRW Golden Leaf Award for Best Paranormal of 2011, and North of Need, the first book in the Hearts of the Anemoi series, was named GraveTells’ Best Book of 2011 and won their 5-STAR Gold Heart Award, and won Sizzling Hot Read of the Year at Sizzling Hot Books. Laura lives in Maryland with her husband, two daughters, and cute-but-bad dog, and appreciates her view of the Chesapeake Bay every day.


  1. Thanks so much for hosting me here!

  2. Congratulations on the brick and mortar showcasing of your books. It's so nice of you to celebrate the original release date too. The North of Need tour was so much fun. I'm really looking forward to next weeks West of Want tour.
    Thank you.

  3. Laura, huge congratulations on having West of Want being even more widely distributed, even if it means a delay :) Wishing you a joyful celebration come April 10, and an even bigger one come release day!

    f dot chen at comcast dot net

  4. I have a thing for a heroes with a tragic past, that I do

  5. Yay! Thanks for celebrating with me everyone! :)

  6. Oh that's exciting! Congratulations!!! :D West of Want sounds REALLY good (and I LOVE trading cards *bounces*)

    Thanks for the giveaway!

    Romanceaholic at gmail dot com

  7. Thanks for the giveaway. Please enter me. I would love to read your books.

  8. That is a nice thing to look forward to. I so love bookmarks and trading cards, the books I can buy myself, the swag not, so I hope to win :) And good luck with the booktour and new book Laura.

    auriansbooks at gmail dot com

  9. Bounce away, Jess! Love it! And thanks to everyone for all the enthusiasm--it's so much fun to see! Woot!

  10. I didn't know this book but it sounds really intriguing. thanks for the discovery. And a big Congratulation for your book!


  11. Thanks for the giveaway! I must get this series!

    beckerjo at verizon dot net

  12. Can't wait to read West of Want, keep them coming and congrats Laura.

  13. Yay! I'm thrilled for you, Laura! I hope I see your books in our BX some day. I promise to take a pic if I do see them!

    xoxo Sarah

  14. Oh wow! That sounds like a wonderful time with these, and a wonderful book. :) Thank you!

  15. I like the way you celebrate - Congratulations to all your good fortune and imminent release!

  16. Really enjoying all your comments everyone! Thanks so much!

  17. I am dying to get my hands on these trading cards! Thanks for the chance :)

    Crystal @ RBtWBC

  18. Love the giveaway, =) i´m a sucker for anything connected to the books i read. Looking forward to reading this one!

    best wishes & Happy Tuesday!
    //Linda (fr_larsson at hotmail dot com)

  19. Loved the first book. Thanks for the giveaway.

  20. Congrats on your book and thank you for the awesome giveaways! You book sounds great!!

  21. OOOOOoooo, it's so pretty! *pets West of Want cover of hotness* I so want to read North of Need because really, let's be honest, I could use the smut in my life. There's nothing like smut to brighten up a day. No joke. :) And apparently now that I'm paying attention, it appears you have a giveaway going. Enter me, sistah!



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