
Monday, April 16, 2012

Nice Girls Don't Have Fangs (Jane Jameson #1) by Molly Harper

Maybe it was the Shenanigans gift certificate that put her over the edge. When children's librarian and self-professed nice girl Jane Jameson is fired by her beastly boss and handed twenty-five dollars in potato skins instead of a severance check, she goes on a bender that's sure to become Half Moon Hollow legend. On her way home, she's mistaken for a deer, shot, and left for dead. And thanks to the mysterious stranger she met while chugging neon-colored cocktails, she wakes up with a decidedly unladylike thirst for blood. 
Jane is now the latest recipient of a gift basket from the Newly Undead Welcoming Committee, and her life-after-lifestyle is taking some getting used to. Her recently deceased favorite aunt is now her ghostly roommate. She has to fake breathing and endure daytime hours to avoid coming out of the coffin to her family. She's forced to forgo her favorite down-home Southern cooking for bags of O negative. Her relationship with her sexy, mercurial vampire sire keeps running hot and cold. And if all that wasn't enough, it looks like someone in Half Moon Hollow is trying to frame her for a series of vampire murders. What's a nice undead girl to do?
Jane had a very bad, awful day. She got fired, got a gift certificate to get drunk as her severance pay. Decided to blow through the certificate and then while going home (after getting sober), the car breaks down. Of course when she tries to walk home, the neighborhood drunk thinks she is a deer and shoots her down. Wow... and I thought I had a horrible days.

Well, Jane obviously doesn't get killed but gets turned into a vampire. Her adventure in dealing with her new undead status is interesting and humorous. However, that is not all. She also has to deal with being accused of vampire murder and someone trying to make her un-life very hard. All this accumulates into an unexpected and humorous ending.

Oh yes... I know I've said humorous more than once. I LOL'd in this book a lot. I had so much fun with Jane and her adventures. She is also a heroine I love. She loves to read. She is snarky and loves her dog which she calls a mixture of a great dane and a loofa. How could I not enjoy all that?

My biggest complaints about this book is at the beginning there was so much going on it left my head spinning a bit. It was hard to keep track of everything, but it calms down toward the middle and you are sailing along by the end. My only other complaint was the name of an annoying vamp. Missy. NO! No one named Missy should EVER be annoying in a book! *cries*

I give this book 4 stars and I tell you you need to get this one if you want a good laugh. Only thing is when you read Missy... substitute some other name in your head for me, will ya?
I received this book from the publisher, Simon and Scuhuster/Pocket and no compensation for my review was given.


  1. Snort Club Book---told ya!

    Seriously the whole series is just LOL funny :) :) :)

    Oh and I totally substituted a name for Missy--I know way to many of y'all not too :)

    1. Ah thanks! Just for that, I'll substitute Felicia for some kick-@ss girl when I read. ;D

  2. Loving the title of this one. I had to look twice at the cover though as I was convinced that was a toothbrush in her mouth.

  3. A children's librarian turned vamp?! LOL, what else would they think of next. Never heard of this series, but I'm glad it's not suppose to be taken seriously. Sounds like a great beach read.

    1. Oh I do think you'll enjoy this one. Too much LOL to not! :D

  4. This book cracked me up, I'm glad you enjoyed it Melissa! I still need to read the other books in the series, I got distracted and never got a chance to pick them up but I can't wait for more of Jane. And yes, I will substitute your name, thou shalt not be annoying!

    1. I just read the second one and #3 and #4 is coming up. You so need to pick up those other books.

      ...and thanks. I shalt not... ;D

  5. I read this book a while ago (really), so I don't remember a lot I confess, like for the other books lol. But I really need to read the fourth. I hope you'll enjoy the others as much as this one or more.

  6. An annoying Missy? That is just not possible! Seriously? I mean, how could anyone named Missy ever be even the slightest big annoying. There is just no freaking way!

    Missys are fun and super cool and anything but annoying. How annoying to even have to say how untrue that is! *sighs*

    Harper's humor slays me! She is a queen of wit and snark.

    P.S. Just in case you missed it, Missys can never be annoying. :P

    1. No! You are so totally right! It is impossible! She just didn't know a good Missy at the time. Bet she picked it out of a hat or something. She just didn't realize... ;)

  7. SOunds like a lot of fun but I have to agree with Missie - Missys' can never be annoying - they are only misunderstood! :-)

  8. I am sorry about the persecution of Missies. It was chosen at random.

  9. I am neither firmly for or against actual Missies.

  10. I am soooo bad! I read book 1 like 2 years ago, I have book 2 and 3 waiting and I still have not read them. I fear it's cos they are there, they are safe, therefore they can wait

  11. This is one of first adult series I read and loved it. Awesome review :)

  12. I think this sounds like a great book! I'd love this main character! But that really does sound like a crappy day. I don't think I've ever had one that bad.

    And I totally love snarky, book loving, and dog loving MCs! And I got in on book one!!! Yay me!


  13. Well I definitely need all the laughs I can get!!!! And I just gotta say it- I LOVE the cover font!!!! I know... Random.

  14. Oh I got this one when it was on sale on the Nook. :) I do need to read it. I think it would be so much fun. :D Thank you!So glad to see you enjoyed it.

  15. From librarian to being mistaken for a deer to a vampire - she's making my horrible Monday look better and better!

  16. Nice review, glad you liked it, and went on with the second one!

  17. Sounds like a bunch of fun! I've been wanting to try this series out for awhile now.


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