
Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Earthseed (Seed #1) by Pamela Sargent with International Giveaway!

The classic YA science fiction adventure by Nebula and Locus Award–winning author Pamela Sargent The ship hurtles through space. Deep within its core, it carries the seed of humankind. Launched by the people of a dying Earth over a century ago, its mission is to find a habitable world for the children—fifteen-year-old Zoheret and her shipmates—whom it has created from its genetic banks. 
To Zoheret and her shipmates, Ship has been mother, father, and loving teacher, preparing them for their biggest challenge: to survive on their own, on an uninhabited planet, without Ship’s protection. Now that day is almost upon them...but are they ready to leave Ship? Ship devises a test. And suddenly, instincts that have been latent for over a hundred years take over. Zoheret watches as friends become strangers—and enemies. Can Zoheret and her companions overcome the biggest obstacle to the survival of the human race—themselves?
This is an older YA sci-fi genre book. It's considered "older" YA because of the amount of smex (nothing graphic) mentioned and violence. However, it makes sense since it is a group of teens that have never had adults to learn from, only a "ship" who is really just a personable voice to them. They were born in a lab.

Within the ship they are sent to a part where it is "wild" with nature and wild animals. They are there to learn how to survive because the goal is to "seed" other areas of the universe with thriving earthlings. While they are living in the "hollow" and coming of age, they find that tensions arise and problems within the society they created are dramatic and tense. Arguments on leadership and punishment while maintaining a utopian view within tensions arise. You also question what you would do in the same situation. No easy answers were found nor provided.

The book ends as a full book even though it is a trilogy. There is an opening for further exploration and unless you read the excerpt for the next book, you aren't sure where the series will take you. You just know it will be another adventure filled ride when you get there.

I give this book 3 stars. Although Zoheret is well defined, some of the secondary characters lack a bit in definition. However, the adventure the characters find themselves in do make up for that lack. Those that shy away from sci-fi because of the tech talk do not need to worry. It is more about the adventure of survival that is the focus of this book.
I received this book from the publisher Tor, and no compensation for my review was given.

This book was recently optioned by Paramount. I'm curious as to how it will show on the big screen. In honor of this the book has been reissued and I have been allowed by Tor to giveaway a copy of the book. Oh and guess what? It's INTERNATIONAL! Whee! Just fill out the rafflecopter form below:

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Thanks you so much for this giveaway. i'm discovering sci-fi romance this month and this book could be a great addition so thanks you a lot for this international opportunity to win it

    all the best

  2. Loving the cover and your usage of the word smexappeal, I'm intrigued to find out whether or not Zoheret can indeed save the world from its biggest obstacle.

  3. This book recently caught my eye when I was reading about the upcoming film. I really want to try n read it before then.

  4. This book sounds good. I'll definitely want to read it before the movie comes out (books are always better).

  5. Fantastic! This book looks great and sounds even better!

    Thanks for doing this giveaway :)

  6. I think I would really enjoy this one despite the lack of secondary character development (that's a touch disappointing, I always love a full, amazing cast of characters). And a huge yay for a complete story with no cliffhanger! WOO HOO!

  7. What an interesting premise! Thanks for making me aware of this series and for the thoughtful review.

  8. This looks great! Thanks for this international giveaway! :)

  9. Ooo, creativity eh...?

    There once was a ship in space
    That carried the human race
    Around the stars
    Out near Mars
    With lest speed, more haste

    Okay, that was a terrible rhyme at the end but hey, there's a reason I'm not a poet (and we all know it!) :)

    Seriously - I haven't read any SF for a while and if there is a film I would so watch it!

  10. @Mel - Awesome poem!! :D

    I don't know if this is creative or not, but last night I had a dream where it was raining books from the sky, and I couldn't find my umbrella. lol

    Thank you for the nice giveaway, I love Sci-Fi!!

  11. I'm so difficult with books in space, well I'm difficult with everything that have space in it lol. But it sounds like an interesting book, thanks for the review I didn't know this one.

  12. Thanks so much for the great giveaway Melissa! This looks like a sci-fi book I can really get into :)

  13. The whole might be movie thing got me interested, I want more cool movies

  14. I've been itching to read a new sci-fi. This sounds really interesting. I'll believe the movie thing's really a go when I buy the ticket. LOL Thanks for sharing!!

  15. Earthseed sounds like a fantastic book and I'm looking forward to reading it. I can't wait to see how a story about kids raised by a ship and getting ready to go out into the big world, whenever they land on one, turns out. It's a fascinating premise that I know I'll enjoy.

  16. This premise is exactly what I've been looking for in this genre!! I'm extremely hooked. I always enjoy a story on a space ship :)

  17. Earthseed caught my eye recently , may be I win n get this copy

  18. As requested, I'll do the deed to win Earthseed to feed my need to read, hoping to enjoy the speed of the rocket steed and wonder who will lead to continue the human seed.
    Please don't knock my feeble attempt to rock you.
    I do like Sci Fi!

  19. "a group of teens that have never had adults to learn from" - sounds horrifying to me!

  20. I'm starting to get into the SciFi stuff lately. And this sounds like a really nice read. :D Thanks for the review and a new book to look into .

  21. I would like the guy in the book to rock my world. Thanks for the giveaway.

  22. YA and smex?! Well, good thing they are older. I am one of those the shies away from Sci-Fi, but you made this one sound fun! :)

  23. Thanks for this great giveaway! I love SciFi and YA so this book looks like a great combination of both! I would love to win a copy!

  24. I have never heard of this book. It sounds interesting though! And I love the banner. I could definately handle that rain.

  25. Thank you so much for giving away a copy of the book! And hopefully the movie will be good!

  26. My creativity skills sucks lately so I just say thanks for the chance. The book sounds like a thrill ride to me so please count me in! =)

  27. Lol, officially I want to win this book for my stepdaughter, as she is even more of a reader than I am. But of course I want to read it myself first ;) I do like this kind of story, reminds me a bit of Anne McCaffrey and the Freedom series. Thanks for the lovely give-away.

  28. I'd love to read this book! Thanks for the giveaway. My creativity is drained at the moment, best I can do. :-)

  29. Yay, I love it when books are made into movies! If I've read the book, I'll end up watching it's film adaption in the cinema even if it get's bad reviews; Twilight is proof of that! ;D

  30. Although no offense to Twilight fans.

  31. I love sci-fi books. Earthseed is a sci-fi book. Therefore, i would like to love Earthseed! Thank you for the giveaway. :)

  32. Love Sci-Fi, always willing to try anything new in the genre!

  33. I would love to read EARTHSEED thank you. It's been a while since I read any Sci-Fi.

  34. Thanks so much for this giveaway! I have really been getting into sci-fi lately and have been looking for a good one! Thanks again!

  35. It looks like an amazing story and I would love to win it!

  36. The book sounds very interesting. Thanks for the giveaway.


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