
Friday, April 13, 2012

The Big, Fun, Sexy Sex Book Giveaway!

• Have flannel pj’s replaced your silky negligees? 
• Are you more likely to nod off cuddling the remote—instead of your partner? 
• Are you too tired for sex? 
• Is foreplay becoming “boreplay”? 
Sure, being comfortable in your relationship is great. You can finish each other’s sentences, love your partner’s extra ten pounds, and know just the right buttons to push in bed (or at least think you do). But too much comfort can strip your sex life of its XXX rating and render your love life . . . lifeless. 
Overflowing with candid advice, tips, techniques, personal revelations, sexercises, and even a ten-step plan guaranteed to rejuvenate your relationship and keep you and your partner coming back for more, THE BIG, FUN, SEXY SEX BOOK proves that knowledge isn’t just power—it’s also pleasure!

About the authors:

From playing Billie Reed on Days of our Lives to heating up Melrose Place as Taylor McBride to earning two Emmy nominations for Best Talk Show host for her show Soap Talk on SOAPnet to being featured on Oprah for her boutique belle gray (one of Oprah's "Celebrity Favorite Places"), Lisa Rinna has made a name for herself as an actress, a TV personality, and a businesswoman. In addition, she recently showed the world that she can not only dance but also look great in anything on Dancing with the Stars, and she launched a line of dance-themed workout DVDs called Lisa Rinna Dance Body Beautiful. She is also the author of the New York Times bestseller Rinnavation. A gorgeous celebrity with a killer sense of style, Lisa lives in Los Angeles with her husband (actor Harry Hamlin) and her two daughters.

Ian Kerner is a nationally-recognized sex therapist and New York Times bestselling author of books including She Comes First, He Comes Next, andBe Honest, You’re Not that into Him Either, amongst others, which have been translated into more than a dozen languages. Known for combining clinical insight with humor and personal warmth, Ian is a regular contributor to NBC’s Today Show and the CBS Early Show, a contributing editor toCosmopolitan magazine, and CNN’s sex expert (for which his weekly web articles are often the most popular of the day). He is also the founder of, a new web destination for sex/relationship advice that brings together some of the world’s most renowned sex experts. Educated at Brandeis University and New York University, he was born and raised in New York City, where he lives with his wife, two sons, and toddler pit bull.

Gallery books as offered one hardcover book of The Big, Fun, Sexy Sex Book by Lisa Rinna and Ian Kerner for one winner in the US. I am requiring that you at least be 18 years old to win the book. I don't require this usually since I read books beyond my years when I was younger, but since this is a how-to and not a work of fiction, I decided I would do it this time. Just fill out the form below:

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Most of the men from the Black Dagger Brotherhood series by J.R. Ward. Curran from the Kate Daniels series by Ilona Andrews.

  2. Barrons from the Fever series and Roarke from from the In Death series.

  3. LOL! Hmmm, I would love how to to more fun things in bed.

  4. Love the BDB brothers and Barons and Bones. The list could go on and on and on...

  5. I love the Kushiel's Dart Series by Jacqueline Carey!

  6. Guild Hunters by Nalini Singh. Guilty pleasure. :p

  7. Emma Holly's the Fitz Clare series is a good one.

  8. Just how BIG is it???

    Something about this title makes me want to just go around saying it in a Barry White voice: "The Big. Fun. Sexy Sex. Book." (Cue some stripper music...)

    1. *snort* I so don't need to drink anything before reading your comment! LOL

  9. No favorite characters or series here. But I will say that having a one-year-old in my house...this book might come in handy, haha.

  10. Ooooooooh! I'm gonna need this book for when my fictional harem becomes a real life harem. Any day now, I'm sure. :P


    Yeah, that was lame, even for my own ears.

    Sexiest character? Yikes. I have so many! Where to start, I think an oldie but goodie. Eric Northman... I mean Viking and vampire!!! Who could beat that?


Thanks for commenting! I ❤ comments!