
Saturday, March 17, 2012

Kony 2012

This is the video that has gone viral. It's about the atrocities in Uganda. If nothing else, it's something better to get upset about than the little things that occur in our own lives.

There has been lots of criticism of this video. Not all of it makes sense, I'm sorry to say. However, there is a couple of well done articles out there. One is from Michael Deibert who writes for the Huffington Post. It was the first one I saw. This post at least tries to bring to light the history of the problem and specifically why he is against it. Also, another well thought out post that isn't exactly against the video nor the message, but does make sense of what so many were criticizing in such a bad way. It's by Musa Okwonga who has family that lives there. So he obviously has a big stake in what goes on in Uganda. His post is HERE.

So, if nothing else, I think it is important to take away the two things that everyone seems to agree on. One that this atrocity should be known and two, that Kony is evil. That is why I decided to post the video. Also do find out and check out what else is going on in Africa. This could be a jumping off point in people caring what happens all over Africa.


  1. Chilling stuff though as you say I don't always think that video makes sense and at times some of the comments seem a little bit irrelevant which is a shame. Lots of controversy about the maker of the video here in England with many claiming he is making a lot (an awful lot) of money out of it .... how far this is true I don't know but I certainly hope it isn't the case.

  2. I didn't understand all of this either until my husband explain. It's sad of all of this is going on. Thanks for sharing this.

  3. Oh wow. The things that go on in the world we have no idea about.

  4. Technology and the Internet has its pitfalls but in these cases, how would the outside ever know about the evil things happening in remote areas of the world otherwise?


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