
Thursday, March 8, 2012

Embrace by Jessica Shirvington

It starts with a whisper: “It’s time for you to know who you are…”

Violet Eden dreads her seventeenth birthday. After all, it’s hard to get too excited about the day that marks the anniversary of your mother’s death. As if that wasn’t enough, disturbing dreams haunt her sleep and leave her with very real injuries. There’s a dark tattoo weaving its way up her arms that wasn’t there before.

Violet is determined to get some answers, but nothing could have prepared her for the truth. The guy she thought she could fall in love with has been keeping his identity a secret: he’s only half-human—oh, and same goes for her.

A centuries-old battle between fallen angels and the protectors of humanity has chosen its new warrior. It’s a fight Violet doesn’t want, but she lives her life by two rules: don’t run and don’t quit. When angels seek vengeance and humans are the warriors, you could do a lot worse than betting on Violet Eden…
 I've always been fascinated by all mythology. I remember a poster a friend of mine had that broke down the ranking and hierarchy of the Hebrew angel mythology. I remember how complex and beautiful it looked. This book takes a small portion of that mythology and weaves it into a world where all exiled angels are dangerous and corrupt. It doesn't matter if they come from the light or the dark. In fact the book tries to put those assumptions into question. This I liked immensely. Also, for those that shy away from books like this because you fear it may be preachy, do not worry. It does not come across that way at all even though some chapters start with a bible quote. It is only to set the stage for the chapter, not the religion.

Now although I enjoyed some of the myth play, I have to admit it also felt incomplete. Answers eluded me and I would have liked it fleshed out more. Those things may be solved in the coming books, but might frustrate some of us in this first book. Also, you are left to question some of the actions of the ordinary folk. I didn't understand her father who was absent throughout most of the book, but turns up later very interested in her life. I did love her best friend but she also confused me a bit. She seemed to have less trouble about the whole suddenly an angel thing than Violet.

Oh, I do have to mention the suitors that Violet has. One is Lincoln. He was a nice guy. Great guy, but I honestly didn't connect with him well in this story, but then he wasn't in much of the book. However, Phoenix. *sigh* Bad, bad, bad angel in such a good way. LOL Although you knew he was bad for Violet, you knew he was playing her somehow... and yet I cheered for him. I wanted him to win. He had so much more depth and layers to his character than Lincoln that I think I'll be cheering for him in the next book. :D

I give this angel book 3 1/2 stars. I really enjoyed the mythology despite my questions but I am aware this is part of a series. I'm hoping those lingering questions will be better answered in the next 2 books. I also enjoyed the Violet's adventure to learning who she is... and Phoenix. ;) I think, though, I would have liked her "normal" relationships to have been stronger. More fleshed out. I think it would have made her character stand out more. It would have made Violet more believable to me.
I received this ARC from the publisher and no compensation for my review was given.
Brand New Embrace Book Trailer from Sourcebooks Inc on Vimeo.


  1. A good bad angel...or is he a bad good angel. Either way, very intriguing!

  2. Hrm..angel books are so hit or miss with me and it really depends on the mythology and characters. To be honest, I'm not about picking this one up as I've read some mixed reviews. If I see it at my library, I may give it a shot. I do, however, really liked the book trailer. :)

    1. I liked the mythology, but I wanted more of that. I'm not sure if this one will rock you, but do try it if you find it in the library.

  3. I like the thought of exiled angels. Not too sure if I'd enjoy this or not though as it seems to have been a bit of a hit-and-miss read for you ...... perhaps if our library has a copy I might.

    1. I'm hoping the next books give me more mythology. It really wasn't a bad book at all.

  4. I really enjoyed the mythology aspect of this one too, I'm hoping we get to learn a lot more about the angels in the next book:) Violet's behavior tripped me up a bit because I just couldn't understand why she was being the way she was. I know we got an explanation for it at the end, but I'm still not quite sure how I feel about her. Fabulous review as always Melissa!

    1. LOL She did sort of go back and forth, right? I think I'm with you on Violet, but she does have potential.

  5. Great Review Melissa! I like that you assured those of us that don't like to be preached to that it wasn't preachy despite the Bible verses. I know it's angels, but I still don't expect them to be religious. Blame Patch for that! LOL I'm waiting for the next one to come out since most of you all are rating this one in the middle. Thanks for the honest review!


    1. Well, when you consider many cultures have angels or angel-like beings in their mythology. So, I don't expect them to adhere to only one religion. I like when that happens. :)

    2. Something is new, first the font and..did you have threaded comments before? Hm perhaps, still something is new

    3. Had the font for a bit now. And yep... threaded comments before you switched to them. I think you didn't notice before because you'd get here before I usually answered people. LOL

  6. You totally nailed down the reasons why I don't usually read books about angels, bc, like you said, they can be rather preachy. Good to know that isn't the case here.

    Oh, and Phoenix, yes, please break me off a piece of that bad boy! RAWR! I'm not sure I'm sold on the mythology presented here, but I'd like to take a look at that poster you referred to. hehe. I think I'll wait till you read book two and review it to decide on weather I'll give this series a try. Thanks for working for me, Mel. You are a good friend. :)

    1. Oh I know you'd be all over Phoenix. LOL I don't mind doing your work... just make sure I get the next book.... okay? ;D

  7. I confess I've not read many angel books either - for some reason I never consider angels as having as many layers as either vampires, shifters or ghosts...and occasionally I'd like a first in the series to wrap up questions without leaving everything hanging! Ok, mini-rant over! :-)

    1. True... many authors make the angels quite bland, don't they? I can see why she didn't answer all questions in this book. I think the mythology alone would have made a book in itself. I will say that at least this one didn't leave everything hanging.

      However, I am totally with you on your rant. :D

  8. Oh I love mythology too, always so interesting. I studied it a while ago and I'm always glad to learn more but I understand it must be quite frustrating to not have your answers... I hope it will be the case in the second book.

  9. Sounds like the book (and series) still has some room to grow. Maybe the next book will do that. :) Thank youfor the great review. Love the looks of this cover! :D

  10. Dude! I so fell for the bad angel! He is hot!

  11. Mythology is my current obsession, so I have been dying to read embrace! Thanks for the great review. Although I know what you mean about wanting some answers. I feel the same way...

  12. Why oh why do the bad guys seem so irresistible??? I have a soft spot for Phoenix too.

  13. Hmm...from the sounds of it, I think this is going to be a library book for me. It's something that I'm kind of interested in, but I'm not quite sure it will be my thing, so I don't want to invest the money in it yet. Thanks for your thoughts, Melissa!

  14. I normally avoid angel books coz I don't like the preachiness, so it's good to know it's not too bad in this one. I have it in my TBR pile but haven't been too tempted to pick it up. I'll get to it... eventually.


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