
Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Deliverance (Mortal Path #3) by Dakota Banks

A demon's assassin for centuries, Maliha Crayne has gone rogue, determined to save a life for every one she's destroyed in order to free herself from an eternity of enslavement, damnation, and excruciating torment. But as the powers that sustained her in the past fade, she is wary of trusting those closest to her-especially her lover, Jake. Should Maliha listen to her heart or the alarms going off in her head? Then her closest friends begin to disappear, one by one. Amid her anger, suspicion, and sorrow, she feels her life spiraling out of control.

Worse still, a beautiful, Renaissance murderess is recruiting Maliha as her new assassin. Maliha is turning into a lethal puppet with an evil Immortal pulling the strings, forced to kill innocents or see her missing friends die horribly. Suddenly trapped in a moral no-man's land, Maliha is damned if she does and damned if she doesn't…and time is rapidly running out.
This is a series that has been very emotional for me. The first two in the series, Dark Time and Sacrifice had me wanting to throw them both in the freezer (Joey, Friends ref). Emotional events that took me by surprise and had me wanting it to turn out differently upset me, but in a good way. In this book, it really is no less emotional, but didn't have me running for the freezer. The emotional elements were less surprising as well but no less entertaining.

In this book, Maliha is fully on her mortal path. Trying to balance the scales to gain her soul back. She is trying to find her new moral values within the path she has taken. She questions herself a lot in this book and even is reprimanded by other's who she values as well as herself. She finds that sometimes it is good to be the assassin and keep her emotions in check to do the impossible. Sometimes it's also good to let those emotions rule as well. It is this balance Maliha struggles with in this book.

The book, as with the others in the series, is fast paced and we are met with horrific villans to conquer. We also find out who is friend or foe with most of the characters in this book. We also are left in the dark with Maliha as to which powerful players have a hidden agenda. It's those players we are concerned about and yet have to trust. A difficult postion to be left in that will continue to the next book in the series.

I give this book 4 stars. It's a great addition to Maliha's journey on the mortal path. It should also appeal to those fans of UF who love a character with growth. This book is published today!!
I received this book from the author for my review and no compensation was given.
Make sure you come back tomorrow. There will be a blog post by Dakota Banks as well as a great giveaway! Yes, the giveaway will be international!!


  1. Nice review, I have added this to my wishlist.

  2. I have added this series to my TBR. I don't know how I missed it before but it sounds like such a terrific read :)

    1. Oh this is a series I think you'll like. It's def. UF, but more emotional than the usual UF. :)

  3. And you managed to read them from book one instead of starting later in the series ....... I am impressed. A great review, thanks for the recommendation.

  4. This series sounds intense if both of the first 2 books had you wanting to put them in the freezer! Glad this one was freezer-free but equally good:)

    1. Yep... and I really think you'd enjoy this one. Especially since it seems we like the same UF books. :)

  5. What?! Where has this series been all my life? I love emotional rides in UF, because then it gets my mind off of the lack of romance. LOL

  6. Oh I was wondering about this book, I'm glad you enjoyed it, now I think I really need to add it to my wishlist! It sounded quite intense, it's interesting to have a book like that. thanks for the great review!

    1. Yes, do add this one. I'd love to know what you think about the books. :)

    2. I'll try to do so! thank you!

  7. Ohhh horrific villains :D I do like those cos you just feel that there is no hope ..and sometimes there is none

  8. Hmmm, sounds like a great urban fantasy book I could really dive into!

  9. Oh I do want to get to this series! I love the sounds of it. :) Thank you!

  10. Ha! There must be some overwhelming redeeming qualities to this series if you persevered to reach Book 3 .... sequentially, even :)


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