
Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Burned (Void City #4) by J.F. Lewis


Void City's resident badass vampire has a secret to keep, everything to lose, and a plan to win it all. Eric has taken control of the city's supernatural hierarchy, putting all the deals and contracts that allow Void City to function up for renegotiation. When he installs his insane vampire daughter, Greta, as Void City's sheriff of the supernatural, bloody mayhem ensues. To further complicate things, the love of Eric's life is back from the dead, immortally young, at a cost that has put Eric under the thumb of a very powerful demon. The mysterious mouser Talbot, morose mage Magbidion, and all of Eric's thralls are trying to help him keep things under control . . . But with early onset Alzheimer's, vampire hunters, demons, a band of chupacabra, a cursed cousin with a serious grudge, and Rachel as his new "handler" . . . there's just not an app for that.
Yep, I did it again. I read #4 before reading #1. Oh and in this case I really shouldn't have done that. I was lost, never connected to the characters, BUT seriously, I really want to read this series from the beginning. Why? Well...

It has to do with a very powerful vampire that cannot be killed and has Alzheimer's. He is a true immortal by night and a vampire by day (Murphy's law and all that). His daughter is feared and is quite insane. I mean she not only has daddy issues, but mommy ones as well. She sleeps in the trunk of his Mustang with the bones from the car's diet (yes, it's alive!). There is a "mouser" who is a creature that can become human. And in the case of Talbot, well, he can eat huge demons without getting any kind of gastric upset. There are also plenty of powerful mages, demons and unsuspecting cattle... uh I mean humans who all live in Void city. 

Oh and I can't forget the chupacabra. How could I forget them?

Through it all, there is some demon trying to control Eric and a huge plan to put it to rights, but he can't remember exactly what that plan entails. Good thing he has an app for that. Yes, seriously, he has an app for that. 

Now that I have you scratching your heads in this completely insane group of monsters and a strange task, doesn't it sound interesting? Yes, this is a series I will start from book one. Just don't follow my lead and start with this one. You will be lost. AND I do mean lost. However, even if it ends up not making much more sense than it does now, I do think I'll be able to connect to these characters when I follow their adventures from the beginning. I'd be happy with that. :)

No stars for this one. I don't think it would be fair to give them at this point.
I was given this book from Pocket Books and no compensation for my review was given.

Books in the series:


  1. You are going to have to start from the beginning? I feel like I have been such a good influence! My work is done LOL

  2. A vampire with Alzheimers? This I have to read.

  3. I don't understand either... Lmao!!!!

    Yeah, I have to read a series book by book or I feel like I lose something- even if it's all in my head!!!

    1. Well, SOME can be read out of order... not all. Lesson learned... again! LOL

  4. Hahaha oops:) There are definitely series you can't start in the middle and have any hope of understanding, and this is clearly one of those:) I can't wait to see what you think of book 1 when you try it!

    1. Oh if you get a chance, do pick up the first. It has pretty high ratings so I'm sure it makes total sense if started correctly. LOL

  5. AAAh you're like me! I think it's even more difficult with UF series to read books like that. I hope you'll try the first one soon! Well I have the first one in my TBR pile, I need to try it. Too bad you can't tell me how it is lol. But well the french cover are so less beautiful.

    1. So true... UF is usually ones to read in order. I just don't do as I'm told all the time. ;)

      Oh I hope you review it soon! I'm SO curious about book #1! LOL

  6. Melissa, I'm so confuzzzzzled! What is going on in this book? A chupacabra? An immortal at night but vampire during the day? What does that mean? LOL

    This all sounds so strange to me. Which is strange because I usually like strange. See, I told you it's best to read in order. But you did a great job of piquing my curiosity.

    Sometimes, being stubborn bites you in the butt, huh? LOL

    1. Eh... I have enough butt to go around. ;)

      It really did make me curious for book 1. I have to know what it all means too! :D

  7. Oh you *shakes head* You learned your lesson there now didn't you.

    *whistles innocently*

    1. Yea... innocent my... *ahem* ;)

      Learned my lesson? NEVAR! ;D

  8. Hmm, that happens with books. Though, the book intrigues me with all the strange characters.

  9. Yep, I did it again. I read #4 before reading #1.

    BAHAHAHA! I am always chastising you for doing that, but it looks like I am going to do be doing that myself soon (I got the 6th or 8th book in a series from the publisher the other day. THE 6TH OR 8TH BOOK! Oh gosh)...

    And oh my gosh, my head just exploded. LOOK AT ALL OF THOSE PARANORMAL ELEMENTS GOING ON! I think that you took the most professional step by not giving it stars! *Pats Melissa on the back* ;)

  10. Oh no! There are four books already!?! I want to get to book 1 myself. :D Thank you.

  11. #4 before #1? That's the Melissa I know and adore!!!

    There are many unique elements to these series, not the least of which is a vampire with alzheimers. And the chupacabra...c'mon!

  12. Hmmm, are you having trouble reading the numbers? Maybe someone should go to the book store with you? Four is way far into the series. No wonder you were lost! I would have loved to watch you read and try to make sense of what you were reading. And Vampire Alzheimer's? That's a new one. You pick some doozies!



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