
Saturday, November 12, 2011

On My Wishlist...

Meme hosted by Book Chick City

Deliverance (Mortal Path #3) by Dakota Banks
tbp: March 7, 2012

A demon's assassin for centuries, Maliha Crayne has gone rogue, determined to save a life for every one she's destroyed in order to free herself from an eternity of enslavement, damnation, and excruciating torment. But as the powers that sustained her in the past fade, she is wary of trusting those closest to her-especially her lover, Jake. Should Maliha listen to her heart or the alarms going off in her head? Then her closest friends begin to disappear, one by one. Amid her anger, suspicion, and sorrow, she feels her life spiraling out of control.

Worse still, a beautiful, Renaissance murderess is recruiting Maliha as her new assassin. Maliha is turning into a lethal puppet with an evil Immortal pulling the strings, forced to kill innocents or see her missing friends die horribly. Suddenly trapped in a moral no-man's land, Maliha is damned if she does and damned if she doesn't…and time is rapidly running out.

Yes, (and don't be too surprised) I read and reviewed this series in order! The first is Dark Times, then Sacrifice and now this one (my reviews in links). You know I needs it! :)

Fated (Soul Seekers #1) by Alyson Noël
tbp: May 22, 2012

So here's the deal . . .

Strange things have been happening to Daire Santos. Animals follow her, crows mock her, glowing people appear from nowhere. Worried that Daire's having a breakdown, her mother sends her to stay with the grandmother she's never met, who lives on the dusty plains of Enchantment, New Mexico. There Daire crosses paths with Dace, a gorgeous guy with unearthly blue eyes.

Her grandmother recognizes Daire's episodes for what they are - a call to her true destiny as a Soul Seeker, a person who can navigate between the living and the dead. Guided by her grandmother, Daire must be quick to learn how to harness her powers because Dace's brother is an evil shape-shifter, out to steal them.

Daire must embrace her fate as a Soul Seeker and discover if Dace is the guy she's meant to be with . . . or if he's allied with the enemy she's destined to destroy.

Libriomancer by Jim C. Hines
tbp: Aug. 7, 2012


Isaac Vainio is a Libriomancer, a member of the secret organization founded five centuries ago by Johannes Gutenberg. Libriomancers are gifted with the ability to magically reach into books and draw forth objects. When Isaac is attacked by vampires that leaked from the pages of books into our world, he barely manages to escape. To his horror he discovers that vampires have been attacking other magic-users as well, and Gutenberg has been kidnapped.

With the help of a motorcycle-riding dryad who packs a semi-automatic pistol and a pair of oak cudgels, Isaac finds himself hunting the unknown dark power that has been manipulating humans and vampires alike. And his search will uncover dangerous secrets about Libriomancy, Gutenberg, and the history of magic.

So, what is on your wishlist this week?


  1. Firstly, you read a series in ordeer? Are you feeling alright? Is this one of the signs of the apocalypse? :-)

    And secondly - Libriomancer sounds fantastic - I want it too! If only I could reach into the computer and pull the book out...

  2. ooh, Fated and Libriomancer both sound fab! I want!

  3. Libromancer made me drool! I want it very badly!

  4. Mel, the apocalypse is averted only if Melissa reads in order from time to time...

  5. I haven't read the Mortal Path series so I'm curious about it now.

  6. I def. need a copy of Fated!! Looks so good.

  7. I'm definitely going to need Fated dude!!!

  8. Did anyone else get all feverish and excited seeing Libriomancer??? I didn't even read the whole description, just saw Gutenberg and my pulse spiked. Ummm, yeah. WANT IT!

  9. I've never actually read any of Jim Hines's books and Libriomancer looks like it would be a good one to start with.

  10. I've never heard of that Mortal Path series, is it any good?? I've been looking for some good Adult fiction!

    As for FATED...I had issues with The Immortals series by Alyson Noel. Not because her writing was bad, but her characters pissed me off. And then the story just fell flat for me. This looks amazing and the cover is absolutely gorgeous, but I'm nervous. I think I'll still give it a try though!

  11. Fated sound good and it's on my to-read list too. Can't wait for its release. Have a good weekend!

  12. Fated sounds great, but I'm hesitant to give Noel another try after the Immortals.

    Libriomancer sounds amazing! I definitely haven't read anything like that before; great pick!

    On My Wishlist

  13. Ooooo Fated looks really good! I haven't read anything by Alyson Noel, so maybe this new series will be a good place to start:)

  14. Fated sounds really good! Must add to TBR list!

  15. Love, love, LOVE the sound of "Fated"!

  16. The last one totally made me LOL :D

  17. I have Libromancer on my list too. It was a good week for finishing wishlist books. But playing with the new recommendation feature on GoodReads has added even more books to the list! Please come see what I'm wishing for this week.

  18. Okay, wait a minute. Crows mock everyone, don't they? Or maybe I'm a bit too much like Daire up there. If I am, I want to meet my own Dace. LOL

    Yup, that's totally a book that is going on my wishlist too!

  19. Libriomancer - me too me too!! Fated looks gorgeous - will have to add that one as well.

    Pabkins @ Mission to Read

  20. Fated and Libriomancer definitely goes to my wishlist! :) Here's my latest wishlist!

  21. OK Libriomancer sounds like a fantastic concept. I want that ability---I would so reach into books and draw out my man harem :)

  22. I'm excited for Fated! I love Alyson Noel!

  23. Fated looks good, and I love the cover!


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