
Tuesday, September 13, 2011

My Book Boyfriend

Where Demons Fear to Tread (The Company of Angels)Today's book boyfriend is inspired by Where Demons Fear to Tread by Stephanie Chong. The man in question is Julian the unlikely hero. He was a good man in life, but fell right before his death. He became a demon and rose in the ranks rather quickly. Unfortunately for his demonhood, he meets Serena a smart guardian angel who melts the ice in his heart and strives to show her his sincerity of his feelings. His biggest obstacle isn't forgiveness from an all-knowing being, but from himself. He is also smexy as all get out and even though he is a demon who is not above bending the laws, he never forces himself on someone. Manipulative, yes, but he only goes so far.

Back to the smexiness...

So, who could be this demon looking for love? My nomination is Andrei Andrei. Yes, he was so nice they named him twice! Enough talk! We must have pics! Here you go:
Shirts really serve no purpose, do they?
Well, pants are really unnecessary too, you know?
Ah, so loving those demonic thoughts yet?

So who is your book boyfriend this week? Sorry, this one is all mine. ;D


  1. Oh dear god in heaven... Excuse me while I wipe the drool from my chin! Jesus! He's enough to make me feel like praising the lord!!

  2. Hmmm....seems like you are the devil on my shoulder Melissa!! It's before 9am and I'm already thinking about heading to the bedroom again!! :)

  3. I can't say anything snarky. What a pity. I wish you a lot of fun with your new toy boy Melissa!

  4. Ooooh pretty.

    But I don't have a book boyfriend. Never even heard of the term before. I find it vaguely amusing although I can't think of even one. Oh well.

  5. HOT!!!!! What a delicious looking demon.

    Melissa look over there so I can steal this smexy man from your harem ;)

  6. Yep, yep, that man should be naked ALL THE TIME. There should be a law against pants and shirts where he is concerned. PHWOAR.

  7. That middle picture literally catapulted right out of my chair! So um, yea...


  9. I never liked the character Eric in the tv series True Blood but saw a photo of the actor who plays him and he is gorgeous - it must be Eric's blonde hair that doesn't do it for me.

  10. I agree with a man like that clothing should always be optional...or maybe illegal?

  11. Oh my! Heaven can't help me now!

    When I finally figure out a way to infiltrate your harem, I heading for AA first! You have been warned. ;)

  12. Sweet Lord. It's a crime against nature for that man to wear any clothes at all. Good thing you found a picture of him in the buff:) This post has made my day, thank you Melissa!

  13. Oh Gawd! Forgive me for I have sinned! Holy! I mean, *clears throat* excuse me while I wipe off the drool.

  14. I've never really felt that shirts and pants were EVER necessary for hot men. In my opinion it really ruins the canvas. Oh. Em. Gee. *wipes screen* sorry, my mouth got away from me. I'll say it again, I must get my hands on this man..*clears throat* I mean book.

    In the Closet With a Bibliophile

  15. *gets out mop and bucket*

    Man... who has been drooling around here?


  16. Um, not only does he not need a shirt, pants, or any clothes whatsoever - he only needs one name too!

  17. Oh you evil girl! *stares*
    Mmm, he is one yummy man. I must look away!

  18. Shirts, for that matter all clothing, gets in the way. I like this one.

  19. Oh my! You are just tooooooo much with these pictures. And tilting the head doesn't help to see better. ;D Thank you for the great pick this week.

  20. Wow he's...(swallows HARD)...muscular isn't he ;)

  21. Yes, pants *she pants* are totally unnecessary!

  22. Oh good God. Man candy. Can we share? Pretty please?!?!?!

  23. Ahh Andrei nice they named him twice. He's perfect, and this character sounds...uh...hunky? Quite nomish too! Awesome pick!

  24. From the description you've given this Andrei Andrei is the perfect pick ... I am definitely having unhealthy thoughts about this character, please excuse me as I wipe the drool from my keyboard, lol.

    Perfect choice! Absolutely perfect, lol. Drop by the Hardcover Harlequin and check out my boyfriend of the week :) lol.

    New follower! You have a lovely blog :)

  25. This book is calling to me from my kindle, "Avvvverrrryyyy... Pick me up and read me! I contain gorgeous boys!" ;)


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