
Tuesday, September 20, 2011

My Book Boyfriend Revisited!

Since a review, author blog post/giveaway is about to come up with this very soon to be published book I thought I'd revisit one of my Book Boyfriends, Owen! Oh no, I have not recast him but thought I'd just revisit the manly vision played by Jason Momoa!

Owen is just as sweet, strong and loving as before. Yes, I know... shut it girl... give us some pics!

I figure if I'm going to show him in his suit, you should still get some flesh nearby!
Waving to Gin, uh I mean me! ;)
Upset that anyone would have even thought to mess with me! 

So, what is in your moob, uh I mean harem this week?


  1. Oh he is so HAWT! Melissa can I please steal him from your harem?

  2. Sorry but this guy is muscled like a mountain gorilla! Really all muscle is not so nice! Apart from that I never liked Owen in the books. ;P

  3. Hmm...thinking I need to revisit some old TV shows with Jason on...I do like a suit on a well muscled man! :)

  4. Oh. My. God. Ok, I am definitely starting up this series next. It's been put off too long, but if I have Jason to dream about while reading...eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep!

  5. hehe it is so funny how we all picture Owen as our favorite guys! To me, he is more of a Karl Urban LOL :)

  6. He has ummm... lots of muscles that I want to touch! LOL, hottie indeed!!

  7. oh wow, who is this guy? Seriously never heard of him before. I'm missing out! :)

  8. Nooooo! Those moobs are MINE!

    OMG, I'm so in love with Momoa. Did you hear he might get the role of Barrons, or is that just a rumor? I don't know, but I voted for him on FB. LOL

  9. Owen! So many things to love about that man :-)

    Paranormal Haven

  10. I so need to get going and finish Gin's books. Thanks for the Moobs!

  11. HOT DAMN... I would do extremely dirty things to that man! Win!!

  12. I don't think I've ever seen Jason in a suit...or not half-dressed before. He cleans up nice!

  13. I can't believe that I still haven't read these books before! And I haven't heard the greatest reviews for Conan, but he def makes me want to go see it! ;)

  14. Hmm, this one doesn't do it for me but I'll definitely be back next week to see who the next one in line is.

    I've been meaning to read this series but just haven't gotten around to it yet.

  15. I love the Elemental Assasin series, I've never thought of Mr. Moobs playing Owen but I can completely see it now:)

  16. Boyfriends Revisited? Can you do that. Well, at least the harlom will be jealous of him he gets a few rounds. ;D

    Thank you for the eye candy. ;D

  17. LOl- I think that guy has bigger boobs than me....

    Thats bad right?

    :( for me....**Sobs**

  18. *fans self* I am so obsessed with Jason Momoa. He is so hot; Conan wasn't the greatest movie but I want to watch it again just for that love scene. Mmmmm....

    Sorry, what was I saying?

  19. Jason Momoa, since his roll in my new favorite man! For sure! That you for sharing these fantastic pics!

  20. Oh gosh! I think I need a cold shower now!

  21. Gah!!! I LOVE Owen to an unhealthy degree. I think it may be the purple eyes...or maybe its his thing with slowly hurting/killing anyone who hurts him or his own. Me want him! *licks screen* I'm so excited for this book to be released on the 27th! :D *does happy dance*


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