
Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Erin Kellison Author Blog Post and Giveaway!

Beauty and the Beast 

First of all, thank you to Mel for having me at Books and Things today. And thank you to readers for stopping by and reading. I’m giving away a set of my Shadow series books, including Shadow Bound, Shadow Fall, and Shadowman to a random commenter who answers the question below. Also, part one in my Shadow world novella series, Shadow Touch, is currently a free download on Kindle and Nook. 

I like a good fairy tale, but I’m not so much into damsels in distress. And I’m not so keen on squeaky clean heroes either. No cardboard cut-outs for me. My Shadow series tagline is Dark Fantasy meets Modern Fairy Tale, which means I like a contemporary, twisted take on old favorites. And dark, scary dark. 

In the case of my September release, Shadowman, I use Beauty and the Beast. Great story. Enchanted (or cursed) castle. A beast in dire need of reform. A lost heroine, in this case, lost in time. A rose. A magic mirror. I add a gate to Hell, an escaped devil, a freaky ghost, a host of angels looking to take our hero down, and wicked-twisted Fate, who wants the heroine for herself. 

The castle is my Segue Institute, a paranormal research facility housed in a renovated turn-of-the-century hotel. Yes, the place is haunted. And my beast is Shadowman, also known as the Grim Reaper, and he’s looking for his lost sweetheart. He will stop at nothing to have her back, no matter what the consequences are. Beauty is Kathleen O’Brien, who has been searching for him too, on her own perilous path. I’ve got the flowers that Beauty always loves in the fairy tale, but my “Rose” is a little closer to a nightmare. And the magic mirror is set up by Fate, a puzzle without a real solution. 

You can find an excerpt of Shadowman here: 

And now for the contest question: What’s your favorite fairy tale? 

Erin, Thank so much for coming on the blog! I have to tell everyone that I have met her and if you get the chance to meet, take it! She SO rocks!!
I also have to say that I'm not much for damsels in distress and love dark twisty novels! Oh and yes, my fave fairy tale is Beauty and the Beast. I really was never into princessess. :)

You will SO love what Erin is giving away. A SET of the Shadow books! Yes! Shadow Bound, Shadow Fall and Shadowman (review tomorrow)! PLUS it is INTERNATIONAL! Just answer Erin's question and fill out the rafflecopter form! Easy!
(if you are having a bit of trouble with the rafflecopter form, try to refresh. Sometimes it has taken it, but doesn't show right away)
Good Luck!


  1. I absolutely love the Beauty and the Beast story! So much so that I recently made my husband buy me the Disney DVD and now my son is in love with Beauty. Every time he sees her he gets all excited, "Mommy it's booty and the beast!". Cannot wait to read this book. Thank you for doing the giveaway!


  2. Sounds fantastic - what great characters and setting. Love modern takes on fairy tales!

  3. Beauty and the Beast is one great story but Cinderella has its merits too - great giveaway!

  4. I've always been a fan of Snow White. I love the Evil Queen. *g* Thank you for the amazing giveaway!

  5. I've always liked Little Red Riding Hood. And I've had Erin's books on my TBR list for too long! Hook me up!!

  6. My favorite fairy tale is The Little Mermaid and Beauty and the Beast. Somehow the heroines are not always waiting for their prince. They do something for what they want; shows their personality.

    this is the first time i heard about this series! i definitely want to start to read it! :)

  7. My favourite fairy tale without a doubt is Cinderella! Love any retellings of it as well :-)

  8. My favourite is Beauty and the Beast . . . I just have such a soft spot for a totured hero.

    baychriz at gmail dot com

  9. Not too sure the entry form worked but I'd love to enter this fantastic giveaway anyway.

    My favourite fairy tale would have to be The Emperor's New Clothes. I love how nearly everyone follows the pack, how only one person admits that they cannot see any clothes - brilliant stuff.

  10. My favorite fairy tale happens to be Beauty and the Beast. I even own the Disney movie and watch it as an adult.

    romancebookjunkiesdanielle at yahoo dot com

  11. I'm not a huge fairy tale person. Many people might want to shoot me for saying this. I know many readers LOVE fairy tales. If I had to pick one, I would chose Rapunzel because I read The Beautiful Between by Alyssa B. Sheinmel which in a away is a take on that fairy tale. Also who has watched Tangled and not falling in love?!

  12. My favorite fairytale has got to be Little Red Riding Hood. There are a lot of hidden meanings in it... LOL. I also like Beauty and the Beast very much. :)
    thanks for the chance!

    kah_cherub at hotmail dot com

  13. That's pretty awesome! Loving the covers of these books. :)

  14. Love the Grimm's fable 'The Seven Ravens'. Not only does it have ravens, but it deals with a large family (which I'm from one). The girl child isn't happy to simply be, she wants to exist whole with her family intact.

    Thanks for the giveaway! Awesome offering. (Hugs)Indigo


  15. My favourites tends to change from time to time. Right now though, I like Beauty And The Beast... the 3D animated movie might have a deal to do with that... I like the way Disney did that film! :)

    Cherry Mischievous

  16. Love Love Love Fairy Tales!

    Particularly with really strong heroins against really evil strong women.

  17. I've always liked Red Riding hood. There's just something so innocent yet scary about it.

  18. Thanks so much for the giveaway! I love fairy tales so this is something I would love to read!

  19. I love fairy tales maybe because you just know there is a happy ending. I enjoy reading about them. I would have to say my favorite of all time is Snow White.

    Thanks for the giveaway!

    mary_reiss @

  20. Excellent - what a fabulous giveaway, I LOVE the first two books and lent them to a friend and they came back pretty well destroyed, so I'm thrilled at the chance to get new, clean copies AND read the latest installment... Thank you!!

  21. Oh, and duh, my favorite fairy tale is Little Red Riding Hood! :)

    Jill Elizabeth (Jill Arent)

  22. My new favorite is Rapunzel. The disney movie Tangled put a nice fresh spin on the story and i really enjoyed it. These books sound really good. I just downloaded Shadow Touch.

  23. I've always been a fan of Sleeping Beauty. No idea why.

  24. Amazing giveaway, thank you!
    And my favourite fairy-tale is without doubt Andersen's The Little Mermaid.
    I also love all tales about Baba Yaga! :)


  25. My favorite is Sleeping Beauty.
    When I was little it's cause I thought Aurora from the Disney version was soooo pretty. Now it's cause I like the idea of getting to sleep for a hundred years and someone else having to do some work for a change!

    Thanks for the giveaway!

  26. for me it's the beauty and the beast.

  27. Ok... I've always been a sucker for the Disney version of Little Mermaid b/c I was like 9 yr old and saw it in the theatre and after that desperately wanted fins. It wasn't til later, thankfully, and I was older, that I read the real version of the little Mermaid.

    Thanks for the awesome post and giveaway!!


  28. ZOMG! Best giveaway ever! *crosses fingers and toes*

    And yeah, damsels and squeaky clean don't do much for me either. I love visiting the dark side with characters. Thanks for the guest post. Your version of fairy tales sounds gnarly! :)

  29. Beauty and the Beast has always been my favorite fairytale, so how perfect that Shadowman is a dark fantasy-enhanced retelling of it! The Disney version never gets old for me, I could watch that movie ever single day:) Thanks so much for such an awesome giveaway!

  30. My tweet isn't working on rafflecopter. It keeps giving me an error message, so here it is:!/Missie_Bee/status/118716635858219008

  31. A great giveaway ladies, and a nice blogpost. I used to devour fairytales as a child. My favourite is about Baba Yaga. The scary witch in the flying hut on chicken legs.

    I have tweeted about the give away, but have no idea how to get a link from the tweet. Sorry.

  32. Sleeping Beauty is my favorite hands down. Very romantic. Thinking about it, I cry a lot watching Disney movies. Thanks for the giveaway! :)

  33. Thanks for this great giveaway ! My favorite fairy tale... I think it's Snow White, it's a really cute story !

  34. Does Wizard of Oz count? LOL..Probably Snow White...or even Hanzel.. Thx for the chance!

  35. I have to go with Beauty and the Beast. First of all Belle loved to read and I loved that and I also felt she "had her head on her shoulders" than any other fairy tale princess! She fell in love with the Beast once she got to know him, it was not love at first sight like most of the others are *cough* The Little Mermaid *cough*!

  36. @...Petty I added you for an entry.

    @Missie... the tweet was listed in the entries. I must have not told you. I had that problem on a rafflecopter entry yesterday. Try to refresh next time. It worked for me. :)

  37. My favorite fairy tale is Cinderella :) I love happy endings... And then get bummed when it doesn't happen lol

  38. Mine is Beauty and the Beast, with Cinderella being a close second. I love the dark hero and the woman who saves him.

  39. I am torn between two fairy tales, Beauty and the Beast and also Peter Pan, both of which I love and could read them over and over again..... thanks for the great giveaway..... :-)

  40. My favourite fairy tale is Cinderella

    Thank you for the giveaway

  41. Great giveaway! I'd love to be entered.

    Please count me in. Thanks.

    avalonne83 [at] yahoo [dot] it

  42. Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs.

  43. contest looks amazing, i hope i win! ive been dying to read these books!

    Hansel and Gretel is one of my favs.. and Sleeping Beauty.. and the Little Mermaid.. lol.. so many of them!

  44. Ohhh awesome!

    Fav fairytale, hard one *thinks about it* I like, oh what is the name, it is this Norwegian fairytale, East of the moon something. It's a Eros and Psyche type story

  45. I love Cinderella as well as Snow White. Snow White converted now though would likely be erotica, so maybe it's better as is! LOL I love Tristan and Isolde as well.

    Pam Brown joychck5@yahoo

    I already follow Erin (stalker-ish LOL) on Twitter

    Shared on Twitter

  46. I don't remember the name of it, but it's about a mouse and a lion. Loved it so much as a kidlet.

    Thanks for the giveaway.

  47. I favorite fairy tale would probably be Rapulstiltskin becaause it creaps the crap out of me, but I also like beauty and the beast because of the happy ending =)
    Thank you for hosting this giveaway!!

    GFC Follower: SpadesHighReads

  48. I'm always torn between Cinderella and the Gingerbread Man as my favourite. I love the Gingerbread man's escape - and so does cinderella....maybe I have a thing about heros running away! :)

  49. my tale would be Cinderella she had o go and put up with the step mon and the stuck up sister and then she got on the top i love the books your are offering and then i like to read all of them

  50. My favorite Fairy Tale is Rumplestiltzkin. In college I had to write a paper in my German Folktales class about the different variants of the tale. I was suprised how many different names he went by in the different countries.

  51. My favorite fairy tale is beauty and the beast. I've always loved that story!

  52. My favorite fairy tale has always been Cinderella. I love that she has a fairy godmother to help her, and she gets the prince in the end.

  53. Oh, my gosh, I love Beauty and the Beast so I will have to check out Shadowman. I don't like damsel in distress stories either :(

  54. Oh wow...what's my favorite fairy tale? That's a really hard question. I will say that I tend to prefer the Grimm Brothers' stories to the "happy ending" type that I was told as a kid. I just find them more intriguing! I'd probably have to end up going with Beauty & the Beast or The Little Mermaid in the end though!

  55. Great giveaway and thanks for making it international! I love fairy tale retellings and am very interested in reading these books.
    One of my favorite fairy tales is the swan princess.

  56. My favourite fairy tale is Cinderella. Thanks for the great giveaway!

  57. I prefer the re-imagined fairy tales. I was disappointed as an adult in realizing most of them are horribly sexist. Sorry to be such a buzzkill.

  58. My favorite fairy tale would have to be snow white and the seven dwarves.♥

  59. I love Beauty and the Beast.

  60. Beauty and the Beast...all the way! Love that it's dark and twisty :)

  61. My fav is Sleeping Beauty... ;)

    AWESOME giveaway chick!!! *crosses fingers*

  62. I would have to say that my favorite fairy tale is "Little Red Riding Hood".

  63. Favorite is Beauty and the Beast, no question about it!

  64. I love the dark edge to BEAUTY AND THE BEAST.


  65. Beauty and the Beast is one of my favorites!!! I love fairy tale stories.

  66. My favorite is Snow White and the Seven Dwarves, mostly because that was where I first heard of dwarves and have loved them ever since.

    Thanks for the giveaway.

    Carol T

    buddytho {at} gmail DOT com

  67. My favorite fairy tale is Little Red Riding Hood! My son makes me tell it to him every night when I tuck him in :)
    jwitt33 at live dot com

  68. Hi Erin, Thanks for this wonderful guest-post and giveaway.

    My fave fairy tale is rapunzel. :)

    - Beckie

  69. I've never been a big fan of traditional fairytales, but I do love new spins on them!

    My favourite fairytale has always been Sleeping Beauty.


  70. My all time favorite is Beauty and the Beast.

  71. I would have to say my favorite fairy tale is Peter Pan - freedom to never grow up and always believing in Tink :) Thank you for the fun today:)

  72. I'd have to say my favorite fairy tale is Beauty and the Beast :)

  73. Picking one fairy tale is like picking one book! Hmm, I like Hansel and Gretel because they outsmart the witch. At least the version I remember.


  74. My fav is definitely Beauty n the Beast. It's my fav Disney cartoon too.

  75. My favourite fairy tale is Snow White!

    aikychien at yahoo dot com

  76. My favorite fairy tale is Beauty and the Beast. It takes a great deal of courage to befriend a monster and see beneath the surface. Thanks for the giveaway.


  77. My favourite fairy tale is probably Red Riding Hood - I likethe imagery and the interpretations of it. Thanks for sharing and for the contest! :)


  78. My favorite fairy tale is Cinderella.

  79. That is a hard one - I really love Beauty and the Beast....but I don't think I have a favorite cause I'm such a sucker for all of them!

    Pabkins @ Mission to Read

  80. My favorite fairy tale is Beauty and the Beast. I like that the tale told wasn't about a handsome prince but a lady who can see beyond what her eyes tell her. And a beast who learns to be a man. Great story.

    LadyVampire2u AT gmail DOT com

  81. I think my favorite fairy tale has always been Cinderella, because even though here life sucked for awile, she did get her prince charming in the end. As a little girl we all hoped that would happen. This is a new author for me and would love to win and read these books. Thanks for the giveaway and the chance to win.

  82. I love Beauty & the beast I remember vividly as a kid I kept on watching & watching that flick over & over with tidbits of Aladdin on the side lol :))


  83. I've always liked Little Red Riding Hood and Snow white.

  84. Not going to lie... A favourite fairy tale doesn't come to mind... Perhaps your books can change that opinion though! ;)

  85. My fave fairytale - I got to go for the Brothers Grimm originals, they are so much darker than modern disney fairytales, I love the original "Rumpelstiltskin" it's a little wicked.

    Happy weekend!

  86. My favorite fairy tale would probably be The Princess and the Pea.

  87. Beauty and the Beast! I loooove Beauty and the Beast!

  88. My favourite fairy tale is Beauty and the Beast!


  89. I've always liked Beauty And The Beast!
    mittens0831 at aol dot com


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