
Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Watched by Sharde Richardson

Mikayla doesn’t want much: just to rock out to her favorite band, become the next Kwiki Stop video gaming champion, and keep her Q-tip habit under control. What she does want is the sight of the sudden inexplicable dark auras around everyone to stop. Problem is, those auras are demons and Mikayla is the last trait holder with the power to ban them. Which is a total buzz kill. 
To make matters worse, the town folk of Sulphur Springs don’t look the same, and her classmates are a little dark in the eyes. There are murders, suicides, reckless skinny-dipping, gratuitous use of Q-tips, and newfound powers that Mikayla must learn to control. 
Her past becomes present when a shape-shifter tells her what her true identity is, and how to keep the demons of Hell from nipping at her Converse. Through him she’ll discover who to trust, who to kiss, and how valuable her abilities are to the right beings. Because the evils of Hell aren’t staying down without a fight. 
Or without her soul.
This is a very dark and short novel. The dialog is gritty and not very sweet. At first it did get in the way of the story, but as the paranormal part picked up it smoothed down just a bit and so it fit perfectly. In other words it was more sarcastic at first and then went into my beloved snark. ;) There are about 3 mysteries within this book. All of them related to Mikayla, one of them about her past. Mikayla grows a lot within this short story and I enjoyed that a lot. There is also a potential love interest that may please those that hate insta-love romances. There is reason for the intense feelings of these teens. You will enjoy figuring that part out. ;)
Favorite quote (yes the book is dark): Hurt shouldn’t pile up like this inside of someone. No one should suffocate beneath pain on top of pain. You should have time to breathe, time to scream it out until it doesn’t exist anymore. 
Oh I don't want to tell too much about this story. *evil laugh* I will warn you of a few things. One is that there are some spelling and gramatical errors within the book. They didn't bother me, but I know some out there it might annoy. There is also the one thing I hate in all of YA lit. The cliffie! There is more than one cliffie in this book! You will be clamoring for more after reading it. 

Therefore, I give this book 3 stars. It really is a wonderful and fun ride within a paranormal mystery. I just wish it was longer to spare me at least a few cliffies!! If you want to pick up this book, it's only about $3 on Kindle! Oh and could someone get me the next book please?
I received this ebook from the author and no compensation for my review was given.


  1. Wonderful review Mel, Queen of The Evil Laugh. This sounds like an addictive story. Hopefully they will have the spelling errors and grammar sorted out before book 2 :)

  2. Your evil laugh haunts me at night sometimes Melissa!! :)

  3. Nooooo not a cliffie!! Arghh, they drive me utterly insane

    Spelling, well I can live with that, I do not mind

  4. A cliffie and a novella - thanks I am far too nervous for that! Evil laugh might be spared this time!

  5. Is that Little Red Riding Hood on the cover?

    Hmm, an interesting sounding read, I'm not sure its one for me though.

  6. Love your evil laugh :)

    I will probably skip this one though because YA with a cliffie is the WORST! :)

  7. Gah! Spelling and grammatical errors KILL me dude!

    Buuuuut, I've been way into dark reads lately... Cliffies dint bother me so much- in used to them by now!!! Lol

  8. Gah! That quote. It's tearing me up!

    And wow! 3 mysteries in one short story. How is that possible. Seems like a lot.

    I don't think I *hate* insta-love, it's just harder for me to buy. But I do hate cliffies.

  9. UGH! Cliffies! Dislike them a lot. Though if the book is good, I may be drawn enough to read on more! Thanks for the review!

  10. @Nic... All it would take is simple editing. I'm not someone who should complain about such things. ;D

    @Mel... Oh, that is actually me. I fly over to the UK at night and evil laugh down your street! ;) *evil laugh*

    @Blodeuedd... Me too! Oh and it didn't bother me either.

    @anachronist.... well, it is slightly longer than a novella, but perhaps could be seen as such.

    @...Petty...LOL perhaps!

    @Felicia... TY! ;) Perhaps when she has the second one out, it will work. Although, I do hate a cliffie!

    @Ashley... then how do you stand my blog?! LOL You still might like it. It is quite dark.

    @Missie... It is a good quote. I think you'll like her version of insta-love. It really isn't insta. :)

    @Savannah... Perhaps wait for the second. That way you won't have to wait! :)

  11. Great review! It's too bad the book wasn't longer and that you didn't enjoy it more than a 3/5 stars though.

    Also, I’m a new follower— wonderful blog! Stop by my blog and follow me too? :)

  12. I don't want to read three mysteries in one book. Is it very confusing? mmmm, not sure about this one. The cliffie part? Yeah, I don't mind that if the story is AWESOME. ;) Great review.

  13. @Rachel... well, I rarely... if ever... give a cliffie book 5 stars. It just seems incomplete that way. I took off more for the grammatical errors. However, if you check my stars area.. it still reads I liked it. I was serious about wanting the next book. :)

    @Nina... you really might like this one as long as you don't mind a cliffie!

  14. The cliffhanger and the editing errors as well as the three separate plot lines do not bother me, in fact I like dark and gritty so bookmarked this one for my wishing to read someday list. Doggone it Melissa when is the next one coming out!

  15. Oh, this one actually sounds very good to me. :) I like the dark side sounds. Thank you!

  16. Surprisingly I can accept grammatical errors/ spelling errors, but I cannot accept cliff-hangers! ;) I must check this one out- thanks for the great review Melissa!


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