
Saturday, August 13, 2011

Melanie Card Guest Post and Giveaway!

Thank you Melissa for inviting me to be your guest today. I'm thrilled to be here. I love all types of heroes and heroines: strong, sassy, kick-ass, and quirky. The hero, Ward de'Ath, in my fantasy novel WARD AGAINST DEATH is quirky. He's awkward and sweet, determined and honorable. He has lots of traits that make him fun to hang out with so today my post is about the top four reasons why I love a quirky hero.
  1. Depth of Character: quirky characters often have interesting or unusual backgrounds to help the reader understand why the character is the way they are. By developing these details he reader really connects with the hero. 
  2. Humor: quirky characters often take the sidekick role for the purpose of adding humor to lighten up dark stories. And let's face it, writing about death and murder (the main plot in WARD AGAINST DEATH) risks verging on dark. But I often find that I love the quirky sidekick as much as the action hero and I always wanted to see them win the day and get the girl, so I decided to make my hero quirky. 
  3. Unusual Strength: quirky heroes have unusual strengths. When we think of a typical action hero (and don't get me wrong, I love a traditional action hero as well) as someone who's cool under pressure, who knows how to throw a punch and swing a sword. But sometimes it's fun to read about a hero who has different skills. Someone who's smart, or a linguist, or say a physician. And while they’re not Mr. Cool in a fight they have other ways of defeating the bad guys. 
  4. The Misfit: I think at one time or another we've all felt like we didn't fit in, we weren't sure who we were, or what we wanted to do with our lives. I love writing and reading about characters who are still trying to figure themselves out, and sometimes that means finding them in situations they're not sure they can get out of. I relate to these kinds of characters and I root for them. I want them to succeed because if they can, we all can. 
And the thing that I love most about my quirk hero, Ward, is that he has the soul of a traditional action hero (if not the skills). He will go that extra length to do what needs to be done regardless of personal danger. He keeps his word, even if it might get him killed. And he cares about doing the right thing for the good of others, even if it might not be the right thing for him.

Thanks for joining me. The hero of my fantasy novel, WARD AGAINST DEATH, is definitely quirky. Do you have a favorite quirky hero (or sidekick)?

Thanks Melanie for coming on the blog today. Oh I love quirky! I love it when a hero or heroine snarks it up. I have so many faves, I don't think I can list them all! :)

I have been given the honor to giveaway an ebook of Ward Against Death to one lucky commenter. Just answer Melanie's question and leave an e-mail addy if one is not in your profile. I'll end the giveaway on the 20th. Since this is an ebook, it's international! Good luck!
Giveaway is now closed.


  1. Oh dear, nothing comes to mind. Either I don't know a quirky hero (which is kind of sad) or I can't function under pressure lol :)

    PS. I love the cute banner for Author Posts Melissa <3

  2. Sounds great!

    deadtossedwaves at gmail dot com

  3. I love quirky heroes! This book looks wonderful. :)
    My favorite truly quirky hero would be Miles Vorkosigan from Lois McMaster Bujold's sci-fi novels. He is a mad genius with height issues and a maniacal sense of humor. :)


  4. My favourite quirky sidekick is Penfold from the Danger Mouse cartoons. I don't know if DM made it across the pond, but Penfold was a cowardly hamster who helped the James Bond like Danger Mouse to save the UK from the evil Baron Greenback (a frog). His catchphrase of 'crumbs' is classic! :)

    Sounds like a great book - count me in! :)


  5. My fav quirky character...there are so many of them! In fact, if a character is not quirky I hardly like him/her at all. I definitely like Alexia Tarrabotti from the Souless series.


  6. I am gonna steal Ana's answer and say Alexia cos she is so funny :D

    I love quirky!

    (not an entry)

  7. Thanks for hosting me today, Melissa.

    @Mel: cowardly hamster with a James Bond like Danger Mouse? Sounds like great fun! I'll have to check it out.

  8. Quirky heroes/heroines FTW! lol. I love Evie from Paranormalcy and Supernaturally. Thanks for the great giveaway! Would love to be able to win this for my kindle. Sounds so good! :D


  9. I don't know or can think of a quirky hero but I loved your 4 for one. I guess the main thing I like about a quirky hero is humor. There are very few books that make me laugh but once I do get one that does I remember it forever.

    Thanks for the wonderful giveaway!


    mary_reiss @

  10. Great giveaway! Hmm quirky heroine... I'd have to say Jane True, from Nicole Peeler's Jane True series. She has the humor, the unusual strength, the weird background, and definitely turns out to be a misfit! :D


  11. I think Ron Weasley is hilarious! I think he's a great sidekick character!

    Please enter me in the draw!

    I'm following you on GFC (Darlene), and my email address is darlenesbooknook at gmail dot com.

    Thanks for the giveaway!

  12. My favorite quirky sidekick would have to be Myrnin from The Morganville Vampires series!!! He is just full of awesome!!! :))

  13. My fave combo is Sabina Kane and Giguhl, the snarky hairless demon cat from Jaye Wells' series.

    Great interview and thank you for a giveaway!


  14. I have a great handful of new quirky hero/heroine/sidekick loves this summer.

    Annabelle Lee from Stacey Jay's DEAD ON THE DELTA, she's a drunk and well... go read the book and you'll see what I mean. ;)

    Jupiter "Jupe" Butler from Jenn Bennett's KINDLING THE MOON (Arcadia Bell series) is a teenaged boy who loves old monster movies and asks way too many questions. I adore him.

    And last but definitely not least... Atticus from Kevin Hearne's Iron Druid series. He's sort of cowardly and yet badass.

    (P.S. -- please exclude me from the giveaway as I've already read WARD AGAINST DEATH)

  15. I loved Rachel's Jenks from Kim Harrisons Hallows series. He always seems to keep Rachel in line. Thanks for the giveaway!

  16. Wanted to read Ward against Death so much!
    New blog follower.

  17. I'd have to say Eve from JD Robbs in dean series. Shes quirky, funny, and smart.

  18. Hi Melanie:)
    Ward sounds great, I love quirky.
    In YA I really liked Magnus Bane for his quirkiness from The Mortal Instruments series.

  19. I want to read this super bad!

    My favorite hero is Rachel Morgan from Kim Harrison's series, but don't know if quirky would exactly fit.. Oh! Stephanie Plum is definitely quirky, and I love her.

    loveofbooks-blog [at] yahoo [dot] com

  20. I was reminded of my favourite quirky sidekick when I saw a clip from Jurassic Park that someone posted on a blog recently - I love the part that Jeff Goldblum plays in that movie.

    I'd also love the e-book version of Ward Against Death and my address is: eversoniceATgmailDOTcom

  21. My favorite quirky hero is Sabina Kane and my favorite quirky sidecick is her demon Giguhl from Jaye Wells' series (first book is Red-Headed Stepchild).

  22. Great guest post! I agree Ward is definitely a misfit and I think we can all relate too that.

    PS. Don't enter me as I have already read this. Just stopping by to say hi Mel :)

  23. My quirky hero-Puck from The Iron Fey series by Julie Kagawa. Troublemaker and hilarious. I didn't answer Melanie's question before.
    My mistake but count my other comment. But this one as completing it. Thanks!

  24. One of the favorite quirky characters that comes to my mind is Harry Dresden - he is just awesome in my book. I would love to read about Ward and have been stalking this wonderful book and tour. Thank you for sharing with us today and for the lovely giveaway opportunity.


  25. I've been reading The Iron Fey series all weekend, and PUCK is a riot. But pair him with Grim and you can always expect a good time.

    Yes, quirky heroes are the best!

    missie at

  26. Hmm, a quirky hero? The only one I can think off the top of my head is Puck from the Iron Fey series. That guys is something else! But I loved Ward. He is a great character!! Thanks for the giveaway!

    bwithbite (at) gmail (dot) com

  27. I can't think of anyone right now but I would love to read this book. Please enter me in contest.

  28. My favorite quirky heroine would be Stephanie Plum from Janet Evanovich's books. She's a hoot! Thanks for an awesome giveaway - I've only heard good things about this book and I really, really want to read it:)
    jwitt33 at live dot com

  29. Ugh! Julie took mine!!! Stephanie Plum is so my FAV quirky hero chick!!

    Awesome giveaway chick!!

  30. I really love Nick from the Dark Hunter series by Sherrilyn Kenyon. I am so glad he has his on YA series.

  31. I'd have to second Jane True as I've just finished the latest book :)

    Thanks for the awesome interview and giveaway!
    GFC ~ erin

  32. Thanks for the giveaway. Ward Against Death looks really good.
    Like Jen, I love Nick from Sherrilyn Kenyon's series....and Simi makes an excellent sidekick to Ash...Barbecue sauce anyone?
    Enjoy life!
    Nina xxx
    deathbooksandtea at gmail dot com

  33. Quirky, hmm...what about

    Abe from the Vampire Academy series
    Luna from Harry Potter
    Bertie from Eyes Like Stars

  34. Oh wonderful post! :) Neat to learn about a character from the inside out. ;D Thanks for the introduction!

    (not entering, no ereader. :) thanks!)

  35. I love Sam from Hold Me Closer, Necromancer. He is quirky,funny and just so damn adorable.

  36. PUCK of course :X:X:X


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