
Thursday, June 2, 2011

Summer Chick Lit Crazy Reviews!, Cheap Books, Reading Challenge and Winner!!

Ms. Anachronist from Books as Portable Pieces of Thought had a wonderful idea! Here is her idea in her own words:

It's practically the summer so I decided to start Summer Chicklit Reviews. They will feature book which are perhaps not profound or brilliant or especially intellectual but are ideal for a day out on a beach or in a park a garden or on your balcony - quick to read, amusing and light. I promise to be indulgent but of course  if I don't like anything I will write about it.
(Psst....You will be seeing her reviews here on my blog)

And now a word from me:
I thought this was a wonderful idea and would like to add to it. So, although I'm not near a beach, perhaps I can add the mountains to the outside reading area. :) I do have an outside, but with the pups, you never get a bit of peace to read... lol. So, be on the look out for the indulgent reads this summer. 
Indulge everyone! That is an order! :) I am going to do this one a bit different. I will try to list the ones I've reviewed in this category at the end of the summer months.

Good Price for Kindle Books:
Btw, if you have a kindle (or app) and would like to curse uh praise with me for having the Sunshine Deals (which ends Wed. June 13) then go HERE Yea, my pocketbook was unhappy with me. ;)
I also entered another reading challenge:

1. Anyone can join. You don't need a blog to participate.
2. 4 months, 8 books - that's doable, right? Or if you want to push yourself further, double it to 16!!
3. Any book format counts except audiobooks.
5. The books you choose can crossover into other challenges you have on the go.
6. If you decide to participate in this challenge with me, please use the link I have set up below with the button to post on your sidebar, this way others can find their way back to this post and join in the fun. Also, be sure to create a post telling others with a link back to this post so others can join in.

8. You can link your reviews to be entered into the prize draw at the end of the challenge. Prize/s will be chosen at the end of the challenge. You must have at least a challenge post or the button on sidebar to be eligible for entry.
Romance Sub-Genres:
• Historical Romance
 Paranormal Romance
• Science Fiction Romance
• Contemporary Romance
• Romantic Suspense
• Western Romance
• Fantasy Romance
• GLBT Romance

Oh and one more thing...
The Winner of:
She has been contacted
Hurry and contact me back Karina... time is running out! Don't make me pick another winner!
Have a great summer!


  1. Good luck with the challenge :)

    And congrats to Karina!

  2. Congrats Karina! :)
    Thanks for the info on the Kindle books. I downloaded quite a few.

    Good luck with the challenge!

  3. Congrats Karina and thanks for featuring me. I found two typos in my text. I must try harder - sorry everyone!

    When it comes to the challenge...welll...I am sitting on the fence.

  4. typos? uh... okay, the dyslexic in me is going WHERE?

  5. Ah man! I would so do this challenge, but I am in a duel with Melina from Reading Vacation! So I can't really take on anything else!! Good luck with it!

  6. Holy Crow! Now my pocketbook is going to be mad at me.

    Oh, Melissa. Wanna trade places? Though I love the beach.. it is just getting way toooooo hot down here in TX. I want cool mountain landscapes. Or something like that.

    Good luck in your RC!

  7. I love mountains too! It's summer so I let the typos be. Relax...

  8. I am thinking of signing up for the summer reading challenge :) I am going to read light stuff overall this summer---feel like doing some real summer beach reading though the only beach near me is the fake one at the water park up the street LOL

  9. Oh you are doing well with your challenges.

    And Congrats to the winner!

  10. Felicia... you and I are in the same rickety boat! lol

    I have to admit, the challenge one wasn't a hard choice for me. I think it will be too easy. I aim to try harder ones one day. :)

  11. I certainly don't want to read anything profound or intellectually challenging during summer. I have a bunch of thrillers, YA novels, and chick lit lined up for the next three months. YAY!


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