
Monday, June 27, 2011

Luminous by Dawn Metcalf

LuminousFrom Goodreads:
As reality slips and time stands still, Consuela finds herself thrust into the world of the Flow. Removed from all she loves into this shifting world overlapping our own, Consuela quickly discovers she has the power to step out of her earthly skin and cloak herself in new ones-skins made from the world around her, crafted from water, fire, air. She is joined by other teens with extraordinary abilities, bound together to safeguard a world they can affect, but where they no longer belong. 
When murder threatens to undo the Flow, the Watcher charges Consuela and elusive, attractive V to stop the killer. But the psychopath who threatens her new world may also hold the only key to Consuela's way home.
First can I say I'm in total love with this cover? I just adore it. I also have to say that I enjoyed the first part of this book. We find Consuela in a dressing room trying on jeans not made for her body. Anyone with a booty (which is now in fashion thanks to J Lo and Beyonce) can sympathize with this scene. However, this scene is important although we don't know it until much later. For Consuela, it is about self-acceptance.

The flow is a place where most of this book resides. There is a Watcher who helps others in Consuela's situation understand and get used to what has happened to them. There is also a cleaner. One who tends to the flow which cleans it of the darkness we carry within all of us and is left behind. The rest of the characters are those who use the flow to go from place to place when they feel a strong pull. This pull leads them to people on the brink and need to be saved for one reason or another. Each person brings with them their history and mythologies which becomes a personal power to help others. This urge cannot be denied.

Oh I loved this book. I enjoy mythologies of all kinds and Consuela's is closely related to her personal mythology of Dia de Los Muertos. For others it may just be a childhood story that stayed with them to the flow. Whatever it is I enjoyed finding out how it manifests. Consuela's magic was my favorite and was the most powerful of all.

My only complaint is minor. Yes, the world can be confusing and sometimes seemed to jump a bit too much. However, the world of the flow is supposed to be confusing so I feel that this is minor. However, still doesn't make me want to understand more about that world and become frustrating at times. I also was a bit frustrated with the story of the killer. The killer is eliminating those like Consuela. Although we know who he is, we follow others as they learn, sometimes too late. It was frustrating that they just couldn't get a head of him. It might have been better if we only suspected but did not know.

I give this book 4 1/2 stars. I think it was the mythology that had me love this book. So, those that like cultural mythologies will enjoy this book. And yes... there is a touch of bittersweet romance within. :) I refuse to say more as I will spoil much but I admit to have questions that I cannot discuss. Guess that is an *evil laugh* on me! :( This book will be published on the 30th!

I was given this ARC from Penguin and Goodreads First Reads Program and no compensation for my review was given.


  1. This is the first review that I have read for Luminous and I am excited that you gave it such a high rating since I am in love with the cover too. And the plot sounds interesting even if the world is a little confusing. Great review :)

  2. The cover is so pretty! There have been so many books based on mythologies recently - my TBR keeps on growing because I love books that involve myths of any kind.

  3. Oh I remember this cover! It is just so out there in a way. I love it. And I am glad to hear there is a good story behind it too

  4. The cover is lovely indeed.

    We find Consuela in a dressing room trying on jeans not made for her body.

    Very real-life scene! I can easily relate ;)

  5. No, I'm not too keen on the cover but I would love to have this superpower - to be able to step out of your earthly skin and cloak yourself in a new one, how wonderful would that be?

  6. I loved the world of the Flow! Also I adore the cover! I think it matches the book good.

  7. I'm with you on the cover of this one, it's stunning! Love the sound of the mythology and the world as well, I always like reading about something unique and different. It's seems like the confusing aspects weren't a huge problem, so I'm definitely adding this to the list!

  8. Thanks for the review. The cover is amazing.

  9. I agree with you. I loved Luminous. I've seen a lot of people complain about the confusing aspects of the book, but like you, I thought that the confusing bits were quite appropriate given the mysterious nature & complexity of the flow as well as the unusual abilities of its inhabitants.

    I think the primary reason this book won me over so thoroughly is that it's so different from all the carbon copy paranormals out right now. There are quite a few really original & fascinating elements in this book.

  10. @Nic... I hope you enjoy it as much as I did!

    @Misha... Well, some of the mythologies were personal, like those passed down from parent to child. :) I also love books of myths! :)

    @Blodeuedd... I know, isn't it just beautiful?

    @anachronist... all women can relate in one way or another, right? :)

    @...Petty...Well, the cover makes sense in one scene. You might like that. :)

    @Savannah.... I did too. It was so interesting! wasn't a problem for me, but I have seen where some people didn't like it. I think if you understand that the flow was confusing, it actually became less so. Hm... confused? lol

    @Cozy... I so agree! :)

    @Marg... Oh so true! It is different and that is what made it amazing. :)

  11. The cover is lovely. Sounds like a unique read and I love mythology. And if confusing works here, I'm happy to give it a try!

  12. No way! Dia de Los Muertos! I had no clue this book was tied into that folklore. I'm completely fascinated by anything having to do with that.

    Though the bits that are confusing don't sound too appealing, I'd still want to check this out!

    Thanks, Mel.

  13. I don't mind confusing if it adds to the story and it sounds like this case it is the story which is oddly intriguing to me!

    I am going to have to try this one!

    Thanks for putting it on my radar!

  14. Oh wow! You really enjoyed this one. And once again another series I want to get to. *sigh* I'm going to have to quit my job to read all these books.... ;D Thank you!

  15. NOW I totally want this... Thanks lady. My TBR is already out of freaking control!

  16. @Alyssa... then you should enjoy this one!

    @Missie... all the confusing parts belong to the flow where it belongs and I think you will SO enjoy her version of Dia de Los Muertos. :)

    @Felicia... I hope you enjoy it!

    @Melissa... LOL I know what you mean! Even then I don't think there will be enough time!

    @Bookish... well, you do that to me. ;) <3

  17. Dia de los muertos? Oh, my, dearly departed. This has me written all over it. I must read this for sure. And that cover, oh, amazing.

  18. Thanks for the review hon! it sounds good, though i wont be rushing to get it... Glad you enjoyed it =D

  19. I haven't read this yet but it will be on my Kindle tomorrow am :o]

    Your review was perfect and really piqued my interest even more than the summary has.

    I love the cover, too, it's gorgeous and I'm glad to hear the story within does the cover justice!


  20. Melissa-

    I read your review on Good Reads and I was having a hard time with this book. But, I've decided to take another stab at it with a more open mind. Your review convinced me to let go of my preconceived ideas and accept the impossible. So thanks for your great review. I'll let you know if it works!



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