
Monday, June 13, 2011

Cinder and Ella by Melissa Lemon: Early Review


After their father’s disappearance, Cinder leaves home for a servant job at the castle. But it isn’t long before her sister Ella is brought to the castle herself—the most dangerous place in all the kingdom for both her and Cinder. Cinder and Ella is a Cinderella story like no other and one you'll never forget.

TBP: Nov. 8, 2011 by Bonneville Books

This is, of course, the retelling of Cinderella in an unusual way. In fact, Cinderella is actually two sisters who look alike. Also, unlike the faerie tale we are used to reading, the other two sisters are spoiled, but are not step sisters. There were two loving parents in the home until one night when an evil prince comes to whisper falsehoods into the ears of the parents. The lies capture the attention to the father who disappears soon after. The family does not know if he is alive or dead and their home life follows the fathers self-destruction. 

As the children grow, the mother becomes increasingly self-involved and throws herself into her work to escape her own emotions. Cinder finds work outside the home and Ella escapes because she finds she has become invisible to the household. In fact, both sisters become one in the minds of the family and so they are called Cinderella. Ella finds a family who loves and nurtures each other and she learns quite a bit from their love. As she settles into her new life, the prince schemes to get back Ella to his kingdom. However, no one knows why or what he has planned for Ella.

I have seen this book touted for the YA crowd, but honestly, I think it is so much better suited for the middle age group. It is also perfect for those kids who suddenly find themselves in a broken home or with parents who are completely self-centered in one way or another. It shows that no matter who is betraying you or who cannot see the real you, it still can be okay. In fact, you can become your own advocate and find others that can and will support you when things go bad. An important lesson for young kids finding themselves in the middle of some sort of family disturbance.

I give this book 3 stars! My only complaint was the King and how he acted. It didn't quite make sense to me, but truly, he was not the focus of the story. Nor should he overpower the strength of Ella. I'm glad that didn't happen. I highly recommend this book to MG kids especially those in a chaotic setting.

I received this book from NetGalley and the publisher and no compensation for my review was given.

Also, do come back tomorrow where the author will provide us with a guest post and there will also be a giveaway of the book!!


  1. I've been wondering about this book... but I wonder no more! Love the honest review, Melissa!

  2. I like a new take on old fairy tales, especially one that is not overly simplistic. Great review!

  3. I do like fairytales and new versions :) So I would read it cos of that. But perhaps they should MG on it instead

  4. Hmmm, I love fairy tales so this book it right up my alley. Thanks for the review!

  5. I like the sound of this one. And a great message for kids!

  6. I'm such a fan of fairy tales and any type of retelling, so I'm excited to read this one:) I like that it seems to be such a different take and I'm intrigued that the well known character is now split into two sisters:) Fantastic review Melissa!

  7. A fairy tale retelling and a good message? Sounds like a worthy read!

  8. I read somewhere that this was being considered as suitable material for an animated film. Have you heard anything about this?

  9. What a fresh and unusual take on the fairy tale, splitting the character into two. Can't wait for your guest post!

  10. What a unique take on a classic tale. I appreciate your recommendation for MG who may find they family unit changing.

    Great review, Melissa!

  11. @Missy... Thanks!

    @Anachronist... you do? but.. but... it might have an HEA! ;)

    @Blodeuedd... I think so too, but it still was an interesting take on Cinderella!

    @Savannah... I think you will enjoy it!

    @animewookie... it is and I love your handle. lol

    @Alyssa... I agree. I think it can be needed for the MG crowd.

    @Jenny...I agree.. I like the retellings myself.

    @Smash... thx!

    @...Petty... Oh, I haven't heard about that, but I could see it easily become one!

    @Stephanie... only a few more hours. :)

    @Missie...TY! You are sweet.

  12. I love the title of this book, didn't know it was on NetGalley mmmm....

    Thanks for the review!

  13. I think this would make the perfect Christmas gift for some teenage gals I know (14 yrs old)! Awesome!

  14. Oh this sounds like a neat take on Cinderella. :) I like the sounds of it. Thanks for the review and I look forward to the authors guest post. :)

  15. You know I love re-told fairy tales!! I'm in!!!

  16. Fairy tales are always the first stories we tell our kids so I'm always interested in different twists on them. I have this book from netgalley so will try to pick it up soon as well! :-)

  17. Great review. It is good to hear that is a good story that MG can relate too especially if they are having some family problems.

  18. Thanks for the great Melissa! When I was reading the synopsis I also kind of felt like it was more so for middle grade readers, so I think I will pass this time.

  19. Love Fairytales..I am looking for books that would catch my son attention as he grows. I have a box started I am going to have to add this.

  20. Both my sister and I read this recently. Though we didn't love it, we did enjoy it. I agree with all your thoughts on the book.


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