
Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Amanda Alvarez Guest Post and Giveaway!

Since the release of my book, I’ve been asked a lot of questions about my writing process and about the book in general. But there has been one question I’ve been asked over and over again, and I’m only beginning to understand the answer myself. Why write about werewolves? What’s the attraction?

I confess that prior to writing Hunting Human I’d read my fair share of paranormal romance books, everything from shifters to vampires to demons. It’s always been a genre I’ve particularly enjoyed. But the truth is when I started out with the idea for Hunting Human I didn’t initially realize that I planned to write a werewolf book. Hunting Human for me was always Beth’s story. It began with a single scene of her running through the woods, I didn’t know what she was running from or how she got there but I did know that something terrible would happen if she were caught. In truth, it took a long time before I knew for certain that werewolves were heavily entwined with Beth’s story.

When I finally came to the realization that yes, I was writing a shifter book I felt a little lost. I hadn’t ever given a lot of thought to werewolf mythology. I certainly didn’t have my own. Where to start? What to do? There was a lot of hyperventilating and cursing at my laptop, I felt as though my entire direction had been derailed. What to do, I wondered? Which led me to what would Beth do? What would Beth, a woman with no knowledge of the paranormal do when turned by a werewolf in the most savage way possible? How would someone cope, with no support system, no family to believe her, no resources? How would she muddle through? Would she Google information? The more I thought about it, the more I realized what an incredibly hopeless and isolating situation that would be. And I found my story.

So yes, Hunting Human is about werewolves. But more than that it’s about a young woman forcibly turned, left in the world alone to deal with an affliction that’s both painful and isolating. Beth’s journey isn’t easy. It’s dark, painful and at times overwhelming. She struggles against those who would hurt her and those who would help her. Most of all she struggles against herself. She is literally at war with the darkest part of herself. A part she can’t control and doesn’t understand. Worst of all, it’s a part she holds responsible for her best friend’s death. And at the end of the day, it’s the part of her that has the power to win the day or seal her fate.

In the end, I wrote a novel about werewolves. But I hope that more than that I wrote a book about Beth, an imperfect hero who stumbles two steps back for every step forward she manages to take. I hope I wrote about humanity and how the darkest parts of us, the parts we loathe, are sometimes the places our deepest strengths come from.

About Hunting Human:

For two years, Beth Williams has run from the past, and the beast that dwells inside her. She is haunted by memories of being kidnapped and the savage attack that killed her best friend. Now Beth finally thinks she’s ready to move on… with Braden Edwards, a charming, irresistibly sexy man who tempts Beth to embrace the present.

But the past lurks closer than Beth realizes. Markko Bolvek, one of the werewolves who kidnapped her, has tracked her to Portland, Oregon, his pursuit fueled by a hunger for vengeance. Only Braden, a werewolf himself, senses the danger shadowing her steps. The Edwards and Bolveks have been enemies for centuries and despite the instant connection he feels with Beth, Braden isn’t sure which side of the war she’s on.

With suspicion at odds with their attraction, Beth and Braden must learn to trust one another to stop Markko for good. Can Beth accept the wolf within and love a man who embodies everything she fears?

About the Author:

Amanda was born and raised in Texas - and due to an unfortunate three year stint in Michigan - doesn't plan to ever live anywhere where flip-flops and sweatshirts don't constitute winter attire. Often audacious and adventurous, she tends to find herself in a slew of dangerous (and hilarious!) predicaments (law school and fighting raccoons in dumpsters) and thankfully has many friends ready to lend aid (while they laugh.)

When not lawyering, writing, or thinking about going to the gym Amanda is often caught sampling local cupcake offerings and planning to someday co-open an evil bakery and sell dastardly desserts. She currently lives in Dallas, Texas with one regular-sized cat and one jumbo-sized cat, and can be seen writing in public places frequented by hot guys (strictly for research purposes, of course!) with her friends and fellow writers Killer Cupcake and Pantherista(names omitted to protect the not-so-innocent).

You can find Amanda: On Facebook, On Twitter, On the Web

Amanda has graciously decided to giveaway one ebook to one winner! Just comment below and provide your e-mail address if it isn't in your profile. I'll end the giveaway on the 29th at 10pm MST.
Good Luck!
Giveaway is now closed!


  1. Looks great! Thanks for the chance to win!

  2. This sounds really good especially the character Beth. She sounds like she would be easy to relate to.

  3. Great post! Hunting Human has an interesting premise. Though it's not my usual read, I might consider reading it.

    (Not an entry)

  4. I hope it is an international giveaway? I might like it!

    portiabridget at yahoo dot co dot uk

  5. Hunting Human sounds great. Thanks for the giveaway!

    artgiote at gmail dot com

  6. Sounds promising :)

    deadtossedwaves at gmail dot com

  7. Interesting! Sounds good!

    bwithbite (at) gmail (dot) com

  8. Wow, never heard of this one but it sounds really great...thanks for the chance to win it!

  9. Ooo, so exciting...count me in :D

  10. I love books that are about more than what is on the surface. And it always fascinates me when an author admits that the story they set out to write took a turn they weren't expecting.

    I'm excited about this giveaway! Thanks!

    missie at

  11. Sounds good. Thanks for the chance!

    bacchus76 at myself dot com

  12. This sounds great. Please include me!

    mmafsmith at gmail dot com

  13. This is on my wish list. Thanks for the giveaway!

    jcross719 at yahoo dot com

  14. This book sounds fantastic! Great post and thanks for a chance to win an ecopy. :)

  15. AWESOMENESS!!! Thanks chickie!!

  16. Oh kidnapped by weres and lived to tell about it. Then hunky men who tempt her!

    Sign me up!

  17. Thanks for the chance!
    This sounds intriguing! I love paranormal romances.

    Tara W
    mizztuts AT bellsouth DOT net

  18. Great post. I like how your character helped you through the writing of the book. :) Great post.

    (no need to enter me as I don't have an eread. Man, I'm missing out on a lot of books here with out one!) Thank you!

  19. I love in imperfect heroine and I'm always looking for a great werewolf tale. Hunting Human sounds like fun!

  20. thanks for an awesome giveaway! Sounds great!

  21. I sooo want to read this, sounds amazing. Thanks for the chance to win


  22. The book looks awesome, thanks for the chance to win!


  23. Sounds really good please count me in.

    sstrode at scrtc dot com

  24. Woohoo look at this list! It seems the book should be popular?

  25. Fighting raccoons in dumpsters? That sounds...strangely cool and so does Hunting Human.

    Lindadao2060 at yahoo dot com

  26. I am a follower and email subscriber. Please enter me in contest. The book sounds really good.

  27. I been wanting to read this book, thanks for the opportunity to win.


  28. Thanks so much for the giveaway!


  29. thank for the chance at winning! this sounds good!

  30. Thanks for the chance to win. I just got an ereader and need books...LOL
    Thanks for the review. Looks like a great book.

    OK OK I fail.

    mary_reiss @


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