
Sunday, April 3, 2011

*THUD* The sequel...

I should have never said it... even to myself...

I will triumph and not thud next month!
I lied.

16 book reviews but only one self-sponsored giveaway!
Plus there were slightly more days in this month than last.
Perhaps I'm making a little progress?
Doubt it.
Had one giveaway already... will have one more.
Already behind on reviews (or at least, I feel that way).
Think I can straighten myself out for next month?

Maybe, for now, I'll just sit back and enjoy this salt portrait of Eric from my book man harem (he's MINE Miss Missie!!! ;D)


  1. Loved the kitten next to the History of Rome and I would never be able to draw as well as the guy on your vid, no matter with crayons, sand, salt or pencil. It was a joy to watch!

  2. Need a pet seal ASAP.
    I wonder if seals and kittens would get along?
    Ermm... Probably?

  3. Fabulous salt portrait! I gasped when the artist finished then wiped it all away. I wonder how long it took?

  4. I wish I could just read 16 books in a month. lol :P

    That salt art is crazy cool. Thanks for sharing!

  5. You guys keep fighting over Eric cause Alcide is mine! (Hey I am a morning/day person--vamps and I just won't work out in the long run LOL)!

    16 books is a lot! I have been pushing myself (and will through the end of April) because come May I will be lucky to get in 10 books a month. I had to be way ahead of the curve before my inevitable "reading crash" LOL (I know it will happen, it always does)!

  6. AHHH I love Eric! That salt portrait is just amazing!

  7. I've always wondered how delusional people, like yourself, function.

    Eric is MINE!

    Melissa, that portrait is UNBELIEVABLE! I can't believe how awesome it turned out and then the artist just wiped it out. Agh! I just cried.

    Thanks for sharing that!

  8. @anachronist... Well, at least Rome was just leaning and it didn't fall. ;D

    @Blodeuedd... mew!

    @Avery... Um... sure.. Uh huh... ;D

    @Stephanie... I was curious about that myself.

    @Rhianna... No you don't... lol

    @Felicia... Well, Alcide upset me in the book series. However, if they change his character in the HBO series, you may have competition my dear! ;) Oh, and I'm crashing now, but just can't... lol

    @Misha.. Now, now... you can look, just don't touch. ;D

    @Missie.. HEY! My pet unicorn and I do just well, thank you very much! And at least we can now say that Alexander is a well seasoned actor! *nudges with elbow* get it? :D Hee hee...

  9. I think you're doing fine! Everytime I come here there's something ~different~ xD

  10. I always feel like I am behind of my reviews. I love the kitten in the bookshelf, cute. Mine is not that well behave. When he gets in there, he chews on the books :(

  11. Oh Melissa, you are doing a wonderful job here! I can't even come close to keeping up with you these days. :) So don't worry about it. :)

  12. Quit beating yourself up - you do a fantastic job!


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