
Thursday, January 6, 2011

Guess What I Finally Finished?

Remember this recent contest?
...and this giveaway package?
Well, Jen from I Read Banned Books won this package. Unfortunately, the dummy that I am, I forgot about the holidays. So, it took me a while to paint the leash hook. 
Guess what I finally finished???

She wanted a Cairn Terrier on the front. So, my addled brain and my acrylic paints came up with this! Of course looking at it, there are things I want to change (and the color is off from what it really looks like... there is a little more red in it and the scanner changed it a bit which probably only bugs me), but won't since it is finished and is on it's way to it's new home. I hope Jen likes it. Oh, and since I've already been asked... no, it was done from my imagination. I don't know if that is a good thing or a bad thing. :)

Anyway Jen... I hope you do like it!


  1. You have some great talent. I love that painting!!

  2. It's so cute! I am useless with acrylic paints so I am quite jealous of your skills!

  3. Wow Melissa! You did a fabulous job:) I have absolutely zero painting skills, I can't even do paint by number!

  4. OMG! That is so lovely and adorable!

    Great job, Mel!

  5. I love it! You did a great job....

  6. *blushes* Thanks everyone. You know how to make my head HUGE! lol

  7. It's beautiful ;_; Paint my kitty haha :P

  8. Lovely painting! You've got some talent!

  9. I don't know about the actual winner of the piece but I think it is very good Melissa! Lovely little pup..

    jackie >_<

  10. It is really good! Awesome job there :D

  11. Oh, that face! I'd take that puppy for a walk in a heartbeat. I knew you were talented, but you just keep surprising me, Melissa. Lucky, Jen!!!!

  12. it's beautiful! so cute, I really like his little face:)

  13. WOW!!!! You got major skillz, that is awesome!!!!


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