
Friday, September 17, 2010

Blogmania Winners!!!

I've got winners for Blogmania!!

The winner of the Spooky Pooky Amazing Package is...
Velvet H-confirmed
I am SO jealous of the winner! ;)

For those that have not done so, please go to Alexz's blog and follow her. She is amazing, about to get married (so you know there will be great pics of that), and very creative. Go NOW! ;)

Now the winner for the Red Dobie Designs:

For the YA Giveaway the winner is...
Kit E. (

The winner for the Adult Vampy Giveaway is...
Wendy H- Confirmed

All winners were chosen by, and have been contacted by e-mail. They now have 72 hours to confirm or another winner will be chosen.

Thanks for playing I hope everyone had fun. Now, I haven't decided what I'll do next. Have a celebration for the # followers or just celebrate Halloween. Hmm... any suggestions? :)


Thanks for commenting! I ❤ comments!