
Tuesday, December 1, 2009

"Unbreakable" by Sydney Somers

From the book: Five years ago the man she loved died in her arms...Or did he? The Shadow Destroyer Series, Book 1. Jordan McAdam leads an unusual double life. Police officer by day, vigilante by night. But Jordan isn't interested in the average criminal. She stalks Shadow Demons, creatures who prey on the innocent, creatures whom she suspects are responsible for a string of bizarre sacrificial murders. Creatures who killed her partner and lover. Gage Campbell has spent the last few years on an elite team of Shadow Destroyers, hunting down the demons who changed his life -- and his DNA. Then an assignment leads him straight back to the woman he hasn't been able to stop thinking about for five long years. The woman he had no choice but to leave behind. Is the man before her a mimic demon bent on tormenting her, or is it Gage returned from the dead? All Jordan knows is that the raging desire between them is real. Standing between them are years of secrets and hurt, and a love that just might have the power to bring them together. If the murder case they're working on doesn't separate them...permanently. This title was previously published but has been revised and expanded for Samhain Publishing. Warning, this title contains the following: adult language and graphic violence of the sword-wielding, demon-slaying kind. Also contains hot, explicit sex between reunited lovers, passionate up-against-the-wall foreplay and the use of handcuffs for the heroine's own good--and pleasure.
This was the first full book I read on my iPod Touch, with the Kindle book application. At the time I got the book, it was free (it's not at present, sorry), so I thought I'd give it a try.

I did enjoy the book, but there were some things I think the author could have written better. When the two main characters, Jordan and Gage get back together, they couldn't keep themselves off of each other. While that could have been endearing, two trained kick-ass assassians just wouldn't put the other in more danger just so they can have sex whenever they were together. Especially when strong feelings attract the demons they hunt. It actually got in the way of the story at times. Fortunately, the story eventually corrected that and those sex scenes made a lot more sense.

As for the rest of the story, I, in fact, felt that the "good guys" or shadow dystroyers were well developed characters. I enjoyed their interactions a lot. Therefore, I felt that this book was a good set up for the next books in the series. Will I read the rest of the series? I'm undecided at the moment, but I feel that it did earn 3 stars.


  1. How do you like reading on your iPod Touch? Did it take you the same amount of time to read as a regular book?

  2. I didn't mind it. Once I got over the couple of minutes I was thinking "I'm reading on my ipod!" then it was no different than reading a book. Well, with the exception I didn't have to worry about a book mark. What is also nice is that now if I have to go somewhere and I'm extremely bored, I have books with me! :)


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