
Blog Policies

Review Policy

I will no longer accept new inquires for reviews. I will only accept those I have previously worked with  in the past. 

As a reminder: I prefer hard copies of books, but don't mind if they are ARCs or Galleys. I am now also able to read ebooks typically now in Kindle and pdf. My other reviewer use the ebook format who prefers the kindle format. These books must be obtained by the author, publisher, blog tour I'm participating in or media promoter hired by the publisher or author. I am also open to consider book giveaways or other forms of promotion, but only if specifically accepted by me. To see what days I have available for a blog post by an author or a giveaway please refer to my agenda tab below my header.

Authors are responsible for the blog posts they asked to give and I require them at least 72 hrs. ahead of the date for publication on the blog (a week or more is preferred). I may not remind and will not reschedule unless you have a good reason or have informed me ahead of time.

I will give only honest reviews and will post them on my blog, and Goodreads and will post at AmazonBarnes and Noble, and Paperback Book Swap upon request. Ebooks may be reviewed by one of my other reviewers. I will publish their reviews on my blog. They may publish the reviews on their blog and other places like Goodreads.

Republication Policy
If you are a publisher or author and wish to use a part or all of the book review, you must give me credit. A link back to the review is preferred but not necessary. You may credit Melissa, Books and Things or Books and Things blog.

If you are another site or blog and you are wishing to select parts or quotes 100 words or under, you MUST give me credit and link back to the post or this blog. You cannot use any part of the post and claim it as your own.

Written permission must be made for anything over 100 words if you are a part of another site or blog.

Giveaway Policy

In choosing winners, I use or rafflecopter (which uses a random generator) in all giveaways. I am not responsible for lost prizes in the mail or for things beyond my control. No replacement will be offered. By offering any confidential information such as name, e-mail or address you have authorized me to share it only with those distributing the prizes. Otherwise it will not be shared. All data collected will be kept only for a limited time before deletion.

Also, be aware I am not in control of area giveaways not given by myself. The publisher, publicist, or author controls the area of giveaway otherwise.